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Yemen Rebels Free US Hostages

Identities aren't released

(Newser) - Yemen's Shiite Houthi rebels today released three Americans and three other foreign hostages, say Houthi officials and authorities at the airport in Sanaa. Their identities weren't made public, nor were details about their detention. But at least one of them is a journalist, whom Houthi offiicals said "...

Friend Reveals ID of US Hostage in Yemen

Scott Darden was taken by rebels while transporting humanitarian aid

(Newser) - The wife of a 45-year-old Atlanta man—one of three Americans being held hostage by Houthi rebels in Yemen—is pleading for his freedom. "We are asking for his safe return," Diana Loesch tells the Washington Post . "He loved the Yemeni people." The newspaper reports the...

UAE Raid Frees British Hostage From al-Qaeda

Douglas Robert Semple freed after 18 months in operation in Yemen

(Newser) - The United Arab Emirates said today that its military freed a British hostage held by al-Qaeda in Yemen who had been kidnapped 18 months ago while working as a petroleum engineer in the war-torn country. A statement carried by the UAE's official WAM news agency said Douglas Robert Semple,...

UN Report: Famine Looms in Yemen for 13M People

'Scale of human suffering is almost incomprehensible': UN humanitarian chief

(Newser) - Things continue to deteriorate in Yemen as the conflict between Houthi rebels and pro-government forces grinds on. But now there's a new problem in the mix: a possible famine, created by what Ertharin Cousin, the executive director of the UN's World Food Programme, calls a "perfect storm"...

Moroccan F-16 Goes MIA Ahead of Yemen Ceasefire

So far Yemen has remained relatively tight-lipped about the missing fighter jet

(Newser) - A Moroccan F-16 fighter jet taking part in a Saudi-led coalition targeting Shiite rebels in Yemen has gone missing, the North African nation's military said today, a day ahead of the start of a proposed five-day humanitarian ceasefire. It wasn't immediately clear what happened to the jet, which...

HRW: Saudis Dropped US Cluster Bombs on Yemen

As Yemen says at least 20 coalition troops have landed

(Newser) - Even as Yemen said today that at least 20 Saudi-led troops were on the ground in the city of Aden, allegedly performing reconnaissance, Saudi Arabia's recently concluded bombing campaign against Houthi rebels there was taking a hit in the form of a critical Human Rights Watch report. As CNN...

Saudis: We Repelled Rebel Border Attack

'Dozens' dead after attempted Houthi incursion

(Newser) - A cross-border attack on Saudi Arabia by Yemeni rebel forces resulted in late-night clashes that left three Saudi soldiers and "dozens" of Yemeni rebels dead, according to the Saudi Defense Ministry. A ministry statement said that a group of Yemen's Shiite rebels attacked "border posts and control...

Saudis End Bombing Campaign in Yemen

They say it worked, but facts on the ground suggest otherwise

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia has ended its month-long bombing campaign of rebels trying to take over neighboring Yemen, reports Reuters . Saudi officials say the air campaign conducted by it and other Arab nations had achieved its goal of keeping Houthi militants out of power. But the BBC notes that the rebels—widely...

Washington Sends Warship to Yemen

The USS Theodore Roosevelt may intercept Iranian arms

(Newser) - Proxy war, anyone? A US Navy aircraft carrier is headed for waters near Yemen amid concerns that Iran is sending fresh arms to Shiite Houthi rebels there, the AP reports. The USS Theodore Roosevelt will join other US ships in the area while roughly eight Iranian vessels, possibly carrying arms,...

Al-Qaeda in Yemen: Drone Took Out Our No. 1 Cleric

Ibrahim al-Rubaish was released from Gitmo in 2006, rose to prominence

(Newser) - Yemen's al-Qaeda branch announced today via Twitter that its top cleric, a Saudi national who has had a $5 million bounty on his head, has been killed. Ibrahim al-Rubaish was killed, along with other, unnamed members of the group, allegedly by a drone late Sunday. The statement didn't...

Iran: Lift Sanctions Same Day or No Deal

Rouhani warns against Yemen strikes

(Newser) - Iran's president is warning that Tehran will not sign on to a final nuclear deal with world powers unless it's predicated on the immediate lifting of economic sanctions imposed on Iran over the controversial nuclear program. Hassan Rouhani, speaking during a ceremony marking Iran's nuclear technology day,...

American Trying to Bring Wife Home Killed in Yemen

Oakland resident was hit by shrapnel, family says

(Newser) - The escalating Yemen conflict is believed to have killed hundreds of people in the port city of Aden over the last 11 days—including an American citizen. Family members say Oakland, Calif., resident Jamal al-Labani was killed last week when he was hit in the back from mortar shrapnel as...

'I'm Afraid,' Says American Jailed in Yemen

Sharif Mobley, once suspected of al-Qaeda ties, makes rare call home in plea

(Newser) - The confusing story of Sharif Mobley just took a desperate-sounding turn. The 31-year-old father of three, held prisoner in Yemen since 2010, placed a "rare call" to his lawyers this week from what he said was a Sanaa military base, and things don't sound good, the Intercept reports....

Al-Qaeda Springs 300 in Huge Yemen Jailbreak

As Houthi troops withdraw from central Aden

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda militants seized a main prison in the Yemeni city of al-Mukalla today, freeing hundreds of inmates in a large-scale attack, locals say. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula first targeted security headquarters, the presidential palace, a Central Bank branch, and other government buildings in the capital of Hadhramaut province in...

Yemen Ports Frozen by Saudi-Led Forces: Coalition Rep

No weapons are coming in or going out of the country in strike against Shiite rebels

(Newser) - The spokesman for the Saudi-led campaign against Yemeni rebels says coalition naval forces have besieged the country's ports. Ahmed Asiri told reporters today that the naval forces are blocking the movement of ships to prevent weapons and fighters from entering or leaving Yemen. Asiri, speaking from the Saudi capital...

Arab Nations to Form Joint Military Force

Saudi Arabia, Egypt will likely be at the helm

(Newser) - Arab League member nations formally announced an agreement today to form a joint military force. While details of how such a force would actually operate remain thin, the agreement is a telling sign of a new determination among Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and their allies to intervene aggressively in regional hotspots,...

US: Yemen Rebels Have Looted Intelligence Files

Saudi Arabia says it has assembled large anti-rebel coalition

(Newser) - With Yemen rapidly plunging into war , US officials aren't sure what happened to $500 million in military aid , but they have a good idea where files on American intelligence operations are: in the hands of Houthi rebels and their Iranian allies. Intelligence officials tell the Los Angeles Times that...

Yemen on the Brink: Leader AWOL, Saudis Begin Strikes

Will proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran follow?

(Newser) - The most common word in reports and headlines out of Yemen today is "chaos." The nation once seen as a vital ally in the fight against al-Qaeda is now on the brink of civil war, with Saudi Arabia launching a military operation and the AP reporting that President...

Shiite Rebels Seize Yemen's No. 3 City

Loyalists to former president have control of Taiz as country further unravels

(Newser) - Shiite rebels backed by supporters of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh seized Yemen's third largest city of Taiz and its airport today, security and military officials said, as thousands took to the streets in protest. If the rebels hold onto the city, the capital of Yemen's most populous...

As Yemen Deteriorates, US Pulls Last Troops

About 100 special ops forces evacuating

(Newser) - Another sign of the chaos in Yemen: The US is pulling its last troops from the country. CNN reports that about 100 special ops forces were evacuating the Al Anad airbase as militants affiliated with al-Qaeda cement their gains in the country. Those militants recently took control of the nearby...

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