Theresa May

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'Suicide Vest' Comment 'Is the Political End of Boris Johnson'

Ex-FM widely rebuked for saying Theresa May was putting UK in 'suicide vest' with EU

(Newser) - No stranger to over-the-top rhetoric , Boris Johnson appears to have outdone himself in his latest attack on British Prime Minister Theresa May, saying that her Chequers deal with the European Union wraps "a suicide vest around the British constitution," and is "a humiliation" that leaves the UK...

UK PM Says No to 2nd Brexit Vote
UK PM Says No 
to 2nd Brexit Vote

UK PM Says No to 2nd Brexit Vote

May says it would be 'gross betrayal of democracy'

(Newser) - British PM Theresa May is coming down hard against calls for a second Brexit referendum, even as ex-Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson slams her stance—setting up speculation that the two are on a collision course, reports the BBC . May wrote in the Sunday Telegraph that it would be a "...

Theresa May's Dance Moves Do Not Go Over Well

Critics see a 'wobbly fridge' and worse

(Newser) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is on a tour of Africa, and Tuesday found her dancing with a group of schoolchildren in Cape Town. See video here , or a different version here . What dance was she doing? It's tough to say, but the Evening Standard christens it the "...

Boris Johnson's Burka Insults May Cost Him Party Post

Says Muslim women look like bank robbers

(Newser) - Former British foreign secretary Boris Johnson is in hot water—and at risk of losing his status as Conservative Party whip—over his comments about burkas. In a Telegraph op-ed, Johnson argued the face-covering veil shouldn't be banned in Britain as it is in Denmark , but had unkind words...

Trump to May: Screw Brexit, Sue EU

UK PM says she'll continue negotiations

(Newser) - With Theresa May mired in negotiations and controversy regarding Brexit, she says President Trump gave her some advice : "He told me I should sue the EU—not go into negotiations," the British PM tells the BBC . She quickly added to her interviewer, per the New York Times , "...

Trump Critics See Social Misstep in Meeting With Queen

Headlines in the UK take notice

(Newser) - President Trump appeared to break from royal protocol Friday during an official visit to the UK when he seemed to step in front of Queen Elizabeth II. For a few moments, Mr. Trump walked just ahead of Her Majesty while the pair inspected the queen's honor guard, per the...

Trump Changes Tune on 'Incredible' Theresa May

President also denies he criticized the British prime minister in harsh 'Sun' interview

(Newser) - A "deepening political crisis and diplomatic embarrassment" is how the New York Times frames what British Prime Minister Theresa May was left to deal with Thursday after a scathing Sun interview with President Trump in which he faulted May's handling of Brexit and noted she may have "...

Trump Says UK's May Has 'Killed' Trade Deal With US

President is visiting the UK and had some choice words for their prime minister

(Newser) - President Trump lobbed a verbal hand grenade into Theresa May's carefully constructed plans for Brexit, saying Thursday that the British leader had wrecked the country's exit from the European Union and likely "killed" chances of a free-trade deal with the United States, per the AP . Trump, who...

Boris Johnson: Britain Flying 'White Flags' of Surrender

In his resignation letter as foreign secretary, he slams Theresa May's Brexit strategy

(Newser) - So how goes British politics Monday? Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson quit, the second cabinet member to do so in 24 hours, prompting the main BBC story to include phrases such as "full-blown crisis," "meltdown," and "complete and utter chaos." The Guardian prefers "disarray,...

Britain's Top Brexit Official Abruptly Quits

Davis says PM is undermining exit deal

(Newser) - Britain's most senior official in charge of negotiating the country's exit from the European Union resigned Sunday, accusing Prime Minister Theresa May of undermining Brexit with her plan to keep close trade ties with the bloc. Brexit Secretary David Davis quit just two days after May announced she...

May Summons Cabinet to Debate Syria Strike

She says use of chemical weapons 'cannot go unchallenged'

(Newser) - British Prime Minister Theresa May summoned her Cabinet back from vacation Thursday to discuss military action against Syria over an alleged chemical weapons attack. May has indicated she wants Britain to join in any US-led strikes in response to the attack in Douma. She has said "all the indications"...

UK Blasts Russia's 'Sarcasm,' Expels 23 Diplomats

Theresa May announces measures against Moscow after it fails to address ex-spy's poisoning

(Newser) - The United Kingdom is pointing 23 Russian diplomats identified as "undeclared intelligence officers" to the exit, reports the BBC , giving them a week to pack up and get out after Moscow failed to give an explanation for how the Russian-produced nerve agent Novichok came to be used to poison...

Nerve Agent That Poisoned Ex-Spy More Toxic Than VX

Novichok agents developed in secret in Russia in the 1970s and '80s

(Newser) - British Prime Minister Theresa May says the chemical used to poison Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his adult daughter in England was a Novichok nerve agent, tied to Russia not only through its name. Novichok—meaning "newcomer" in Russian—is a class of chemical agents developed in the Soviet...

Spy Poisoned With Military-Grade Russian Nerve Agent

Theresa May tells lawmakers it is 'highly likely' Russia behind poisoning of Sergei Skripal

(Newser) - The Russian ex-spy poisoned in England was exposed to a military-grade nerve agent of a type produced by Russia, says British Prime Minister Theresa May. May told lawmakers during an address in parliament on Monday it was "highly likely' Russia was responsible for poisoning Sergei Skripal, the former Russian...

Trump Denies Report of Bad Relationship With British PM

'There's a little bit of a false rumor out there'

(Newser) - "The prime minister and myself have had a really great relationship, although some people don't necessarily believe that," CNBC quotes President Trump as saying Thursday in Switzerland. "There's a little bit of a false rumor out there, so I just wanted to correct it,...

If UK Has Its Way, No One Will Be Lonely Again

PM Theresa May announces a minister of loneliness to address this public health issue

(Newser) - There's a rampant health issue in Britain that may be worse for one's health than smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and PM Theresa May has just appointed a person to address it. "For far too many people, loneliness is the sad reality of modern life," May...

Theresa May: No Doubts About Trump's Mental Fitness

And yes, the president is still going to visit the UK

(Newser) - In the ongoing furor surrounding President Trump's mental fitness , the AP reports that British Prime Minister Theresa May has dismissed any concerns, saying the US president acts in what he sees as the best interests of his country. Asked in an interview with the BBC whether she thought concerns...

British Politics Riled by 2008 Porn Incident

Deputy Damian Green is out after it was determined he lied

(Newser) - Another bump in Theresa May's road. Her first secretary of state, a man who the BBC reports is essentially her deputy and who the Guardian notes was brought "into Downing Street after her majority was wiped out in June's general election to help shore up her authority,...

'Breakthrough' Made in Brexit Talks

Negotiations ready to move to next phase

(Newser) - Britain and the European Union made a significant step forward Friday in Brexit talks, officials said, after a flurry of overnight diplomacy by phone bridged differences over the Irish border . "I believe that we have now made the breakthrough that we needed," European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said...

First There'd Be a Bomb. Next They'd Go After the PM

Theresa May assassination plot foiled in the UK

(Newser) - British authorities say they've foiled a plot to assassinate British Prime Minister Theresa May that would have started with a bomb at the gates to Downing Street, the New York Daily News reports. The two suspects would have attempted to kill May in the chaos surrounding the explosion at...

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