Chuck Schumer

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Coulter Raises Impeachment After Trump&#39;s DACA Moves
Coulter Raises Impeachment
After Trump's DACA Moves
the rundown

Coulter Raises Impeachment After Trump's DACA Moves

Right seethes amid confusion over status of president's supposed deal with Democrats

(Newser) - So is there is a deal between President Trump and Democrats to protect "Dreamers" or not? Based on Thursday's confusion , the answer apparently boils down to semantics, observes Politico . But this much is clear: Trump and Democrats are close enough that the president's right-wing base is furious....

Democrats Say They Have Deal With Trump on Dreamers

Pelosi, Schumer announce plan after White House dinner

(Newser) - In a move that stunned many Republicans, Democratic leaders announced Wednesday night that they had reached a deal with President Trump to protect Dreamers from deportation in return for funding extra border security—but not a wall. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced the...

Chief of Staff's Next Task: Repairing Ties With Democrats

John Kelly already has reached out to Pelosi and Schumer

(Newser) - New Trump chief of staff John Kelly has won generally rave reviews for setting a more disciplined tone within the White House, a shift that includes the ouster of the volatile Anthony Scaramucci. Now, the Daily Beast reports that he's already begun work on what might be a trickier...

Democrats Unveil Their New 'Better Deal' for America

The party turns populist after 2016 debacle

(Newser) - Still smarting from November's brutal election and looking to push a more populist agenda in the lead-up to the 2018 midterms, Democratic Party leaders gathered in the small town of Berryville, Va., on Monday to announce their new "Better Deal " plan, the AP reports. "The focus...

This Photo Prompted One of Ted Cruz's Best Jokes Ever

It involves Chuck Schumer, Ben Sasse, and ... male rompers

(Newser) - A caption contest on Twitter this week ended up pulling in Ted Cruz, Chuck Schumer, and a romper for men that's inexplicably all the rage. Mashable reports on a photo tweeted out Thursday by the Washington Free Beacon that showed a somewhat disheveled-looking Schumer chatting with Nebraska Sen. Ben...

Senators Vow to Write Their Own Health Bill
Senators Vow to Write 
Their Own Health Bill

Senators Vow to Write Their Own Health Bill

They say they're not going to be rushed

(Newser) - ObamaCare is "dead," President Trump declared after the House narrowly passed the American Health Care Act Thursday—but before he can sign the death warrant, a bigger battle looms in the Senate. Republican senators say they're going to craft their own ObamaCare replacement bill, and with the...

Trump Signals He's Open to Work With Dems on Healthcare

Schumer says common ground can be found

(Newser) - After the healthcare bill he championed hit a wall with conservative Republicans, President Trump might be looking for room to maneuver in the opposite direction. Trump's aides opened the door to working with moderate Democrats on healthcare and other issues over the weekend while Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer...

Sessions: I'll Step Off Russia Inquiry When 'Appropriate'

AG doesn't seem up for resigning, though, after Russian ambassador chats revealed

(Newser) - More Democrats are calling for the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions over a Washington Post report that he didn't reveal during his confirmation hearing he'd met with Russia's ambassador to the US while Election 2016 was in full swing. The latest to climb aboard the resignation...

Health Secretary Confirmed With No Democratic Votes

ObamaCare foe Tom Price passed in 52-47 vote

(Newser) - A man who wants to do things to ObamaCare that the Hippocratic oath might forbid him doing to a patient is now the top health official in America. Tom Price, a longtime Republican congressman from Georgia, was confirmed as the next Department of Health and Human Services secretary early Friday,...

Gorsuch: Trump's Attacks on Courts Are 'Demoralizing'

Supreme Court nominee making the rounds with senators

(Newser) - President Trump's Supreme Court nominee says the president's recent criticism of judges is "disheartening" and "demoralizing," reports CNN . Neil Gorsuch used those words in a meeting with Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal, according to Ron Bonjean, who is helping shepherd Gorsuch through his Capitol Hill meetings,...

Graham, McCain Back Tillerson at SecState
Graham, McCain Back
Tillerson at SecState

Graham, McCain Back Tillerson at SecState

Meanwhile, McConnell says Cabinet picks will go through; Schumer is in no hurry

(Newser) - Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain will support Rex Tillerson as secretary of state in a move that all but clinches his nomination, reports Politico . Graham confirmed his position on CBS' Face the Nation and in a joint statement with McCain; Marco Rubio still hasn't decided, but McCain...

Schumer Sends GOP's Own '09 Letter Back to Mitch McConnell

Says Democrats are prepared to delay Cabinet nominee confirmation hearings

(Newser) - In 2009, then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sent then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid a letter asking that President Obama's Cabinet nominees not be granted Senate confirmation hearings until the Office of Government Ethics and the FBI had vetted them and other ethical review steps had been taken. On Monday,...

Senate Bigwigs: Russia Hack 'Should Alarm Every American'

Bipartisan group demands investigation, says CIA report 'cannot become a partisan issue'

(Newser) - Two prominent Republicans and two prominent Democrats wasted little time in demanding a bipartisan investigation into the CIA's claim that Russian hackers worked to throw the 2016 election Donald Trump's way, reports Politico . "Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress,...

First Friction Emerges Between Trump, House Republicans

They want him to focus on tax reform

(Newser) - Donald Trump isn't going to have a honeymoon period with House Republicans, if the frosty response to his call for a 35% tariff on companies leaving the US is anything to go by. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy was among those pushing back against the policies Trump called for...

Schumer 'Very Concerned' About Sessions on Civil Rights

But Politico notes he'll likely be confirmed as attorney general

(Newser) - Sen. Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump's controversial pick for Attorney General, has been accused of racism —and incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has concerns. "Given some of his past statements and his staunch opposition to immigration reform, I am very concerned about what he would do with...

Chuck Schumer Is Senate's New Minority Leader

And Mitch McConnell wins re-election as majority leader

(Newser) - The pieces are starting to fall into place for a Donald Trump presidency, and on Wednesday that came in the form of two major legislative appointments. New York Sen. Chuck Schumer received a unanimous vote by Senate Democrats during a closed-door meeting to become the minority leader who will succeed...

Schumer Says Grayson Should Drop Out of Senate Race

Rep. Alan Grayson was recently accused of abuse by his ex-wife

(Newser) - That crazy Florida senate race just got crazier, with high-ranking Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer calling on Rep. Alan Grayson to drop out. Schumer tells Politico that Grayson—one of the Democrats currently in a primary fight to run against Marco Rubio in November—has "shown himself not to be...

Senate Rejects Plan to Stop Airline Seats Shrinking

Amendment would have set seat size standards

(Newser) - Airline seats are getting smaller, Americans are getting bigger—and the Senate has decided the issue is none of its business. A proposal from Sen. Charles Schumer to do something about ever-shrinking airline seats and legroom was rejected Thursday by a 54-to-42 vote, with almost every Republican in the chamber...

Top Jewish Democrat Rejects Iran Deal

Schumer thinks Iran isn't going to change

(Newser) - Sen. Chuck Schumer, the top Jewish Democrat in Congress, has dealt President Obama's Iran deal a major blow but probably not a fatal one. The NY senator says that after "considerable soul-searching," he has decided to oppose the deal, which means Obama will have a harder task...

Madonna's Unusual Opener: Amy Schumer

Her cousin, Sen. Chuck Schumer, clarifies that it's not him

(Newser) - Madonna might well get upstaged by her opening act in three upcoming shows in New York City, though not musically. Comedian Amy Schumer will do the honors for the mid-September shows, reports Billboard . The news comes with two unusual tweets: The first, from Schumer, is a video clip of her...

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