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Dinosaurs' First Feathers Were for ... Courtship

Males wanted to look nice, not fly, says study

(Newser) - Scientists have found evidence of the first feathered dinosaurs in the Western Hemisphere, but forget any notions about majestic flight. Researchers think these Ornithomimosaur specimens found in what is now Alberta, Canada, used their feathers a little like modern peacocks—to attract mates, not to fly, reports the BBC . The...

World's Oldest Recording Goes Digital

The century-old soundbite was made on an early Edison prototype

(Newser) - It's not exactly a masterpiece, but a 78-second soundbite that's now been captured by computers (and YouTube) is perhaps the oldest known playable recording of a piece of music, and one of the first American voices to ever be replayed, dating all the way back to 1878, reports...

Luxe Hotel Mistakenly CC's Couple on Snooty Rejection

They're not our 'type of people,' says errant email

(Newser) - A British couple who wanted to have their wedding at a ritzy five-star hotel found out in a not-so-pleasant way it wasn't going to happen—the hotel's wedding planner sent off this email to her boss and accidentally cc'd the couple:
  • "I know this probably doesn'

Debate Drinking Games Inspire ... Debate

Is drinking during the presidential debates harmless fun or dangerous behavior?

(Newser) - If you're hungover from last night's debate, pop a couple Asprin before reading this story. Debate drinking games are all the rage, and NPR takes a lighthearted look at the, erm, debate over the trend. There are myriad websites (like this and this ) where you can find...

Beluga Whale Tells Diver: Get 'Out'

A whale's song sounds eerily human, study says

(Newser) - It could be the muffled sound of singing in the shower or that sing-songy indecipherable voice from the Muppets' Swedish Chef. But scientists say it was a whale imitating people. In fact, the whale song sounded so eerily human that divers initially mistook it for a human voice. In a...

UK Woman: Monkeys Raised Me in the Jungle

She says kidnappers left her in Colombian wilderness

(Newser) - At age 5, she was kidnapped for ransom and left in the Colombian jungle—but she was lucky enough to be adopted by a clan of monkeys. So says Marina Chapman, who eventually married a Brit and now lives in Britain, the Daily Mail reports. She lived with capuchin monkeys...

Romney's 'Old-Timey' English Evokes Another World

Some voters are charmed by 'his 1950s language'

(Newser) - "Binders full of women" may be the Mitt Romney remark of the moment, but colleagues and friends have long marveled at his uniquely old-fashioned version of English, the New York Times reports. Mormons typically avoid salty language, and Romney's father George also spoke in a gentlemanly manner,...

What&#39;s the White House Worth?
 What's the White House Worth?

What's the White House Worth?

Real estate experts look at value of presidential homes

(Newser) - Just for fun, the Wall Street Journal asked a housing expert to appraise three famous DC-area residences that have hosted at least one of our presidents. The history makes them priceless, but that aside, here's what they found:
  • George Washington's Mount Vernon: To move into this elegant estate,

Passenger Jet Takes Detour, Finds Missing Boat
 Passenger Jet Takes 
 Detour, Finds Missing Boat 

Passenger Jet Takes Detour, Finds Missing Boat

Air Canada pilot flew low so passengers could look out window

(Newser) - We're willing to bet this is a first: Passengers on an Air Canada flight from Vancouver to Sydney were asked to participate in a search for a yacht that had been lost at sea for 16 hours, reports the Consumerist . The captain received a call for help and flew...

Amateur Treasure Hunter Finds Hoard of Roman Coins
 Amateur Treasure Hunter
 Finds Hoard of Roman Coins

Amateur Treasure Hunter Finds Hoard of Roman Coins

And the haul could be worth $160,000

(Newser) - An amateur treasure hunter in Britain recently struck gold—literally—while using a relatively cheap metal detector. He found 40 Roman gold coins dating back to at least 408AD buried in the woods, reports the Daily Mail . He returned to the shop where he bought the detector, coins in hand,...

Husband&#39;s Good Deed May Save His Life

 Husband's Good Deed 
 May Save His Life 
in case you missed it

Husband's Good Deed May Save His Life

He shaves head to support wife, discovers cancer of his own

(Newser) - A thoughtful gesture pays off in a big way: When a Georgia woman was diagnosed with breast cancer, her husband shaved his head to support her through chemotherapy. And that was how Bud Stringer discovered he had stage 3 melanoma on the top of his head, reports KSL.com , picking...

Dog Survives After Getting Poisoned, Buried Alive

And it happened on his third birthday

(Newser) - A Jack Russell terrier has survived after being poisoned and buried alive—and he can thank the man who saw the ground wiggle. Ethan came back to life on his third birthday after someone tried to kill him. He had a whole chain of saviors: the man who dug him...

Your 'Inner Psychopath' Could Make You a Big Success

A book by Kevin Dutton looks to learn from nutcases

(Newser) - What psychopaths have too much of, we could all use in small doses—or so argues Kevin Dutton in a new book called The Wisdom of Psychopaths. Easy charm, unassailable self-confidence, outsize ego, and resistance to self-blame are among the qualities that horrify us in Anders Breivik, say, but seem...

Australia PM's Speech Prompts Dictionary Update

Definition of 'misogyny' is expanded after Gillard's rant

(Newser) - Sign of a speech that makes an impact: The dictionary takes notice. Australia Prime Minister Julia Gillard's takedown of a political opponent she accused of sexism and misogyny not only went viral, it's forcing a change to the nation's Macquarie Dictionary, reports the BBC . In the next...

Ancient City Lined Up With Sun on King's Birthday

Ancient Alexandria's main road built for the effect, say archaeologists

(Newser) - Alexander the Great got quite the birthday present every year, archaeologists say. They think the main road from ancient Alexandria aligned perfectly with the sun on that day, reports LiveScience . The theory, backed up by computer simulations of the sun's position in the 4th century, would explain why the...

Hikers' Skills Helped Them Survive in Montana Park

2 Virginia residents were stranded for days

(Newser) - Rangers in Montana's Glacier National Park say two hikers from Virginia who were safely rescued after being stranded there for days in bad weather were well-prepared for harsh, wintry conditions. Chief Ranger Mark Foust said in an email that Jason Hiser and Neal Peckens, both 32, had the right...

Inspirational Paraplegic Blogger Is a Hoax

David Rose never existed, despite his online fame

(Newser) - David Rose was a deaf paraplegic with severe cerebral palsy who became an Internet sensation in recent weeks thanks to his inspirational blog posts and tweets (and retweets from the likes of Kim Kardashian). When the 24-year-old died last week—his sister posted the news on his now-defunct DaveonWheels blog—...

Anti-Gay Christian Pretends to Be Gay for a Year

Timothy Kurek eventually wrote a pro-gay book about it

(Newser) - For Timothy Kurek, gays were nothing more than "fags" destined to burn in hell. A conservative Christian living in Nashville, Kurek was surprised when a friend came out to him as a lesbian. He was also moved—and decided to spend a year living under cover as a gay...

Iowa Newborn Is Numerologist's Delight

Little Laila can boast of 8-9-10-11-12-13-14

(Newser) - A dream alignment for numerologists has come true in the delivery room of a Des Moines hospital. Laila Fitzgerald weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces when she was born. She came into the world on Thursday, which, numerically speaking, was 10/11/12. She arrived, militarily speaking, at 1314, which would be 1:...

Best Movies of the 1990s
 Best Movies of the 1990s 

Best Movies of the 1990s

'Goodfellas,' 'Dazed And Confused' crack AV Club's top five

(Newser) - The AV Club counted down the top 50 movies of the 1990s this week, with Goodfellas coming out on top. It doesn't just hold up after more than a decade, it keeps getting better. "Every return trip also reveals how much is at work in Martin Scorsese's...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>