assault weapon ban

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NRA Honcho: Assault Weapon Ban Won&#39;t Pass

 NRA Honcho: 
 Assault Weapons 
 Ban Won't Pass 

NRA Honcho: Assault Weapons Ban Won't Pass

Joe Manchin calls for comprehensive approach

(Newser) - There's no way gun control advocates have the votes to get an assault weapons ban through Congress, NRA President David Keene told CNN today. "I would say that the likelihood is that they're not going to be able to get an assault weapons ban through this Congress,...

Cuomo Moves to Beef Up NY Gun Laws
Cuomo Moves to
Beef Up NY Gun Laws

Cuomo Moves to Beef Up NY Gun Laws

Governor expected to unveil tough new measures today

(Newser) - New York's Democrat governor is aiming to make some of the country's toughest gun laws even tougher. In his State of the State address today, Andrew Cuomo is expected to outline gun control plans including new restrictions on assault weapons, lower limits on the capacity of magazines, and...

Gregory Could Face Prison Term Over Magazine

Washington, DC, police denied NBC request to display magazine

(Newser) - NBC asked if David Gregory could hold a high-capacity magazine on Meet the Press Sunday, and police said no—but Gregory did it anyway, according to a police email. "NBC was informed that possession of a high capacity magazines is not permissible and their request was denied," reads...

Obama Promises Gun Action 'Without Delay'

Names Biden to head task force

(Newser) - President Obama took a big public step on gun control today, telling a press conference that he would act on gun control "without delay." As expected , Obama announced that Joe Biden would head up a group to explore ways to reduce gun violence, but this won't be...

Biden Will Lead Charge on Gun Control

Obama calls meeting of Cabinet to seek 'broader approach'

(Newser) - President Obama has taken his first steps to reducing gun violence, charging his Cabinet in a meeting yesterday with formulating proposals toward that end, and tapping longtime gun-control advocate Joe Biden to lead the effort, sources tell the Washington Post , adding that an assault rifle ban is definitely on the...

Feinstein: I'm Bringing Assault Weapon Ban to Senate

Gun control dominates the day in wake of Newtown shootings

(Newser) - Gun control has roared back into the national debate, and the issue took over today's political talk shows in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, though David Gregory noted that all 31 pro-gun rights members of the incoming Senate declined his invitation to appear on Meet the Press....

One Debate Obama and Romney Will Never Have
The One Debate We Won't Hear: Gun Control
Gail Collins

The One Debate We Won't Hear: Gun Control

Obama, Romney want to avoid this hot potato: Gail Collins

(Newser) - Benghazi? Check. Unemployment? Check. Health care? Well, of course. Yet despite the 43 multiple shootings in America over the last year, Mitt Romney and President Obama simply aren't debating gun control in the 2012 election, writes Gail Collins at the New York Times . She gives "a cheer" for...

Obama: AK-47s Are for Soldiers, Not Crooks

President delves deeper into issue after 'Dark Knight' massacre

(Newser) - In the wake of the Aurora shootings , President Obama yesterday went further into the issue of gun control than he ever has, Politico reports. Speaking in New Orleans, Obama promised there would be a national conversation on the issue. Specifically, he declared support for background checks on gun buyers and...

Romney: New Gun Laws Wouldn't Matter

But he backed assault weapons ban as governor

(Newser) - Here's Mitt Romney's assessment of the Dark Knight massacre that claimed 12 lives: Different gun laws would not have made any difference. Even though the candidate has supported stricter gun controls in the past, he said on CNBC yesterday : "I still believe that the Second Amendment is...

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