marijuana legalization

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Marijuana Plantations Ravaging National Forests: Experts

 Pot Plantations 
 Ravaging Our Forests 
say experts

Pot Plantations Ravaging Our Forests

Minimal policing makes growing marijuana easy

(Newser) - Marijuana growers are devastating national forests and creating a "clear and present danger to the public and the environment," a top Forest Service official testified before the Senate last week. Major marijuana plots have been detected on some 67 forests across 20 states, and the trend is only...

Cops Fired for Opposing War on Drugs

New York Times examines case of border patrol agent

(Newser) - Bryan Gonzalez was working as a Border Patrol agent in New Mexico when he made the fatal mistake of musing to a colleague that legalizing marijuana would end Mexico’s violent drug war. He was fired soon afterwards; his termination letter said he held “personal views that were contrary...

Nebraska Changes Mind, OKs Pot License Plate

Lawyer only had to threaten legal action to get 'NE 420' approved

(Newser) - Nebraska has relented and approved a vanity license plate reading “NE 420,” after the ACLU threatened to sue the state on First Amendment grounds. Lawyer Frank Shoemaker requested the plates as a show of his support for legalizing marijuana in the state, Reuters explains, but the state had...

Legalizing Medical Marijuana Doesn't Up Kids' Pot Use

Young people use drug at same rate before, after legalization

(Newser) - Sobering news for those who argue that legalizing medical marijuana will lead to more stoner kids: Researchers reviewed the habits of some 25,000 youths in Massachusetts, where medical pot isn’t legal, and 13,000 in Rhode Island, where it became so in 2006. Studying data from 1997 to...

Record-High 50% Want Marijuana Legalized

55% of men approve, but only 46% of women

(Newser) - A record-breaking 50% of Americans now say it's OK to smoke up for recreational purposes, a new Gallup poll finds. Support broke down along political lines, with liberals 69% in favor and conservatives only 34%; moderates crossed the line at 57%. By region, only the South opposed legalizing marijuana,...

Select Americans Get Top-Grade Pot From Feds

14 given medical marijuana as part of 1976 court order

(Newser) - When 72-year-old Elvy Musikka of Oregon wants more marijuana to treat her glaucoma, she tells a US government worker to roll another one, just like the other one. Musikka has been toking on federally supplied high-grade pot for the last 23 years. She's part of a decades-ago court order...

Kucinich Invokes Gandhi, Tunisia at Marijuana Rally

Ohio Congressman encourages marijuana activists

(Newser) - On Saturday, Rep. Dennis Kucinich gave a rousing speech at … Hempfest. “Open up, America! Show yourself! Time for mass action! This is why, and how, recent movements for freedom in Tunisia and Egypt gained momentum,” he urged marijuana activists. “This is how Gandhi cast off the...

'Regulate Marijuana Like Wine' Measure Circulating in Calif
New Pot Measure
Floating in Calif.

New Pot Measure Floating in Calif.

Initiative would treat weed like beer, wine

(Newser) - Voters in America's most populous state are likely to find the question of marijuana legalization on their ballots again next year. Supporters of the "Regulate Marijuana Like Wine" initiative have been given permission to start circulating petitions to get the measure on ballots next year, AP reports. The...

Feds Dash Hopes for Large-Scale Pot Farms

Justice Department says it won't allow industrial-scale operations

(Newser) - The Justice Department has a message for states, cities, and private operators looking to cash in on medical marijuana by setting up large-scale commercial farms: Let's not get carried away. A new memo sent this week to federal prosecutors makes clear that these kinds of operations will not be...

Ron Paul, Barney Frank Team Up to Legalize Pot

Pair will introduce first such bill in Congress

(Newser) - Ron Paul and Barney Frank—surely Congress’ version of the Odd Couple—are set to introduce a bill today that would end the federal prohibition on marijuana, allowing states to legalize, tax, and regulate the drug. The bill would also “reprioritize federal resources” away from enforcing drug laws and...

War on Drugs a Bust: Global Panel

Former world leaders back marijuana legalization, addict aid

(Newser) - The American-led war on drugs is a failure and governments should move toward the legalization of some drugs, especially marijuana, concludes a report from a panel of politicians and former world leaders. The Global Commission on Drug Policy panel—which includes former UN chief Kofi Annan, the former presidents of...

Willie Nelson Retracts 'Teapot' Endorsement

He backed pro-legalization Gary Johnson but now likes Kucinich

(Newser) - After voicing support for pro-pot Gary Johnson as a presidential candidate , Willie Nelson has apparently changed his tune, notes the Daily Caller . It's "too early for me to endorse anyone,” the singer said in an email to a member of his marijuana-legalization activist group, the Teapot Party....

Libertarian Gary Johnson Will Run for President, Wants to Legalize Pot
Pro-Marijuana Gary Johnson Running for President

Pro-Marijuana Gary Johnson Running for President

Former New Mexico governor wants GOP nomination

(Newser) - Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson announced he's running for president today—with none of that exploratory committee business, thank you. He's in, and he thinks his libertarian views (along the lines of Ron Paul) will earn him Tea Party support and a shot at the GOP nomination,...

Now Enrolling: Maine's Marijuana State University

It's really just a one-man workshop, but still...

(Newser) - The West Coast has Oaksterdam University , which bills itself as the nation's first "cannabis college," and now the East Coast has ... Marijuana State University. It's actually a roving one-man workshop in Maine with the goal of teaching people how to grow high-quality medical marijuana, reports the Portland Press ...

Pot Farms Eat Up 1% of Nation's Electricity

Smoking joint like leaving light on all day

(Newser) - Bad news for eco-conscious stoners: That joint you just smoked hurt the planet. Marijuana grown indoors accounts for 1% of America’s yearly electricity consumption, or $5 billion worth of energy, a study finds. That’s equivalent to the annual energy bills of 2 million homes. And in terms of...

Celebrity Stoners Becoming the Norm

 the Norm 


Celebrity Stoners Becoming the Norm

Salon essayist: A new, welcome openness is in vogue

(Newser) - Marijuana's never been exactly taboo in pop culture, but "it seems we've reached a new level of openness about a recreational—and, in most places and circumstances, illegal—indulgence that lots of people enjoy regularly," writes Mary Elizabeth Williams in Salon . In the last week alone, Kevin Smith...

Holy Roller Pat Robertson: Legalize Marijuana

Busting people for a few ounces is 'ruining' lives, says 700 Club founder

(Newser) - The support for marijuana legalization is picking up supporters in some surprising sectors. Uber-conservative evangelist Pat Robertson is now calling for legalization of the drug because treating users like criminals is "ruining lives." We've "got to take a look at what we're considering crimes," he said...

New Marijuana Lobby Group Hits Washington

We'll be the 'go-to' association, boasts director

(Newser) - Heavy, man. No more hippie-dippie peace-and-love arguments to legalize pot: marijuana supporters have launched a professional lobby organization in DC to press their case. The National Cannabis Industry Association will be the "go-to organization in Washington" for this fight, said director Aaron Smith, who has worked for 5 years...

Half of Canadians Favor Legal Marijuana

But public's not so accepting of so-called harder drugs

(Newser) - A new online poll shows that 50% of Canadians support the legalization of marijuana, with 44% opposed, reports the Vancouver Sun . The percentage in favor of changing the law varies among the provinces, with Alberta the lowest at a still noteworthy 45%, and Manitoba and Saskatchewan the highest at 61%....

Arnold: 'No One Cares if You Smoke a Joint'

Schwarzenegger talks about why Prop 19 failed

(Newser) - Prop 19 failed in California, but the Governator notes that “no one cares if you smoke a joint or not.” Arnold Schwarzenegger discussed the failed measure, along with other aspects of the election, last night on the Tonight Show , telling Jay Leno that the move to legalize pot...

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