antibiotic-resistant bacteria

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'Superbug' Infections Could Kill Almost 40M by 2050

Researchers warn antimicrobial resistance is a growing concern

(Newser) - A disturbing new study finds that almost 40 million people could be killed by "superbug" infections from antimicrobial-resistant pathogens between 2025 and 2050. The study, published in the Lancet , looked at the projected global impact of antimicrobial resistance, which occurs when bacteria, fungi, or other pathogens develop a resistance...

Drug-Resistant Superbug May Have Met Its Match

Zosurabalpin targets superbug with 'novel approach'

(Newser) - Scientists believe they've made a major breakthrough in the battle against a superbug that topped a World Health Organization list of the bacteria most dangerous to humans . In a study published in the journal Nature , researchers say they have discovered a new class of antibiotic that can kill carbapenem-resistant...

More Deaths Linked to Superbug From Eye Drops

Users of recalled products should watch out for symptoms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

(Newser) - Two more Americans infected with an antibiotic-resistant bacteria linked to eye drops have died. The CDC, which warned against using the preservative-free EzriCare Artificial Tears in January following the death of a man in Washington state, said two others had died with Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections linked to eye drops. "...

CDC Has Warning on Bacteria That Causes Diarrhea

More extensively drug-resistant Shigella infections are being reported

(Newser) - In 2015, 0% of Shigella infections reported to CDC were caused by extensively drug-resistant strains; in 2019, it was 0.4%. But last year, that figure jumped to 5%, an increase that triggered a Friday warning from the CDC. As CBS News reports, Shigella bacteria are the leading cause of...

CDC: Stop Using These Eye Drops
CDC: Stop Using
These Eye Drops

CDC: Stop Using These Eye Drops

Outbreak of antibiotic-resistant bacteria may be linked to EzriCare Artificial Tears

(Newser) - The CDC is warning that anyone using EzriCare Artificial Tears should stop following the death of one person from a bacterial infection that's potentially linked to the over-the-counter eye drops. From May to Jan. 19, the CDC identified at least 50 people in 11 states with an infection of...

CDC Says Pandemic Caused Rise in Superbug Infections

Overprescribed antibiotics and overburdened health-care system to blame

(Newser) - Superbugs got an unfortunate boost during the pandemic. Per Reuters, the bad news comes in a recent CDC report, which says antimicrobial-resistant bacteria killed 15% more people in 2020 compared to 2019. It's a reversal of what was a good trend, as deaths from superbugs had fallen since 2012....

How Infectious Is That Puppy in the Window?

30 people infected with Campylobacter bacteria this year linked to puppies, says CDC

(Newser) - Take extra precautions if you plan to have a puppy under your Christmas tree. The CDC is investigating a multi-state outbreak of an antibiotic-resistant infection believed to be linked to puppies from pet stores. Thirty people in 13 states were infected with Campylobacter jejuni, a bacteria found to be resistant...

100-Plus People Infected by Pet-Store Puppies: CDC

Agency links antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter infections to pet-store pooches

(Newser) - Eighteen states, more than 100 people sick, 26 hospitalizations—and an unknown number of puppies as the likely infection-spreaders. That's the word out of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has tied contact with puppies at six pet-store companies to the outbreak of human diarrheal infections from...

STD You May Not Have Heard of Could Be Next Superbug

Mycoplasma genitalium can develop resistance to antibiotics if not treated properly

(Newser) - A little-known sexually transmitted disease carries the potential to become the next superbug. Per the BBC , health officials in the UK have set new guidelines regarding the bacterial infection Mycoplasma genitalium, or MG, out of fear improper treatment could lead to antibiotic resistance. Huffington Post UK reports the British Association...

CDC: 'Nightmare' Superbugs Are Here

Hunt found more than 200 cases of antibiotic-resistant bacteria last year

(Newser) - "Nightmare bacteria" with unusual resistance to antibiotics of last resort were found more than 200 times in the US last year in a first-of-a-kind hunt to see how much of a threat these rare cases have become. That's more than health officials expected to find, and the true...

General Rule About Antibiotics Might Be Wrong
General Rule
About Antibiotics
Might Be Wrong

General Rule About Antibiotics Might Be Wrong

Finishing courses of antibiotics may boost resistance risk: experts

(Newser) - You've heard the spiel: Always finish your course of antibiotics, even if you feel better sooner. The idea is that even though you may feel better, the harmful bacteria in your body needs to be completely wiped out to keep it from developing antibiotic resistance. But that might be...

These Are the 12 Bacteria We Should Worry About Most

According to the WHO

(Newser) - The World Health Organization has issued a list of the top dozen bacteria most dangerous to humans, warning that doctors are fast running out of treatment options. In a press briefing on Monday, the UN health agency said its list is meant to promote the development of medicines for the...

Woman Dies of Superbug No Antibiotic Could Treat

Experts are calling it a 'harbinger of future badness'

(Newser) - This is the kind of case researchers warned about for years: A Nevada woman in her 70s died months ago from an infection that no antibiotic in America could have defeated, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report released Thursday. The woman was hospitalized in August last...

Potential Hot Spot for Germs: Nurses' Scrubs
Potential Hot Spot
for Germs: Nurses' Scrubs
study says

Potential Hot Spot for Germs: Nurses' Scrubs

Study finds their pockets and sleeves are especially troublesome

(Newser) - A new study looking at how germs are spread at hospitals has identified a surprising potential culprit: nurses' scrubs. Specifically, their pockets and sleeves were the most likely spots to be contaminated, reports WebMD . Another potential hot spot: the bed railings of patients, according to a post about the research...

Cure for Deadly 'Superbug' May be Hiding in Our Noses

'Totally unexpected'

(Newser) - A team of German bacteriologists says our noses may contain more than boogers; there might also be a cure for the "hospital superbug" MRSA hiding up there, the Guardian reports. According to the Los Angeles Times , MRSA kills about 11,000 US patients every year and sickens another 80,...

Superbug Just Found in US Could Mean the End of Antibiotics

'Routine operations could become deadly; minor infections could become life-threatening'

(Newser) - The director of the CDC says we're close to living in a "post-antibiotic world" after an antibiotic-resistant superbug was discovered in the US for the first time last month, Reuters reports. “It basically shows us that the end of the road isn’t very far away for...

A Third of Antibiotic Prescriptions Are 'Inappropriate': CDC

And potentially dangerous, as they create drug-resistant bacteria

(Newser) - Scientists have been concerned for some time about "Phantom Menace"-type superbugs that aren't fazed by meds. The latest CDC data finds that 2 million people a year in the US are infected with bacteria resistant to antibiotics, and at least 23,000 die directly from those infections....

'Phantom Menace' Superbug Has Alarming Ability

Antibiotic resistance travels between bacteria

(Newser) - The latest strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to give researchers sleepless nights aren't the most common—or even the most antibiotic-resistant—but they have an ability that could make them a serious danger to public health. They contain enzymes known as "OXA-48-like carbapenemases" that can break down antibiotics and...

Ancient Potion May Kill Modern Superbug

In study, old eye salve kills 90% of MRSA bacteria in mice

(Newser) - Could one of the world's oldest medical textbooks hold the secret to destroying today's antibiotic-resistant superbugs? A new study suggests it's possible, reports the BBC . After perusing remedies in a 9th- or 10th-century manuscript known as Bald's Leechbook in the British Library, researchers from Nottingham University...

Superbugs May Be in the Air: Study

Texas findings 'made me not want to breathe,' says researcher

(Newser) - Antibiotic-resistant bacteria now infect some 2 million Americans every year, the Texas Tribune reports, and experts have long been aware of the presence of so-called "superbugs" in tainted food and drink. New findings offer an even bleaker picture: We might be inhaling DNA from such bacteria, researcher Phil Smith...

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