assault weapon ban

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SCOTUS Rejects Challenge to Maryland Gun Law

It leaves assault weapons ban with lower court

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has declined to hear a challenge to a law Maryland introduced after the Sandy Hook school massacre in 2012. The Maryland law bans what the state calls assault weapons, including the AR-15 rifle, NBC News reports. The justices rejected a challenge from gun rights groups, a gun...

Maine Lawmaker Does U-Turn on Assault Weapons Ban

Democratic Rep. Jared Golden says 'misjudgments' led him to oppose ban

(Newser) - As the manhunt continued for the suspect in this year's deadliest mass shooting in the US, a Maine congressman reversed his position on an assault weapons ban. US Rep. Jared Golden, a Democrat whose district includes Lewiston, where 18 people were killed in Wednesday night's shooting , said "...

Supreme Court Doesn't Stop Illinois' Assault Weapons Ban

Challenge to law could give justices another chance to decide on state legislation

(Newser) - Without giving any indication that it supports the law, the Supreme Court passed on a chance to block Illinois' new bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. A gun rights group and a gun shop owner fighting the law asked the court to halt enforcement while an appeals court considers...

County Sheriffs Balk at Enforcing Illinois Assault Weapons Ban

They say they won't arrest legal owners for not registering weapons

(Newser) - Last week, Illinois became the ninth state to bring in an assault weapons ban, but things aren't going entirely smoothly. The law is facing multiple legal challenges, and dozens of county sheriffs say they won't enforce it. The law bans the sale of certain firearms and high-capacity magazines—...

House Votes to Reinstate Assault Weapons Ban

It's not likely to make it past the Senate

(Newser) - The House passed legislation Friday to revive a ban on certain semi-automatic guns, the first vote of its kind in years and a direct response to the firearms often used in the crush of mass shootings ripping through communities nationwide. Once banned in the US, the high-powered firearms are now...

Ruling That Compared AR-15s to Knives Is Blocked

Appeals court issues stay temporarily blocking judge's ruling in California

(Newser) - A controversial ruling overturning California's assault weapons ban has now been blocked. The US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday issued a stay of the order that was issued earlier this month, CNN reports. In issuing his order overturning the three-decades-old ban, US District Judge Roger Benitez had...

California Appeals 'Swiss Army Knife' Ruling

Attorney general argues the ban saves lives

(Newser) - Calling a federal judge's reasoning disturbing, California's attorney general on Thursday appealed the decision that found the state's assault weapons ban to be unconstitutional. In his ruling issued Friday, US District Judge Roger Benitez said an AR-15, like a Swiss army knife, could be used "for...

Judge Compares AR-15 to Swiss Army Knife in Assault Weapons Ruling

US District Judge Roger Benitez overturns Calif.'s 30-year-old assault weapons ban

(Newser) - A federal judge Friday overturned California's three-decade-old ban on assault weapons, ruling that it violates the constitutional right to bear arms. US District Judge Roger Benitez of San Diego ruled that the state's definition of illegal military-style rifles unlawfully deprives law-abiding Californians of weapons commonly allowed in most...

Canada Slaps Immediate Ban on Assault-Style Weapons

The country needs 'more than thoughts and prayers,' prime minister says

(Newser) - Canada is banning the use and trade of assault-style weapons immediately. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday justified the move by citing numerous mass shootings in the country, including an attack in Nova Scotia on April 18 and 19. He announced the ban of over 1,500 models and variants...

Having an Assault Weapon in This Town Could Cost You $1K a Day

Chicago suburb of Deerfield bans certain firearms, as well as high-capacity magazines

(Newser) - Get rid of your assault weapons by June 13 or start racking up fines. That's the new directive in the Chicago suburb of Deerfield, where the Board of Trustees voted unanimously Monday to amend a 2013 ordinance calling for the safe storage and transport of certain firearms and now...

Supreme Court: Bans on Assault Weapons Stay

SCOTUS declines to take up challenge

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Monday allowed bans on assault-style weapons like the one used in the Orlando shooting to remain in place in Connecticut and New York. Without comment, the court declined to hear a challenge to bans on semi-automatic weapons passed after the school attack in Newtown, Conn., reports...

Supreme Court Rejects Move on Assault Weapons

Justices refuse to hear case against weapons ban

(Newser) - Acting in the aftermath of the San Bernardino mass shooting, the Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal from gun owners who challenged a Chicago suburb's ban on assault weapons. Two conservative justices said they would have heard the case and struck down the ban. The Illinois State Rifle...

Why Conn. Assault Weapon Owners May Now Be Felons

Tens of thousands haven't registered

(Newser) - The vast majority of assault weapon owners in Connecticut appear to have totally ignored the state's new law requiring them to register the guns. Police received 47,916 permit applications by the Dec, 31 deadline, reports Dan Haar at the Hartford Courant , which sounds like a lot—until you...

Bloomberg: Assault Weapons Ban Not DOA
 Assault Weapons 
 Ban Not DOA 

Bloomberg: Assault Weapons Ban Not DOA

As Wayne LaPierre calls mayor 'reckless,' 'insane'

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg was today busily putting his mouth where his money will be tomorrow, Politico reports, when he kicks off a $12 million ad blitz targeting 13 senators considered vulnerable on gun control. Appearing on Meet the Press, the New York City mayor said "we are going to win"...

Assault Weapons Ban Doomed
 Assault Weapons Ban Doomed 

Assault Weapons Ban Doomed

Feinstein's measure won't be included in legislation before Senate

(Newser) - Harry Reid has delivered the expected death blow to a ban on assault weapons, telling Dianne Feinstein that her proposal won't be included in the final package that goes up for a Senate vote. Feinstein will offer it as an amendment instead, but it stands no chance of getting...

Senate Gun Bill May Not Touch Assault Weapons

But Reid camp looking to get measure to floor next month

(Newser) - Senate Democrats are hoping to put a gun control bill on the floor by next month—but it's not likely to include the assault-weapon ban President Obama has urged, a Harry Reid aide tells the Wall Street Journal . Outside of that, however, it would cover most of the measures...

NRA: We'll Fight Universal Background Checks

Assault-weapons ban odds: 'very, very small'

(Newser) - The NRA plans to oppose mandatory background checks on all gun purchases, its president tells USA Today yesterday, rejecting one of the most popular proposals on gun control: the closure of loopholes allowing gun-show purchases without background checks. If the measure, which polls with 85% support, can't get through,...

Ex Aussie PM: We Banned Assault Weapons, So Can US
Ex Aussie PM: We Banned Assault Weapons, So Can US
john howard

Ex Aussie PM: We Banned Assault Weapons, So Can US

John Howard discusses how Australia did it, and the results

(Newser) - In the New York Times today, John Howard details how he, as then-prime minister of Australia, got an assault weapons ban passed after a massacre in which 35 people were killed with semiautomatic weapons. He doesn't want to "lecture" America on the matter, he writes, and acknowledges there...

So What Is an Assault Weapon?
 So What Is an Assault Weapon? 

So What Is an Assault Weapon?

With many Dems ambivalent, gun control faces big obstacles

(Newser) - A key part of President's Obama's gun control agenda is a ban on assault weapons, but both sides of the gun debate can't even agree on what is an assault weapon, much less whether to ban them, reports the New York Times . Gun control proponents generally use...

Powell Blasts GOP's 'Dark Vein of Intolerance'

Former general says GOP needs to take a look at its relationship with minorities

(Newser) - If you wanted to know Colin Powell's thoughts on just about anything, today was your day: Appearing on Meet the Press, the former secretary of state covered topics ranging from gun control to torture, but seemed to take particular issue with his own Republican party, saying that while he'...

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