timeless news

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

Fidel Castro Had Secret Nukes: Transcript

But Soviets removed the tactical nukes after relations soured

(Newser) - Think the threat of a nuclear Cuba ended with the Cuban Missile Crisis? Apparently not—because the Soviets had only removed their medium-range nuclear missiles under US pressure in November of 1962, and left about 100 tactical nukes unknown to the United States, Foreign Policy reports. But the Soviets decided...

Woman Gets $15 Quadrillion Phone Bill

That's 15 zeroes, if you're counting

(Newser) - What's the worst bill you've ever received? Because we're guessing Solenne San Jose has you beat. San Jose, a French woman, recently received a bill for 11.7 quadrillion euro, or $15 quadrillion, reports Mashable . That's more than $15,000,000,000,000,000 for those...

Oops: Fla. Gov Accidentally Promotes Phone Sex No.

He meant to give out a meningitis hotline

(Newser) - Here's today's face-palm moment, courtesy of Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who helpfully, unintentionally, and hysterically promoted the phone number for an adult hotline during a meeting of the Florida Cabinet yesterday, reports WSUF . He apparently got his digits mixed up when trying to direct Floridians to the hotline...

Cabbie Returns Passenger's $222K

Vegas gambler pays him $2,000

(Newser) - Say you find $222,000 in your cab. What do you do? You get it back to the passenger who left it, right? That's what cabbie Adam Woldemariam did when he found a laptop case stuffed with the cash in his taxi last month. Woldemariam, 42, described as a...

Those Looong Lines Make Shoppers ... Happy

It gives them camaraderie and validation, say consumer experts

(Newser) - If you're not one of those to wait in line for department store doors to open on Black Friday or to queue up for a new iPhone, you might be the type to wonder, what is wrong with those people? Nothing, as it turns out. In fact, these consumers...

Archaeologists Find Maya Warrior Queen

 Find Maya 

Archaeologists Find Maya Warrior Queen

Meet the 'Lady Snake Lord'

(Newser) - Archaeologists in Guatemala think they've found the resting place of an ancient Maya warrior queen with the awesome nickname of Lady Snake Lord, reports the National Geographic . Her more formal name was Lady K'abel, and she ruled for 20 years in the late 7th century. A slew of...

Air Force Plans for Flying Saucers Revealed

The National Archives finally releases schematics from 1950s

(Newser) - Maybe flying saucers really do exist—but were made by the US military? For the first time, the National Archives has released schematics of a UFO-like saucer that the US Air Force was designing in the 1950s, Wired reports. The plan—called Project 1794—was to engineer a $3.1...

Fakers Use Wheelchairs to Dodge Airport Lines
 Fakers Use  
 to Dodge 
 Airport Lines 

Fakers Use Wheelchairs to Dodge Airport Lines

Workers say they've seen people stand up in front of them

(Newser) - When security lines get long at Kennedy International Airport, workers brace themselves for a rush of wheelchair requests. A lot of passengers have realized that because no actual proof of an ailment is required to request a wheelchair, anyone in a hurry can do so and zip straight to the...

BPA Messes With Pregnant Women&#39;s Hormones
 BPA Messes With Pregnant 
 Women's Hormones 
study says

BPA Messes With Pregnant Women's Hormones

Study finds thyroid hormone effect in newborn boys as well

(Newser) - A new study has uncovered yet another potential health pitfall of Bisphenol A, finding that the controversial chemical can alter thyroid growth hormones in pregnant women and newborn boys, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. They say more study is necessary to determine what effect that might have, but the finding...

Mars Rover Checks In on Foursquare

'Curiosity' hopes to be the planet's mayor soon

(Newser) - Well, now NASA's rover on Mars is just showing off. Curiosity checked in on Foursquare today from the red planet, reports TechCrunch . "One check-in closer to being Mayor of Mars," reads the post from Gale Crater . The rover already is offering tips (bring moisturizer and oxygen), and...

Chicago Cops Find Massive Pot Field

Think two football fields of plants worth $10M

(Newser) - In Chicago, where skyscrapers are as likely to sprout up as anything a farmer might plant, someone decided there was just enough room to grow something a little more organic: Marijuana. Just days before the crop on a chunk of land the size of two football fields would have been...

Tiny New Dinosaur Species Found

Pegomastax africanus weighed less than a housecat

(Newser) - Meet Pegomastax africanus, the newest entry to the ranks of dinosaurs. T-Rex it is not. The little guy was maybe 2 feet long and weighed less than a housecat, reports the New York Times . Pego did have what the National Geographic calls "vampire-like fangs," but it used them...

Teens Break Into Home, Party, Put Pics on Facebook

Dad finds pics, hands them over to police

(Newser) - Word to the wise: If you're gonna break into someone's house and throw a rager, don't post the pictures to prove it on Facebook. That's what appears to have happened in South Carolina recently, when a family went on vacation around July Fourth, reports WCNC . The...

RadioShack Sells Kid, 13, Porn-Filled Cell Phone

Mom is unamused, suing RadioShack, Sprint

(Newser) - Here's today's big "oops": Marcia Jones says she visited her local RadioShack to purchase what she thought were two new cell phones for herself and her 13-year-old daughter. But upon booting up the phones, they found pornographic images uploaded from the phones' previous owners, reports the Atlanta ...

Zuckerberg: Yeah, I Own About 20 of These T-Shirts

'I wear the same thing every day,' he tells Matt Lauer

(Newser) - It's not exactly a bombshell revelation, but Mark Zuckerberg tells NBC's Matt Lauer that he doesn't pay much attention to fashion. "I mean, I wear the same thing every day, right?" he says in the Today interview , which airs Thursday. "I mean, it's literally,...

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Who Called Her Fat

Jennifer Livingston calls it an example of rampant bullying

(Newser) - An anchorwoman at WKBT in Lacrosse, Wisconsin, offered an on-air response today to a viewer who criticized her weight. Sample line from the email, which can be filed under the "smug condescension" category: "I leave you this note hoping that you'll reconsider your responsibility as a local...

Cops: Guards Let Inmates Go On Beer Runs

... at American Samoa's lone jail

(Newser) - Two corrections officers at American Samoa's only jail are suspected of letting inmates leave to go on beer and food runs. Officers Fiti Aina and Rocky Tua were charged this week with aiding the escape of a prisoner, permitting escape, and something called public servant acceding to corruption. The...

Ex-Beauty Queen Recovers After Skull Kept in Her Abdomen

Jamie Hilton was shocked to find the bulge in her side

(Newser) - Doctors gave Jamie Hilton only a 50/50 chance to live after she fell into a culvert on a fishing trip and badly damaged her brain. The only option, they said, was to remove about a quarter of her skull to let her swelling brain expand—and keep the skull fragment...

Police Chief Quits, Leaving Just Dog in the Force
Police Chief Quits, Leaving Just Dog in the Force

Police Chief Quits, Leaving Just Dog in the Force

Nikka is New Mexico town's only certified crime-fighter

(Newser) - A drug-sniffing dog now is the only certified member of the police force in the small eastern New Mexico town of Vaughn. Police Chief Ernest "Chris" Armijo decided to step down this week after news stories reported that he wasn't allowed to carry a gun because of his...

Guy Threatens Cat, Wife Shoots Him

 Guy Threatens Cat, 
 Wife Shoots Him 

Guy Threatens Cat, Wife Shoots Him

That settles the 'it's the cat or me' argument

(Newser) - Audrey Deen Miller chose her cat over her husband in a big way this week: When hubby threatened to either shoot the cat (according to KHOU ) or throw it over the fence (according to KSAT ), the 42-year-old Houston woman allegedly shot him in the stomach with a .40-caliber...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>