marijuana legalization

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It's Official: Pot Now Legal in Washington

But big questions remain about distribution, federal laws

(Newser) - As of 12:01 this morning, it's 4:20 all the time in Washington state. Kind of. Initiative I-502 has gone into effect , decriminalizing possession of marijuana, but many questions remain about how the new law will take effect, reports the Seattle Post-Intelligencer . “We’re in uncharted water...

UN Official Urges Feds to Challenge Pot Legalization

Anti-drug chief wants AG to keep it illegal

(Newser) - Voters in Washington state and Colorado have approved some of the world's most relaxed marijuana laws, and the chief of the UN drug watchdog agency isn't happy about it. Raymond Yans, head of the International Narcotics Control Board, tells the AP he hopes Attorney General Eric Holder "...

Pot-Machine Maker: Dudes, Stop Buying Our Stock

Medbox shares soar 3,000% after story

(Newser) - Need more evidence that marijuana is going mainstream? A company that makes pot-dispensing machines had to put out a news release today asking investors to chill, reports MarketWatch . Shares of Medbox were selling at $4 on Monday but jumped to $215 yesterday—a staggering 3,000% increase—because the company...

Prosecutors Drop 220 Pot Cases in Washington State

... thanks to Tuesday's vote on legalization

(Newser) - Meet the 220 people happiest that Washington state voted to legalize small amounts of marijuana: the folks who faced criminal charges before Tuesday's vote but are now having those charges dismissed. Local authorities said yesterday they were dropping the 200-plus misdemeanor cases even though legalization doesn't take effect...

Maine Votes for Gay Marriage
 Maine, Maryland Approve Gay Marriage

Maine, Maryland Approve Gay Marriage

Minnesota rejects ban; Washington state too close to call

(Newser) - Maine and Maryland have made history by becoming the first states to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote, the AP reports. Minnesota voters turned down a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, although state law still forbids gays and lesbians from marrying, the New York Times reports. Washington state is also...

Town Fights Back Against Large-Scale Pot Growers

Neighbors weary of industrial-scale grow houses

(Newser) - Happily isolated on California's remote Humboldt County coast, Arcata has long made room in its heart for marijuana. But the mellow days are coming to an end. Even Arcata residents who support legalization of marijuana have become fed up with high-volume indoor growing operations that take over much-needed housing...

America's Next Magnates: The 'Pot Barons'

Marijuana sellers may be the next Mark Zuckerbergs

(Newser) - Pot sellers are goofy free spirits suited to the tie-dye culture of Venice Beach, right? Not 30 years from now, when they'll be "fatter, balder, and famously rich" tycoons in the vein of Steve Ballmer or Andrew Carnegie, writes Tony Dokoupil at the Daily Beast . He visited marijuana...

Uruguay&#39;s Prez: Legalize Pot
 Uruguay's Prez: Legalize Pot 

Uruguay's Prez: Legalize Pot

Users could sign up for registration cards to buy the drug

(Newser) - Uruguayan President José Mujica wants to end the reign of violent drug cartels in his country, and he thinks legalizing marijuana may be the answer. He released a proposal last month calling for the formation of a government-run industry that would manage the cultivation and sales of the drug, reports...

Pot Will Be Legal, And Soon
 Pot Will Be Legal, and Soon 

Pot Will Be Legal, and Soon

Julian Brookes thinks Colorado, or some other state, will take the leap

(Newser) - This November, three states will vote on whether to legalize marijuana for old-fashioned "getting-high purposes." Colorado is the best bet—one poll has the public behind the bill by a 61-27 margin—but Oregon and/or Washington might as well, and even if all of them chicken out, Julian...

GOP Opposition Snuffs Out NY Pot Proposal

Cuomo plan fails despite backing of Bloomberg, NYPD

(Newser) - Gov. Andrew Cuomo's plan to reduce "stop and frisk" arrests by downgrading public possession of marijuana from a misdemeanor to a violation has gone up in smoke—at least for now. Cuomo has declared the plan, which was supported by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and NYPD...

Reefer Roadshow Sells Oldsters on Medical Pot

'Silver Tour' hits Florida retirement communities

(Newser) - After serving nearly 30 years in federal prison for his role in a marijuana-smuggling ring, Robert Platshorn is still pushing pot—but this time it's political. The 69-year-old has founded a group called the Silver Tour that aims to convince seniors of the benefits of medical marijuana, the Wall ...

Calif. Dem: Elect Me and I'll Smoke Dope on Capitol Hill

Andy Caffrey often lights up on the campaign trail

(Newser) - Andy Caffrey is for the most part a pretty standard-issue progressive, but he's got one campaign promise that makes him stand out: He's vowing to smoke pot on the steps of Capitol Hill if he's elected. Caffrey, 54, is running for Congress in California and happens to...

Ailing Judge: It&#39;s &#39;Barbaric&#39; to Block Medical Marijuana
Ailing Judge: It's 'Barbaric'
to Block Medical Marijuana
in case you missed it

Ailing Judge: It's 'Barbaric' to Block Medical Marijuana

New York justice who is fighting cancer makes plea to lawmakers

(Newser) - A sitting justice on the State Supreme Court in Brooklyn on Thursday outed himself as a criminal in the pages of the New York Times : Gustin L. Reichbach admits he uses marijuana to ease the constant pain of his three-year-plus battle with pancreatic cancer. Friends warned him it might not...

Obama Disappoints His Pro-Pot Fans
 Obama Disappoints 
 His Pro-Pot Fans 

Obama Disappoints His Pro-Pot Fans

He gave them hope, then failed to deliver: Politico

(Newser) - President Obama seems to have made nothing but enemies in the pro-pot camp over four years. Those in favor of medical marijuana or the larger principle of legalizing recreational pot see it this way, writes Byron Tau in Politico : Obama the candidate in 2008 left the distinct impression he would...

Vending Machine as Pot Dealer? Yep, Not Legal

Cops seize machine from pro-legalization HQ

(Newser) - Can laws against drug dealing be sidestepped by making a machine the dealer? The answer is no, a group of drug law reform activists in New Zealand discovered this week. Police raided the group's Auckland headquarters and confiscated a vending machine that was selling one-gram bags of marijuana instead...

Pat Robertson: Really, Legalize Pot

'This war on drugs just hasn't succeeded,' he tells New York Times

(Newser) - Pat Robertson is not cool with a lot of stuff, like abortion and Islam , but apparently he's down with toking. The evangelical leader has discussed his support for legalizing marijuana in the past, but in a new interview with the New York Times , he appears to have "fully...

NJ OKed Medical Pot in '10 —but It's Still Not for Sale

'WSJ' looks at state's struggle to implement medical marijuana program

(Newser) - Opposition to pot dispensaries around New Jersey is slowing the rollout of medical marijuana there, and officials say the first doctor-prescribed doobies won't be available until the end of the year at the earliest, reports the Wall Street Journal . So how long has the wait been? The New Jersey...

Roseanne Files Papers to Run for President

She wants to be Green Party's candidate

(Newser) - Roseanne is in. The comedian has filed papers to seek the Green Party's nomination for president, reports TMZ , which says she'll be pushing hard to legalize marijuana. Barr says the run is no joke, and she's looking to capitalize on the Occupy Wall Street sentiment, notes AP...

&#39;Vets for Weed&#39; Swipes Logo, Sparks Melee
 'Vets for Weed' 
 Swipes Logo, 
 Sparks Melee 

'Vets for Weed' Swipes Logo, Sparks Melee

And group has no intention of ceasing its use: rep

(Newser) - The VFW is stirring up quite a bit of controversy—no, not Veterans of Foreign Wars, but Veterans for Weed. In addition to co-opting the VFW acronym, the pro-marijuana-legalization group also uses a logo that looks like the POW/MIA icon, except with the soldier smoking a joint. The real VFW...

Gary Johnson: Gingrich Is a Hypocrite About Pot

Newt cannot call for death penalty on drug he's admitted to smoking

(Newser) - A libertarian GOP candidate for the presidency, usually ignored by mainstream media, is swinging hard at Newt Gingrich, calling him a "hypocrite" for his stance on marijuana. No, not Ron Paul. This time it's pro-pot candidate Gary Johnson, and he is slamming Gingrich for calling (in 1996) for...

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