antibiotic-resistant bacteria

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California's Superbug Outbreak Just Got Worse

As it emerges that the scope in question was being sold without FDA approval

(Newser) - The superbug outbreak that killed two people and sickened five more isn't constrained to UCLA's Ronald Reagan Medical Center. Another Los Angeles hospital is now reporting that four patients have been infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and the scope that Cedars-Sinai Medical Center believes exposed its patients to carbapenem-resistant...

McDonald's Chicken Will Soon Be Free of Human Antibiotics

Move could help fight drug-resistant superbugs

(Newser) - As experts warn of the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant "superbugs," one culprit is the drugs used to treat farm animals . McDonald's is now taking a step to fix the issue: The restaurant chain's US operation will no longer use chicken that's been treated with human...

Powerful New Antibiotic Could Crush Superbugs

Soil find may be biggest breakthrough in 25 years

(Newser) - Are superbugs about to meet their match? There hasn't been a major new antibiotic discovered in 25 years, but researchers say a drug called teixobactin that has been extracted from dirt in Maine could be the biggest breakthrough in a generation, Fast Company reports. The experimental drug has so...

The Scary Implications of India's Wave of Baby Deaths

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria is out of control

(Newser) - India sees 800,000 newborns die each year, but 58,000 of those deaths were particularly noteworthy—and alarming—last year. Those infants died of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, according to a recent study cited by the New York Times , which reports the evidence is mounting that a sizable amount of...

Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Will Likely Spread: Researchers

Release more details on Australia strain, predict it will soon be 'widespread'

(Newser) - As the threat of antibiotic resistance grows, researchers have come upon a new strain of gonorrhea—and it doesn't respond to the typical treatments, LiveScience reports. The strain was revealed earlier this year , and now researchers are offering a clearer picture: A European woman traveling in Australia tested positive...

Battle Plan for War on Superbugs Revealed

But critics say White House effort doesn't address key problem

(Newser) - The Obama administration yesterday revealed a new national strategy to address antibiotic resistance, which kills 23,000 people a year . Some experts are heralding the fact that a president is finally responding to the issue, the New York Times reports. Others, however, say the strategy to improve how antibiotic use...

Ominous First: Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Food

In a single squid in a Chinese market in Saskatoon

(Newser) - We're growing accustomed to hearing about antibiotic-resistant bacteria in our hospitals; now the CDC says it's entering our markets. In a report out yesterday, the agency revealed that Canadian researchers have, as part of a pilot study, discovered such bacteria in a single raw squid found in a...

It&#39;s Time to Quit Hand Sanitizer

 It's Time to 
 Quit Hand 

It's Time to Quit Hand Sanitizer

Bill Saporito aims to end his addiction

(Newser) - Whether you're in an office building or on the subway, chances are a bottle of hand sanitizer is close by—and that used to suit Bill Saporito just fine. He underwent chemotherapy several years ago and had to avoid getting sick, and the resulting "germanoia" led to hand-sanitizer...

'Post-Antibiotic' Era a Deadlier Threat Than AIDS: WHO

Drug resistance already present all over the world: report

(Newser) - Drug resistance today poses a bigger danger worldwide than did AIDS in the 1980s, the World Health Organization says in a dire-sounding report out today: "Without urgent, coordinated action, the world is headed for a post-antibiotic era, in which common infections and minor injuries which have been treatable for...

Hospital-Stay Infections, Still Bad? Try 650K a Year

Infection rate is down, but 200 Americans still die daily

(Newser) - About 4% of US hospital patients acquire an infection while hospitalized, which added up to 648,000 people in 2011—75,000 of whom died, the Washington Post reports. The most common infections, according to a CDC survey : pneumonia (22%), surgical site injections (22%), and gastrointestinal infections (17%). Hospitals have...

Bacteria Risk: Unwashed Stethoscopes
 Bacteria Risk: 
study says

Bacteria Risk: Unwashed Stethoscopes

Tools carry amount comparable to what's found on doctors' hands: study

(Newser) - A new study out of Geneva has a clear message for doctors: Time to be as careful about washing your stethoscope as you are about washing your hands. Researchers studied the amount of bacteria on stethoscopes' diaphragms—the piece that touches your skin—and the amount on doctors' hands, the...

97% of Chicken Covered in Bacteria: Consumer Reports

Study finds half of store-bought chicken contains fecal matter

(Newser) - Consumer Reports' latest report isn't for the weak of stomach: Some 97% of the 316 raw chicken breasts it purchased at US stores in July contained "worrisome amounts of bacteria." While it admits it's "unrealistic to expect uncooked chicken won't contain any potentially...

Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Kill 23K a Year—at Least

CDC report sets baseline for first time

(Newser) - With antibiotic resistance building, experts fear a day when everyday bacterial infections could once again be life-threatening—and a new federal study shows "we're getting closer and closer to the cliff," says a CDC rep. Already, two million people each year suffer from antibiotic-resistant infections, and 23,...

Potent Weapon Against Superbugs Is ... Silver
Potent Weapon Against Superbugs Is ... Silver
study says

Potent Weapon Against Superbugs Is ... Silver

It makes antibiotics far more effective, says study

(Newser) - Researchers trying to figure out how to stop superbugs—strains of bacteria resistant to antibiotics—may have found a silver bullet of sorts. Actual silver. In studies involving mice, researchers found that antibiotics became up to 1,000 times more effective when silver was added to the mix, reports the...

US Meat Is Teeming With Superbugs

 US Meat Is Teeming 
 With Superbugs: Report 
in case you missed it

US Meat Is Teeming With Superbugs: Report

More than half of samples were contaminated: government study

(Newser) - Horse meat-tainted beef ? We should be so lucky. US meat is rife with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or "superbugs," according to a government study released in February that's just now getting attention. The data hails from 2011, and is the result of testing on ground turkey, pork...

Stop Giving Your Children Antibiotics

The 'antibiotic apocalypse' is coming: Jessica and Tim Lahey

(Newser) - Protecting your child's long-term health may mean not getting a prescription for antibiotics—even in cases of ear and sinus infections, write Jessica and Tim Lahey at The Atlantic . The authors were surprised that their "smart, highly educated" friends turn easily to antibiotics for their children. Only problem:...

'Nightmare Bacteria' a Rising Threat in US Hospitals

Family of germs resists even the strongest antibiotics

(Newser) - A family of deadly germs that can withstand even the strongest antibiotics is a growing threat in American hospitals, federal officials warn. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae—CRE—have been detected in 4% of short-stay hospitals and nearly a fifth of long-term ones and authorities warn there is only a "limited window...

Farm Antibiotics Make Us Sick

 Farm Antibiotics
 Make Us Sick 
scientists say

Farm Antibiotics Make Us Sick

Farm lobby resists attempts to regulate drug use

(Newser) - Why are people getting sick and dying from antibiotic-resistant infections? In part because of the food we buy at the supermarket, advocates say. With the farm industry buying most of America's antibiotics, and pumping it into animals like chickens and pigs, we may be munching on germs that have...

Stories 21 - 38 | << Prev