Theresa May

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Irish Border Problem Holds Up Brexit Talks

Deal slips away after talks in Brussels

(Newser) - The European Union and Britain ended a flurry of top-level diplomacy on Monday without a deal on the terms of their divorce, as agreement on how to maintain an open Irish border after Brexit slipped out of the negotiators' grasp, the AP reports. British Prime Minister Theresa May went to...

Trump Tweeted Himself Out of Planned UK Visit: Report

'I would not expect a Trump visit in January'

(Newser) - President Trump's "working visit" to Britain that was scheduled to take place in January has been scrapped following his tweeting of far-right, anti-Muslim videos and public spat with Prime Minister Theresa May. The Telegraph reports the decision to cancel the trip was made on the American side, quoting...

Trump Fires Back at British PM Over Anti-Muslim Videos

He told her to focus on terrorism, not him

(Newser) - President Trump fired back at Theresa May on Wednesday after the British prime minister condemned his decision to retweet a far-right group's anti-Muslim videos —but he started with the wrong Theresa May. "Don't focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking...

British PM's Speech: Almost Inspirationally Disastrous

She had to deal with prankster, coughing, technical difficulties

(Newser) - Embattled British Prime Minister Theresa May promised to restore the "British Dream" Wednesday, in a nightmare speech that saw her plagued by a cough and interrupted by a prankster, while parts of the backdrop fell down as she was speaking. In a mishap-prone Conservative Party conference address, May vowed...

US Jet Tariff May Lead to a &#39;Trade War&#39;
US Jet Tariff May
Lead to a 'Trade War'

US Jet Tariff May Lead to a 'Trade War'

Canada, UK peeved by proposed 219% tariff on Bombardier jets

(Newser) - After a complaint from US aviation giant Boeing, the Department of Commerce has proposed slapping a 219% tariff on the import of C-Series jets from Canadian-owned Bombardier. The move—which still needs approval from the US International Trade Commission—would be in keeping with President Trump's goal of promoting...

In Wake of London Attack, May Reacts to Trump's Tweets

'I never think it's helpful for anybody to speculate on what is an ongoing investigation'

(Newser) - Just hours after Friday's attack on the London Underground, the US president was tweeting his thoughts on the "loser terrorists" he said were responsible for it, also labeling them "sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard." But British Prime Minister Theresa...

Trump: Yes, I&#39;m Going to London
Trump: Yes, I'm
Going to London

Trump: Yes, I'm Going to London

At G-20 summit, he hails 'very special relationship' with Prime Minister May

(Newser) - President Trump continued his one-on-one meetings at the G-20 summit in Germany on Saturday, this time with British Prime Minister Theresa May. The two had "tremendous talks" on trade, declared Trump, who also spoke of the "very special relationship" he has developed with May since becoming president. He...

Queen&#39;s Speech Intriguing Due to What It Left Out
One Topic Conspicuously
Missing From Queen's Speech

One Topic Conspicuously Missing From Queen's Speech

Donald Trump's state visit

(Newser) - While Prince Philip was in the hospital Wednesday, his wife, Queen Elizabeth II, delivered the Queen's Speech at the opening of parliament in the UK. The speech, which outlines the government's agenda and is actually written by ministers, centered on Brexit, reports Reuters . But what's drawing the...

Doubts Surface About Trump's Visit to Britain

2 reports say he's hesitant, fearing a bad reception by the public

(Newser) - Speculation surrounding Trump’s anticipated visit to England has piqued amid two reports that he's having second thoughts because of a potentially bad reception. The Guardian reports that plans are "on hold" after Trump relayed as much on a phone call made in recent weeks to Prime Minister...

British Milestone: Record Number of Women Elected
British Election
Made History
in One Way
the rundown

British Election Made History in One Way

More than 200 female MPs will be in office for the first time

(Newser) - The way Britain's election backfired disastrously on Prime Minister Theresa May is grabbing most of the attention, but the Telegraph takes note of a milestone getting lost in the shuffle: A record number of women were elected to parliament. For the first time, more than 200 female MPs will...

After Shocking Election Turn, Here's What's Next in UK

Conservatives looking to form government with DUP

(Newser) - Theresa May appears set to stay on as prime minister despite the spectacular failure of her attempt to increase the Conservative Party's majority with an early election in the UK. The BBC reports that May, whose party lost 12 seats in Parliament, leaving it without the majority needed to...

Conservatives Dealt Huge Blow in British Election

Theresa May's election gamble backfires

(Newser) - She gambled on an early election—and she lost, big time. Theresa May and the Conservative Party have been dealt a huge blow in Britain's election, with the party losing its majority in Parliament after early predictions that it would gain as many as 80 seats. Full results have...

Polls Open in Unpredictable UK Election

Campaign has not gone to plan for May

(Newser) - After weeks of fierce campaigning and unpredictable twists, polling stations have opened across Britain in an election to choose a new government. Polls opened at 7am Thursday as voters choose 650 lawmakers for the House of Commons. Prime Minister Theresa May called the snap election in hopes of increasing the...

Gore on Trump&#39;s Tweets: It&#39;s Not &#39;Time to Be Divisive&#39;
Gore Accuses
Trump of Being
'Divisive' With
London Tweets

Gore Accuses Trump of Being 'Divisive' With London Tweets

Trump criticized and misquoted London mayor in tweet

(Newser) - Al Gore appeared on CNN's State of the Union Sunday to take President Trump to task for criticizing and misquoting London Mayor Sadiq Khan in a tweet while the latter attempts to deal with the aftermath of Saturday's deadly attack. “I don’t think that a major...

UK's Theresa May: 'Enough Is Enough'

Most parties temporarily suspend campaigning as toll climbs to 7

(Newser) - Prime Minister Theresa May says of terror attacks in London and Manchester that "enough is enough"—and tougher measures are needed as "terrorism breeds terrorism" and attackers copy each other. May was speaking a day after three attackers left seven dead in an onslaught in the London...

Trump Vows to Find Source of Manchester Leaks

He threatens prosecution 'if appropriate'

(Newser) - Before he could be chided by British Prime Minister Theresa May in person at the NATO summit in Brussels on Thursday, President Trump called for an investigation into "deeply troubling" leaks of information regarding the bombing in Manchester. Responding to reports that UK authorities are furious that sensitive information...

UK Believes Another Attack May Be Imminent

It's raised the threat level to 'critical' for the first time in a decade

(Newser) - Prime Minister Theresa May says Britain's threat level from terrorism has been raised to critical—meaning an attack may be imminent, the AP reports. It's the first time the threat level has been at this level in more than 10 years, CNN reports. May says Salman Abadi, the...

Banksy Unveils His Latest Mural
Banksy Unveils
His Latest Mural

Banksy Unveils His Latest Mural

This time, he's not happy with Brexit

(Newser) - Banksy has let the world know his take on Britain's decision to leave the European Union: The street artist has created a large mural in the British port of Dover showing a workman chipping away one of the 12 stars on the EU flag, per the AP . His representatives...

Theresa May Drops Political Bombshell

Calls for surprise early election in June

(Newser) - British Prime Minister Theresa May dropped what's seen as a political bombshell Tuesday with a surprise call for an early election in June. The next election had been scheduled for 2020, and May had repeatedly ruled out a snap election before then, but the fallout over Brexit has changed...

Old Worry: Brexit New Worry: &#39;Hard Brexit&#39;
As Brexit Is Triggered,
JK Rowling Has Wistful Tweet
the rundown

As Brexit Is Triggered, JK Rowling Has Wistful Tweet

Two-year clock is ticking to reach a deal on UK's exit from European Union

(Newser) - On March 29, 2019, Britain will no longer be a member of the European Union. That's the schedule, at least, now that Prime Minister Theresa May has notified the EU of the United Kingdom's decision to exit and set in motion a two-year clock to negotiate the details....

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