
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

US Drones Hunt al-Qaeda in Yemen

US wary of Afghanistan-esque PR backlash, hasn't fired shots yet

(Newser) - In the wake of the failed Yemen mail bombs, the US is using a familiar weapon to hunt al-Qaeda in Yemen: The controversial Predator drone. Yet no shots have been fired thus far, reports the Washington Post, due to iffy intelligence on insurgents' whereabouts and American fears of re-creating the...

Saudis Warned US 3 Weeks Before Mail Bomb Plot

Vague tip warned of plane attack, readied US for threat

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia tipped the United States about a terror plot some three weeks before the Yemen mail bombs exploded into the news, a vague warning that US officials are now crediting with having helped stop a potentially devastating attack. The October intel contained no mention of mail bombs, but warned...

Yemen Bomb Was 17 Minutes From Exploding

France's interior minister gives new details

(Newser) - One of two mail bombs sent from Yemen last week was defused just 17 minutes before it was set to explode, the French interior minister said today. Brice Hortefeux provided no other details in an interview on France's state-run France-2 television, and did not say where he got the information...

Al-Qaeda Sent Parcels in Sept. 'Dry Run'

US officials studied packages, let them continue

(Newser) - Packages sent from Yemen to the US in September may have been a “dry run” for the explosives intercepted Friday, officials tell the New York Times . American officials investigated the parcels at the time and, finding no explosives, allowed them to continue to “random addresses” in Chicago. But...

Yemen Bomb Suspect Released
 Yemen Bomb Suspect Released 
bomb plot

Yemen Bomb Suspect Released

Engineering student no longer being held, her father says

(Newser) - Yemeni officials yesterday detained two people thought to be connected to the recent bomb plot , but the sole suspect has reportedly been released. Hanan Al-Samawi, an engineering student , was detained along with her mother, who was not considered a suspect. Paperwork found on one of the manipulated packages contained Al-Samawi’...

White House: Must Assume More Bombs Are Out There
White House: Must Assume More Bombs Are Out There

White House: Must Assume More Bombs Are Out There

GOP, Dems spar about what's going to happen Tuesday

(Newser) - There's no indication more mail bombs are lurking out there, John Brennan tells Meet the Press today, but the White House has no choice but to "presume that there might be." Continued Obama's counterterror chief: "That’s why we’ve taken exceptionally prudent measures as far as...

Woman Yemen Arrested Is a Med Student
 Woman Yemen 
 Arrested Is a 
 Med Student 
Bomb Plot

Woman Yemen Arrested Is a Med Student

Lawyer worries she was set up; US eyes Qaeda bombmaker

(Newser) - The woman arrested in connection with the Yemen bomb plot , whom authorities allege mailed the packages, is a 22-year-old med student and daughter of a petroleum engineer, reports the BBC . The woman's lawyer says he's worried his client was set up, and US officials, citing the weapons' level of sophistication,...

Yemen Arrests Female Suspect in Bomb Case

Investigators also think language schools are involved again

(Newser) - Developments in the Yemen bomb investigation: Authorities there arrested a woman thought to be involved in the plot to send bombs to the US via cargo planes, the AP reports. Her role isn't clear, but she and others apparently used fake IDs to ship the devices, and a larger manhunt...

Yemen Bomb Could Have Taken Down Plane

Terror threat rattles Chicago's Jewish community

(Newser) - Weekend services were proceeding as normal at Chicago synagogues, with members processing the news that overseas terrorists apparently had them in their sights, reports the Chicago Tribune . No addresses were released, but sources helped the paper figure out the two neighborhoods involved and at least one of the presumed targets....

Yemen Hunts More Packages
 Yemen Hunts More Packages 

Yemen Hunts More Packages

Officials examining 24 suspect packages

(Newser) - Officials are hunting some two dozen suspect packages likely linked to al-Qaeda in Yemen, the AP reports. Yemeni officials were examining 24 packages in their custody, an anonymous official says, and searching for more while interviewing cargo workers at the airport. Officials in the US have temporarily halted all cargo...

Dubai: Plane Bomb Looks Like al-Qaeda

Package bore same explosive as failed Christmas bombing

(Newser) - The US-bound mail bomb discovered yesterday in Yemen had al-Qaeda's fingerprint on it, Dubai officials say, having been packaged in a "professional manner" and containing the same explosive as the failed Christmas bombing. "The plot style carries features similar to previous attacks carried out by terrorist organizations like...

Obama: Officials Foiled 'Credible Terrorist Threat'

Says US is working with Yemen to root out terrorists

(Newser) - President Obama declared today that authorities had uncovered a "credible terrorist threat" against the US following the overseas discovery of US-bound packages containing explosives aboard cargo jets. Obama said both had been addressed to Jewish organizations in the Chicago area, underscoring "the necessity of remaining vigilant against terrorism....

Chicago-Bound Bomb Triggers Security Alerts
Bombs Trigger
Security Alerts

Chicago-Bound Bombs Trigger Security Alerts

They're found in Dubai and England, prompt plane searches in US

(Newser) - Authorities in Dubai and England intercepted apparent mail bombs addressed to Chicago-area Jewish institutions, triggering a worldwide terror alert. Both were found aboard cargo planes, and both were mailed from Yemen. As a result of those scares, cargo planes at airports in the US, including Newark and Philadelphia, also were...

US Cites State Secrets, Asks Judge to Dismiss Suit

Case involves US citizen as CIA target

(Newser) - The Obama administration has for the fourth time summoned the "state secrets" argument in asking that a lawsuit be dismissed, reports the Washington Post . White House lawyers told a federal judge today that a suit on behalf of Anwar al-Awlaki —a US citizen who's on the CIA's capture-or-kill...

Yemenis Flee as Military Lays Seige to al-Qaeda

Obama counter-terror adviser visits Yemen

(Newser) - Thousands of villagers have fled fighting in southern Yemen as the government steps up its campaign against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Yemeni authorities say they have laid siege to a village where some 120 militants are holed up and the assault will continue until the militants have surrendered, the...

Dutch Release Yemeni Terror Suspects

Prosecutor: 'No reason to hold men any longer'

(Newser) - Dutch prosecutors say two Yemeni men arrested Monday in Amsterdam amid fears they were conducting a dry run for an airline terror attack have been freed without charge after investigations turned up no evidence to link them to a terror plot. The prosecutor's statement today said that because of the...

Latest Airplane Terror Scare May Be False Alarm

Feds don't think Yemeni men were planning an attack

(Newser) - It looks like that supposed dry run for a terror attack can be chalked up to a series of harmless coincidences, federal sources tell the Washington Post . The two Yemeni men who flew from Chicago to Amsterdam before being arrested didn't even know each other before the flight. "It...

CIA Pinpoints Yemen's al-Qaeda as a Major Threat

Expect more drone attacks in coming months

(Newser) - It looks like Yemen is about to get a lot more attention from the CIA. Both the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal have front-page stories declaring that the US sees the nation's al-Qaeda offshoot as a serious threat to American security, perhaps even bigger than Pakistan's. The result...

Al-Qaeda Sees Iran-Israel War on Horizon, Plans to Jump In

AQAP strategist orders jihadis to prepare for conflict

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda believes a war between Israel and Iran is imminent and it sees it as a golden opportunity. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's second-in-command, Said Ali al-Shihri, has issued a message urging followers to be ready to exploit the conflict, which he predicts will swell the ranks of Islamic militant...

Alleged Jihad Magazine Editor Faces Charges

Grand jury convenes in NC to weigh case against US citizen

(Newser) - A federal grand jury has convened in Charlotte to consider terrorism charges against Samir Khan, the 24-year-old North Carolina man believed to be behind al-Qaeda’s English-language online magazine. Charges being considered include material support to a terrorist organization and conspiracy to commit murder overseas, sources tell NPR . The FBI,...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>