Chuck Schumer

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Schumer Takes Dig at Trump With Move on Stimulus Checks

'No PR Act' would block the president from putting signature on them

(Newser) - Chuck Schumer thinks President Trump played politics with stimulus checks going out to Americans, and he's responding with a political move of his own. The Senate majority leader is introducing a measure that would block the president from signing any future checks, reports Politico . Schumer is calling it the...

As Trump, Schumer Clash, a 'Nasty' Letter Is Sent

President said NY was unprepared for outbreak because of 'impeachment hoax'

(Newser) - President Trump and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer spent Thursday clashing over the administration's coronavirus response, with Schumer criticizing the White House's "tardiness and inadequacy" and Trump firing back in more personal terms. Trump, who was impeached by the House in December, called the Democrat a "...

Rescue Deal Teeters as Crisis Gets Worse

Nancy Pelosi says Democrats are putting forward their own draft bill

(Newser) - Top-level negotiations between Congress and the White House teetered Sunday on a ballooning nearly $1.4 trillion economic rescue package, as President Trump called for a deal to steady a nation shuttered by the coronavirus pandemic, the AP reports. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin indicated an agreement was within reach, but congressional...

2 Big Moves in Virus Fight: Mexico and Medical Supplies

US and Mexico close border, Trump invokes Defense Production Act for critical medical gear

(Newser) - President Trump got into a testy exchange with a reporter at a Friday news conference about the coronavirus pandemic, but there were other developments at the presser:
  • Trump's action: The president invoked the Defense Production Act to get needed medical supplies such as ventilators and masks on the front

As Senate Holds Up Aid, Democrats Seek Another $750B

Mnuchin negotiates with GOP leaders on package

(Newser) - With an urgency unseen since the Great Recession, Congress is rushing to develop a sweeping economic lifeline for American households and businesses capsized by the coronavirus outbreak. Democrats said at least $750 billion would be needed, the AP reports. "We will need big, bold, urgent federal action to deal...

Schumer: I Shouldn't Have Used Those Words

He clarifies criticism of court justices after rebuke from John Roberts

(Newser) - Chuck Schumer isn't exactly apologizing, but he did acknowledge he used the wrong words in his strong speech about certain Supreme Court justices Wednesday. Schumer was hit with backlash from Republicans and a rare rebuke from the chief justice after saying that Trump-appointed justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch...

Schumer Accused of Threatening Justices

Remarks were condemned in a rare statement from Chief Justice John Roberts

(Newser) - Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer "must pay a severe price" for saying two Supreme Court justice "will pay the price" if they decide to uphold restrictions on abortion, President Trump tweeted Wednesday. In a rare statement, Chief Justice John Roberts also criticized the Democrat, who said Trump appointees...

Schumer Concedes Cheesecake Spending

Senator confirms $8,600 tab for gifts, wagers

(Newser) - Faced with a report of major spending at a Brooklyn business, Sen. Chuck Schumer didn't blink. The New Yorker admitted guilt, with an explanation. "I love Junior's Cheesecake so much," he told reporters Sunday. Then he passed mini-cheesecakes around the gathering, the Washington Post reports. Filings...

McConnell: 'Moment the Framers Feared Has Arrived'

Senate majority leader blasts Dems for 'toxic new precedent'; Schumer: McConnell is 'hiding the truth'

(Newser) - For a moment Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to echo House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. "Moments like this are why the United States Senate exists. The moment the framers feared has arrived," the Kentucky Republican said from the Senate floor, per the Hill . Of course, McConnell wasn'...

McConnell Shuts Down Schumer's Trial Request

Majority leader won't call White House officials to testify

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell rejected Chuck Schumer's suggested terms for President Trump's impeachment trial on Tuesday and said he would not call new witnesses to testify. Speaking on the Senate floor, the majority leader said the request to allow four White House officials to testify signified a weak case, reports...

Schumer: Here's What We Want in Senate Trial

Democrats want Bolton, Mulvaney to testify

(Newser) - Senate Democrats are proposing a weekslong Senate impeachment trial seeking testimony from four new witnesses including John Bolton and Mick Mulvaney over President Donald Trump's actions toward Ukraine, according to a detailed outline released Sunday, the AP reports. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York proposed the structure for...

Pelosi Gives Trump an Invitation
Pelosi to Trump: You're Invited
sunday talk shows

Pelosi to Trump: You're Invited

Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer invite the president to stand up for himself

(Newser) - Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited President Donald Trump to testify in front of investigators in the House impeachment inquiry ahead of a week that will see several key witnesses appear publicly, the AP reports. Pushing back against accusations from the president that the process has been stacked against him,...

Pelosi: Trump Had 'Meltdown' During Syria Meeting

But House Republicans say it was Pelosi's behavior that was 'unbecoming'

(Newser) - Shortly after the House on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted to condemn President Trump's withdrawal of US forces from Syria, Congressional leaders were at the White House for a meeting with Trump on the matter—a meeting that did not end well. Nancy Pelosi, who said she believed Trump was "...

Schumer: ATF Should Probe Dominican Republic Deaths

'We still have a whole lot of questions and very few answers'

(Newser) - The Senate's top Democrat said Sunday that the US government should step up efforts to investigate the deaths of at least eight Americans in the Dominican Republic this year. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives should lend support to the FBI and local law enforcement, said Sen....

Trump, Schumer, Pelosi Agree on a Number: $2T

That's how much they want to spend on infrastructure

(Newser) - We have a figure: After a 90-minute meeting with President Trump on Tuesday, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi said they collectively agreed to spend $2 trillion repairing America's crumbling infrastructure. That may have been the easy part. What they did not agree on is where the money would come...

Trump Abruptly Ends Meeting With Pelosi, Schumer

Calls it a 'total waste of time'

(Newser) - President Trump reportedly walked out of a meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Wednesday after Pelosi said she would not agree to fund his desired border wall, top Democrats tell the AP . Schumer says Trump asked the question, and when Pelosi said no, the POTUS responded, "Then we...

Fact-Checkers Pounce on Trump Address
Fact-Checkers Pounce
on Trump Address
the rundown

Fact-Checkers Pounce on Trump Address

Post calls address 'misleading and bleak'

(Newser) - President Trump delivered an address on the "crisis" at the US-Mexico border Tuesday night—and fact-checkers started work as soon as he got to the word "crisis." The Washington Post, which calls Trump's description of the situation "misleading and bleak," reports that while the...

Neither Side Backs Down Ahead of Trump&#39;s Wall Meeting
Little Progress Made at
Trump's Wall Meeting
the rundown

Little Progress Made at Trump's Wall Meeting

At least that's what Democrats seemed to indicate in early reports

(Newser) - The 12th day of the government shutdown brought a meeting between President Trump and congressional leaders in which his Homeland Security officials were tasked with making a "plea" for the border wall. The 3pm Wednesday session, which comes one day before Democrats seize control of the House, was held...

Trump Administration 'Absolutely' Prepared to Force Shutdown

Schumer says Trump won't 'get the wall in any form'

(Newser) - Pushing the government to the brink of a partial shutdown, the White House is insisting that Congress provide $5 billion to build a wall along the US-Mexico border despite lawmaker resistance from both parties, the AP reports. Without a resolution, parts of the federal government will shut down at midnight...

Late Night Chortles Over 'Motionless' Mike Pence

The vice president was at the Trump-Pelosi-Schumer meeting and ... oddly quiet

(Newser) - Things got heated Tuesday during an Oval Office meeting on border security between President Trump and Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. But while their interaction was intense enough to earn a spot in the late-night rounds, VP Mike Pence didn't escape notice—despite doing his best job...

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