Chuck Schumer

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Things Just Got Crazy Heated in the Oval Office
Things Just Got
Crazy Heated
in the Oval Office
the rundown

Things Just Got Crazy Heated in the Oval Office

Trump, Pelosi, Schumer argue about the border wall

(Newser) - President Trump dug in his heels on Twitter about his proposed border wall Tuesday morning. Then he dug in his heels again, hard, this time in the Oval Office and on camera. "Trump, Pelosi And Schumer Got Into A Big Fight About The Wall On Live TV" is how...

Deal or No Deal, 'Wall Will Get Built'

Ahead of meeting with Democrats, Trump claims progress on wall has hindered migrants

(Newser) - President Trump's Tuesday meeting with Democratic leaders to negotiate funding for his proposed border wall should be interesting given that Trump started the morning by claiming work is already well underway and will be fully completed regardless of what Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have to say. "If...

Trump Blasts Coverage of His Putin Meeting

'Fake news is going crazy'

(Newser) - "The Fake News is going Crazy." With that, President Trump pointed the finger at the media Tuesday for some of the most negative press coverage of his presidency. After he was accused of alienating US allies at the NATO summit and then called too deferential to Vladimir Putin,...

Schumer's 4/20 Plans Involve Marijuana

He plans to introduce a bill that would decriminalize the drug at the federal level

(Newser) - Chuck Schumer will introduce a bill Friday —which is, appropriately, 4/20—to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level, the Senate minority leader tells VICE News in an interview set to air in full on HBO Thursday night. "I’ve seen too many people’s lives ruined because they...

White House Plan: 'Rigorous' Gun Training for Teachers

Proposals are too NRA-friendly, critics say

(Newser) - The new White House plan to prevent school shootings doubles down on arming teachers but backs away from gun control measures. The new Justice Department program announced Sunday includes help for states to provide "rigorous firearms training" to teachers and support for military veterans and retired cops who want...

Busiest US Train Station to Start Looking for Suicide Vests

TSA testing suicide-vest detectors at Penn Station

(Newser) - The Transportation Security Administration will begin testing new suicide vest-detection technology at New York City's Penn Station starting Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Schumer says. Schumer pushed for the technology to be tested in New York City after a Bangladeshi immigrant injured himself setting off a crude pipe bomb strapped to...

Dems React as Trump Blocks Memo: 'Hypocrisy at Its Worst'

President has sent Dems' memo back to HIC for revisions due to 'classified' and 'sensitive' passages

(Newser) - Earlier Friday, President Trump spoke to reporters about the 10-page Democratic rebuttal memo to the GOP memo alleging wrongdoing in the FBI and DOJ, noting that the Dem memo is "going to be released soon." "Soon" may be relative, however, as Trump, via a letter sent Friday...

Democrats Want Vote on Releasing Their Own Memo

GOP expected to release more reports on 'wrongdoing'

(Newser) - Amid the fallout from the release of the GOP-produced memo on alleged FBI surveillance overreach, House Democrats are pushing for the release of their own memo. Democrats, who are expected to call for a vote in a Monday afternoon meeting of the House Intelligence Committee, say their document will serve...

Schumer Yanks Offer for Border Wall Funding
Trump Taunts
'Cryin' Chuck Schumer'

Trump Taunts 'Cryin' Chuck Schumer'

Schumer withdraws border wall funding deal

(Newser) - President Trump has blown the best offer he is likely to get for border wall funding, Democrats say. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says an offer he made for wall funding in exchange for a DACA deal has been yanked, Politico reports. He says the offer was made around noon...

Government Shutdown Stretches Into Monday
GOP Senator Blames
Trump Aide for Impasse

GOP Senator Blames Trump Aide for Impasse

Government shutdown stretches into Monday

(Newser) - A deal to end the government shutdown before the beginning of the workweek failed Sunday night, meaning the first shutdown since 2013 will stretch into Monday—and possibly much longer. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Sunday night that a vote on a deal to fund the government through Feb....

Rand Paul Says Immigration Vote Would End Shutdown

Libertarian senator says he has a plan to reopen the government

(Newser) - The government may be stuck in a shutdown, with politicians on both sides of the aisle blaming their colleagues, but at least one Republican senator thinks he has a way to end the stalemate. On Sunday, Rand Paul told CNN's State of the Union that he had presented a...

A Cheeseburger Lunch Couldn&#39;t Save Us From the Shutdown
Welcome to Day 1
of the Shutdown

Welcome to Day 1 of the Shutdown

A cheeseburger lunch wasn't enough to stop it

(Newser) - The federal government shut down at the stroke of midnight Friday. That has halted all but the most essential operations and marred the one-year anniversary of President Trump's inauguration in a striking display of Washington dysfunction. Last-minute negotiations crumbled as Senate Democrats blocked a four-week stopgap extension in a...

Senate Passes Sweeping Tax Overhaul
Senate Passes
Sweeping Tax Overhaul

Senate Passes Sweeping Tax Overhaul

Every Republican present voted in favor

(Newser) - President Trump is now one step closer to getting the tax reform bill he wanted for Christmas. The Senate passed the biggest tax overhaul in more than 30 years in a 51-48 vote just after 1am Wednesday, the Washington Post reports. Every Republican present voted in favor, though Sen. John...

Pelosi, Schumer Say Trump Has Asked for New Meeting

They'll visit White House day before shutdown deadline

(Newser) - The duo nicknamed "Chuck and Nancy" in disparaging tweets by President Trump has agreed to meet Trump and other Republican leaders to discuss a spending deal Thursday—the day before the deadline for a possible government shutdown. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer pulled...

Trump: &#39;I Don&#39;t See a Deal&#39; to Avoid Shutdown
Pelosi, Schumer Bail on
Trump Meeting After Tweet

Pelosi, Schumer Bail on Trump Meeting After Tweet

President said he didn't 'see a deal'

(Newser) - The Washington Post calls it a "make-or-break" meeting, and it looks like it's officially broke: Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have pulled out of a planned meeting Tuesday with President Trump that was to also be attended by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, reports USA Today . The five...

Trump-Schumer Spat Puts Spotlight on Visa Lottery
Trump Vows to Kill Visa
Lottery Program Immediately
the rundown

Trump Vows to Kill Visa Lottery Program Immediately

Fans of 'This American Life' may be familiar with it

(Newser) - Tuesday's truck attack in New York City has touched off a debate on immigration laws, one that pits President Trump against Sen. Chuck Schumer in particular. Trump called on Congress Wednesday to end a program known as the Diversity Visa Lottery because he says it allowed the attacker into...

Trump Blames Schumer After NYC Terror Attack

President says 'Diversity Visa Lottery Program' allowed suspect to enter country

(Newser) - President Trump is singling out Chuck Schumer for blame after Tuesday's deadly truck attack in New York City. "The terrorist came into our country through what is called the 'Diversity Visa Lottery Program,' a Chuck Schumer beauty," he tweeted . "I want merit based."...

McConnell Says Vote on Bipartisan ACA Fix Is Possible

McConnell says he'll bring the bill to the Senate floor if the president promises to sign it

(Newser) - The battle over the future of the Affordable Care Act continued on the Sunday morning news shows, with Senate leaders from both parties offering some hope for bipartisan legislation. On CNN's State of the Union, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he would be willing to bring the bipartisan...

Trump Talks Pulling FEMA Amid Struggle to Help Puerto Rico

Chuck Schumer says FEMA's work is 'not even close to done'

(Newser) - President Trump is warning that hurricane relief for Puerto Rico has an end date even as federal officials acknowledge a massive food shortage on the island three weeks after Hurricane Maria. "We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult...

Trump Wants Hard-Line Measures in Return for DACA Deal

List makes no attempt at compromise, Democrats complain

(Newser) - The "deal" with President Trump on DACA that top Democrats spoke of last month is still very much a work in progress—and the two sides are so far apart that it might not happen at all. In a list of "principles" released by the White House Sunday...

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