
Stories 121 - 132 | << Prev 

6 Ark. Nuns Excommunicated
6 Ark. Nuns Excommunicated

6 Ark. Nuns Excommunicated

Members of 'Army of Mary' cast out

(Newser) - Six Arkansas nuns have been booted from the Catholic Church for refusing to renounce the Army of Mary, a sect the Vatican deems heretical for its founder’s claim to be the reincarnation of the virgin. “We know we are doing the right thing,” said an 82-year-old nun....

Pope Blasts Wasted Weekends
Pope Blasts Wasted Weekends

Pope Blasts Wasted Weekends

Sundays are time to reflect on dangers posed by humanity, he says

(Newser) - Pope Benedict has urged Catholics to  keep Sunday special amid the  "mad rush" of the modern world. He encouraged people to set the day aside for reflection on faith and the dangers humans pose to the world, including destruction of "God's creation," an apparent reference to environmental...

100 Years of Anti-Modernism
100 Years of Anti-Modernism

100 Years of Anti-Modernism

Pius X's 1907 'Pascendi' slammed 'modernists' in the Catholic Church

(Newser) - Pope Pius X's encyclical "Pascendi Dominici Gregis" turns 100 years old next week. The  document decried so-called "modernists" in the Church who looked to new discoveries and theories about human experience and desire to explain religious belief. The ensuing purge of Catholic thinkers did not relent until Paul...

France Bids Adieu to Archbishop
France Bids Adieu to Archbishop

France Bids Adieu to Archbishop

Notre-Dame holds Catholic-Jewish funeral ceremony for former church leader

(Newser) - Catholic and Jewish prayers rang out at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris today during the funeral of the former archbishop of Paris, Jean-Marie Lustiger, who died Sunday at 80. A convert from Judaism whose mother died at Auschwitz, he was known for his tireless work to bridge his two faiths, and...

Church Sex Abuse: Should the Pope Pay?

In US cases, a move to hold the Vatican accountable

(Newser) - Two court cases involving abusive priests in Oregon and Kentucky have raised the possibility that the Vatican may be forced to pay damages to victims and allow its top officials to testify at US trials. Until now, the Holy See has been considered outside US jurisdiction, but lawyers argue that...

Mass Embarrassment: Priests Need Latin Lessons

Pope restores old rite, but clerics don't know the words

(Newser) - Traditionalist Catholics have lauded Pope Benedict's recent call for more Masses in Latin, but priests are biting their nails—few of them know enough of the language to say a Latin Mass. Even Italian priests face embarrassment in the wake of Pope Benedict 's decision to allow Latin services at...

Blair to Convert to Catholicism
Blair to Convert to Catholicism

Blair to Convert to Catholicism

Being Anglican was politically expedient, but the PM's been drawn to the Roman church for 30 years

(Newser) - Tony Blair is about to become a Roman Catholic, the Guardian reports. His wife is a practicing Catholic, his children were raised in the faith, and the PM has attended mass with them often. But political considerations have kept him officially Anglican all these years. With his last day in...

Mormon Faith Bedevils Romney Bid
Mormon Faith Bedevils Romney Bid

Mormon Faith Bedevils Romney Bid

Voters wary; rivals quick to take advantage (and apologize later)

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is still having to explain and defend his religion on the campaign trail. In recent weeks, staffers for two GOP rivals sent out e-mails questioning Mormon beliefs (the candidates later apologized), notes ABC News. And Romney himself has had to battle misconceptions about his faith, especially with regard...

Pope: Marxism, Capitalism Hold Latin America Back

Also, contraception and secularism

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI blamed both capitalism and Marxism for Latin America's problems in a speech yesterday in Brazil, the world's most Catholic nation. Benedict blamed Marxism for "a painful destruction of the human spirit," but also worried that capitalism gives rise to "degradation of personal dignity through...

Brazilians Gather To Hail New Saint
Brazilians Gather To Hail New Saint

Brazilians Gather To Hail New Saint

Pope Benedict visits Sao Paulo to canonize one of their own

(Newser) - Up to a million spectators will flock to Sao Paulo today to see Pope Benedict XVI canonize the first saint born in Brazil. Friar Galvao, a Franciscan monk who died in 1822, wrote Latin prayers on slips of rice paper that he rolled into "pills," which appeared to...

In Brazil, Pope Talks Tough On Abortion

Benedict makes first visit to world's largest Catholic population

(Newser) - Pope Benedict brought the Catholic Church's stern anti-abortion message to Brazil today, weeks after Mexico City legalized the practice and as Brazil faintly contemplates doing the same. The Pope is on his first trip to Latin America—the fastest-expanding corner of his flock, but also one of the most precarious—...

King Cozies Up to Pope
King Cozies
Up to Pope

King Cozies Up to Pope

Don King gets ringside seat, offers Benedict XVI a boxing belt

(Newser) - A tonsorially tamed Don King took the stage Wednesday in front of an atypical audience–the Pope. The legendary boxing promoter, who spent four years in jail for manslaughter, was denied a personal audience with his Holiness, but did manage to hand the pontiff a handwritten set of prayer requests–...

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