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ISIS Claims Credit for Yemen Bombs Killing 137

More than 300 were injured at mosques

(Newser) - The death toll in today's suicide bombings at a pair of mosques in the Yemeni capital has risen to 137, with at least 13 children among the dead. A purported affiliate of the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the bombings, which also wounded 357 people—raising the alarming...

'Blood Running Like a River' as Suicide Bombs Hit Yemen

Triple bombings hit Sanaa mosques during midday prayers

(Newser) - Triple suicide bombers hit a pair of mosques crowded with worshippers in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, today, causing heavy casualties, according to witnesses. The attackers targeted mosques frequented by Shiite rebels, who've controlled the capital since September. A report on the rebel-owned al-Masirah TV channel said the bombers attacked...

Missing in Yemen: $500M in US Weapons

After rebel takeover, Pentagon unsure of military aid's fate

(Newser) - With Yemen deep in turmoil and the US Embassy closed , American officials admit that they have no way of knowing what has happened to approximately $500 million in US weapons and equipment that the Pentagon has supplied to the country since 2007. "We have to assume it's completely...

US to Citizens: Embassy's Closed, Get Out of Yemen

But counterterror ops will continue

(Newser) - The State Department says it has closed the US Embassy in Yemen and evacuated its staff because of the political crisis and security concerns following the takeover of much of the country by Shiite rebels . The department says it has suspended operations at the embassy in Sanaa and relocated its...

Gulf Countries Denounce Yemen 'Coup' Amid Protests

Council wants UN to intervene

(Newser) - A group of Gulf countries denounced the Shiite rebel takeover of Yemen as a "coup" today, calling for the United Nations to take action as thousands demonstrated in the streets against their power grab. The rebels, known as Houthis, have taken over state institutions, dissolved parliament, and installed a...

Yemen's Shiite Rebels: We've Taken Over Country

Houthis say they have dissolved Parliament

(Newser) - Yemen's powerful Shiite rebels today announced that they have taken over the country and dissolved parliament, a dramatic move that finalizes their months-long power grab . In a televised announcement from the Republican Palace in the capital of Sanaa, the Houthi rebels said they are forming a five-member presidential council...

Yemen's US-Backed President Resigns

Hadi had been essentially captive in his house for 2 days

(Newser) - Yemeni officials say the president has resigned under pressure from Shiite rebels who seized the capital in September and have confined the embattled leader to his home for the past two days. Presidential officials said Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi resigned after being pressured to make concessions to the rebels, known...

Yemeni President&#39;s Home Being Shelled
 Yemen's Presidential 
 Palace Taken Over 

Yemen's Presidential Palace Taken Over

Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi unharmed after residence came under heavy shelling

(Newser) - Yemen's powerful Shiite Houthi rebels shelled the residence of the country's embattled president today and simultaneously swept into the presidential palace in the capital, Sanaa, as a top military commander warned that a full-fledged "coup" was underway. President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi was inside the residence as...

Battle Rages Near Yemen Presidential Palace

Fighting is biggest challenge yet to Hadi government

(Newser) - Rebel Shiite Houthis battled soldiers near Yemen's presidential palace and elsewhere across the capital of Sanaa today as officials claimed a ceasefire had been reached to halt the violence—even as the convoy of the country's prime minister came under fire. The fighting near the palace marks the...

Al-Qaeda in Yemen on Charlie Attack: It Was Us

But subsequent violence was coincidental, statement says

(Newser) - Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has claimed responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo attack in an online video called "Vengeance for the Prophet: A Message Regarding the Blessed Battle of Paris," the New York Times reports. The group says it "chose the target, laid the plan, and...

Al-Qaeda Member: Group Ordered Paris Attack

Member of Yemeni branch makes anonymous statement

(Newser) - A member of al-Qaeda's branch in Yemen says the group directed the attack against the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris "as revenge for the honor" of Islam's Prophet Muhammad. The member today provided the AP a statement in English saying "the leadership of AQAP...

One Paris Suspect Was in TV Program on Extremism

Cherif Kouachi is seen rapping in 2005 documentary on French TV

(Newser) - They couldn't have known it at the time, but viewers of a French TV documentary on extremism in 2005 got a close look at one of the two suspects wanted in yesterday's carnage in Paris. Cherif Kouachi, now 32, appears as a "lanky young man" who, according...

US 'Unaware' of Other Hostage in Failed Raid

Locals say civilian boy also killed in Yemen raid

(Newser) - The US had no idea that South African Pierre Korkie was being held with American Luke Somers before the raid that both men died in , officials say. A US official tells the BBC that special forces were "unaware" of the identity of the other hostage being held with Somers...

Charity: Hostage Killed in Raid Was About to Go Free

'His passport was ready,' says official of South Africa's Pierre Korkie

(Newser) - The family of South African teacher Pierre Korkie was expecting him to be released by al-Qaeda tomorrow after 18 months of captivity in Yemen, reports Sky News . Instead, he was killed today as US commandos tried to free fellow hostage Luke Somers, an American. "His passport was ready, everything...

Dog Bark May Have Foiled Hostage Rescue

Commandos got close to Yemen compound before noise alerted militants

(Newser) - The US commandos who tried to rescue American Luke Somers in Yemen came agonizingly close to doing so, according to an account in the Wall Street Journal . It says that about 40 special-ops troops got to within 100 yards of the walled compound in silence about 1am local time. Then,...

US Hostage Killed in Rescue Attempt

Pentagon: Luke Somers was shot by al-Qaeda

(Newser) - American photojournalist Luke Somers is dead after a rescue attempt by American forces in Yemen, reports the Washington Post . Defense chief Chuck Hagel says that US troops tried to free the 33-year-old Somers because his execution was "imminent," but that his al-Qaeda keepers killed him during the raid....

US: Yemen Raid Missed American Hostage

Luke Somers 'not present' during attempted rescue last month

(Newser) - The Pentagon and White House acknowledged today that the US tried last month to rescue a 33-year-old American journalist, Luke Somers, who is being held by al-Qaeda in Yemen, but "regrettably, Luke was not present," per a National Security Council spokeswoman. A video of Somers pleading for help...

US Commandos Free 8 Hostages in Yemen Raid

Dozens surprise militants in cave

(Newser) - Working with Yemeni troops, some two dozen US commandos quietly rescued eight hostages in Yemen early yesterday, the New York Times reports. The hostages, including six Yemenis, a Saudi, and an Ethiopian, were being held in a cave by al-Qaeda's affiliate in the country. Commandos reached the eastern region...

US Diplomat Shot Would-Be Qaeda Kidnappers

Face-off helps Yemen find leader of al-Qaeda-linked kidnapping ring

(Newser) - Last month, a pair of al-Qaeda gunmen attempted to kidnap US diplomats in Yemen's capital. Their plan was foiled, however, when one of the diplomats killed the would-be attackers, a Yemeni official tells CNN . The US has confirmed that a confrontation occurred between officials and "armed individuals,"...

Report: 'Massive' Attack on al-Qaeda Under Way

Yemeni official says 'high-level AQAP' members are being targeted

(Newser) - A drone strike in Yemen killed at least nine suspected al-Qaeda members on Saturday—and that may have just been the tip of the iceberg. A top Yemeni official today tells CNN that a "massive and unprecedented" campaign against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is being carried out. Yemeni...

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