
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

US Waging 'Shadow War' in Dozen Countries

And it's turning the CIA into a 'paramilitary organization': NYT

(Newser) - The New York Times takes an in-depth look at the "shadow war" being waged by the US in about a dozen countries, shining a light on a secret assault on terrorism that expands from North Africa to Yemen to former Soviet republics. Though the stealth war began under Bush,...

US Citizen May Be Behind Al-Qaeda Magazine

Samir Khan of North Carolina suspected, source says

(Newser) - The man behind al-Qaeda’s new online magazine, Inspire , is likely a US citizen. Authorities suspect 23-year-old North Carolina resident Samir Khan of being the magazine’s “driving force,” a senior law enforcement official tells CNN . Khan, who has long distributed translations of al-Qaeda propaganda on his “...

Yemeni Gunmen Kill 11 in Brazen Jailbreak

Suspected al-Qaeda militants free detainees at intel headquarters as guards flee

(Newser) - Four suspected al-Qaeda gunmen blasted their way into the intelligence headquarters of Yemen's second largest city yesterday, killing 11 people and managing to free several detainees. An eyewitness said the gunmen in military uniforms fired rocket-propelled grenades and threw hand grenades at the building's entrance before charging inside in a...

US Student Held in Yemen Anti-Terror Sweep

30 foreigners with alleged al-Qaeda links nabbed

(Newser) - At least one American student is among dozens of foreigners who have been busted in Yemen for alleged links to al-Qaeda. More than 30 foreign nationals, including a Briton, an Australian, and several French citizens, were arrested after an anti-terror sweep over the last week, according to security officials. Most...

Captors Free Americans Abducted in Yemen

Crackdown on kidnappers' relatives leads to quick release

(Newser) - The two Americans kidnapped yesterday near Sanaa, Yemen, have been freed, the Yemeni government tells Reuters . The captors were demanding the release of a jailed relative, but the government arrested numerous other family members to pressure the kidnappers to free the tourists, who are husband and wife. The government did...

American Couple Kidnapped in Yemen

Husband and wife taken along with driver, translator

(Newser) - An American couple was kidnapped today in Yemen by armed tribesmen who are angling for the release of a jailed relative, say security officials there. The group ambushed their car, also snatching the tourists' driver and translator, reports Reuters , which notes that kidnappings are not a rare occurrence in the...

Yemeni Cleric: Kill US Citizens

New al-Qaeda video features US-born cleric

(Newser) - American-Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who is believed to have inspired the Fort Hood shooter and would-be underwear bomber, is advocating the killing of American civilians in an al-Qaeda video released today. "The American people, in general, are taking part in this and they elected this administration and they are...

Toddler Hostages Rescued After 11 Months

Saudi forces free German siblings held by rebels

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia special forces have rescued two young German girls who were held by Yemeni rebels for almost a year. Anna and Lydia Hentschel, aged 3 and 5, are being treated in a Saudi hospital. The fate of their Christian missionary parents and baby brother, who were seized along with...

Underwear Bomber in al-Qaeda Training Video

Also includes 23-year-old Nigerian's martyrdom statement

(Newser) - It would be funny if it wasn't real: Thanks to ABC , you can now watch the would-be underwear bomber shooting automatic weapons somewhere in the desert at the Union Jack, the Jewish star, and the letters UN in a training film just released by al Qaeda in Yemen. The video,...

Dead Yemeni Child Bride Was Tied Up, Raped: Mom

Tragedy underscores girls being forced into marriage

(Newser) - A 13-year-old Yemeni child bride who bled to death shortly after marriage was tied down by her 23-year-old husband and repeatedly forced to have sex, according to the child's mother, police, and medical reports. Nijma Ahmed, who had tried to persuade her daughter to have sex with her husband so...

Yemen Bride, 13, Bleeds to Death
Yemen Bride, 13,
Bleeds to Death

Yemen Bride, 13, Bleeds to Death

Girl Married Off By Brother to Buddy, 23

(Newser) - A 13-year-old Yemini bride married off by her family to a 23-year-old man has died from bleeding from genital tearing. The girl, from Hajja province, died 4 days after her wedding. Her husband has been detained by authorities. The girl was married off as part of a deal between two...

US Can't Use 'Secret Evidence' to Kill a Citizen

Administration must explain the 'legal basis' for this move

(Newser) - News that the CIA has been given the green light to assassinate a US citizen has Spencer Ackerman filling out freedom-of-information requests to find out precisely why. We know that Anwar al-Awlaki is a New Mexico native who lives in Yemen and encourages attacks against Americans. The US cites "...

Obama Puts American Cleric on CIA Kill List

Anwar al-Awlaki may be first US citizen targeted for death

(Newser) - In what may be an unprecedented move, Barack Obama has authorized the CIA to assassinate an American citizen. The target: Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical Muslim cleric who was born in New Mexico, but now operates out of Yemen. Counterterror officials say he’s a member of al-Qaeda, and has been...

US Going After New Al-Qaeda Haven: Somalia

Military helping government retake capital from insurgents

(Newser) - Worried about Somalia's growing role as a sanctuary for al-Qaeda, the US is helping the government prepare for a major offensive to retake its capital after a decade of fighting, writes Jeffrey Gettleman at the New York Times . So far, most of the help has been in the form of...

Godlessness Hampers US Foreign Policy

Report says America ignores world religions at its own peril

(Newser) - President Obama needs to close the "God gap" in foreign policy, or the US will surely continue to feed religious extremism and undermine peace efforts around the world. So claims a report delivered to the White House yesterday, which warns that the "uncompromising Western secularism" of those at...

Jihadist's Bust May Mark Major Intel Coup

Al-Qaeda leaders warned that boss was nabbed with names, numbers

(Newser) - Counterterrorism experts believe an al-Qaeda field commander captured last month is providing a major intelligence breakthrough. Abdullah Saleh al-Eidan's bust in Oman was swiftly followed by warnings on jihadi websites that he had the names and phone numbers of 300 "brothers" in his possession, urging militants to change their...

Underwear Bomber Spilling 'Chilling' al-Qaeda Intel

GOP complains FBI's revealing too much about what he's saying

(Newser) - Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is continuing to provide the FBI with vital—and chilling—information now that he's talking, intelligence sources say. Officials say that the underwear bomber, who started cooperating after family members were flown in from Nigeria, has provided details about his al-Qaeda handlers in Yemen. He believes there...

Next al-Qaeda Attempt 'Certain' Within 6 Months

US remains focus for bin Laden, top deputy, intelligence chief says

(Newser) - An attempt by al-Qaeda or one of its affiliates to attack the US is “certain” within the next six months, the director of national intelligence told a Senate committee today. As long as Osama bin Laden and his top deputy are on the loose, Dennis Blair says, US targets...

US Playing Major Role in Yemen Strikes

Military teams offer intelligence, tactics against al-Qaeda

(Newser) - American military teams have been secretly assisting Yemeni troops as the nation steps up its campaign against al-Qaeda. The teams, which include dozens of troops from Joint Special Operations Command, haven't been taking part in the strikes that have killed scores of suspected terrorists but have been involved in planning...

Bin Laden Claims Detroit Bomb Attempt

Al-Qaeda leader vows new attacks, may be trying to re-assert importance

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the attempt to bomb a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas in a new audio message released today that threatened more attacks on the United States. The message suggests the al-Qaeda leader wants to appear in direct command of the terrorist group's many affiliates when some...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>