
Stories 221 - 229 | << Prev 

Benoit Bought 'Excessive' Steroids

Doctor gave wrestler 10 times normal dose, feds charge

(Newser) - Over the last year Chris Benoit's doctor was prescribing the wrestler a 10-month supply of anabolic steroids every three or four weeks, the DEA said in court papers made public today. The steroids, which can cause paranoia, depression and violent outbursts, may have been a factor in the murder of...

Bonds Pulls Off All-Star Voting Comeback

Controversial slugger beats out Soriano for Frisco game slot

(Newser) - Barry Bonds will start in his fourteenth All-Star Game after a surprise eleventh-hour flurry of votes. The 42-year-old slugger beat out Alfonso Soriano for a slot in the NL lineup, after some highly publicized championing by San Francisco's clubhouse.

Wiki Twist in Benoit Horror
Wiki Twist in Benoit Horror

Wiki Twist in Benoit Horror

Wrestler's Wikipedia page was altered hours before police found family's bodies

(Newser) - In a disturbing twist, police report that Wikipedia contributors in the U.S. and Australia made note of the death of wrestler Chris Benoit's wife 14 hours before her body, Benoit's, and their son's had been discovered. The first edit stated Benoit missed an event "due to personal issues,...

Giambi Gives in to Steroids Meeting
Giambi Gives
in to Steroids Meeting

Giambi Gives in to Steroids Meeting

Slugger will field Mitchell's questions on 'history' of drug use

(Newser) - Yankees DH Jason Giambi acceded to a meeting with former Senate Majority Leader and steroids investigator George Mitchell, to discuss the power-hitter's possible use of performance-enhancing drugs. Giambi had initially balked at the official probe, but caved under pressure from Commissioner Bud Selig, who says the meeting will occur "...

Texas Owner: Juan-Gone "Probably" Doped

Gonzalez is Rangers' boss biggest regret

(Newser) - Texas owner Tom Hicks says he suspected slugger Juan Gonzalez had used steroids, judging from his body's early and expeditious breakdown. Hicks bemoaned his $24 million, two-year investment, which resulted in 152 games and 32 home runs during 2002-03. "We just gave that money away," he said.

Australia Cuts Stallone Down to Size
Australia Cuts Stallone Down to Size

Australia Cuts Stallone Down to Size

Action star draws fine for importing drugs without a prescription

(Newser) - Muscle-bound "Rocky" star Sylvester Stallone was hit with nearly $10,000 in fines and court costs today after being convicted of bringing body-building hormones into Australia without proper documentation. Customs officials busted him with human growth hormone and testosterone in February while he was promoting "Rocky Balboa" en...

Doping Scandal Takes a Turn for the Tabloid

Witness LeMond describes intimidation by Landis' manager

(Newser) - Floyd Landis' doping hearing vaulted from procedural to lurid yesterday with an allegation of harassment and acknowledgment of sexual abuse by a fellow American Tour de France winner. In an attempt to keep Greg LeMond from taking the stand, Landis' manager phoned him on Wednesday and impersonated the uncle who...

'Roid Rage May Be Misplaced
'Roid Rage May Be Misplaced

'Roid Rage May Be Misplaced

J.C. Bradbury says it's expansion, not drugs, that's damaged baseball

(Newser) - As opening day dawns, expect another season of home-run antics in lieu of your dad's short-ball game. But J.C. Bradbury argues in the New York Times that it's talent dilution, not steroids, that's changed the game: When the league expanded in the 90s, so did the number of hittable...

HGH Isn't Worth the Hysteria
HGH Isn't Worth the Hysteria

HGH Isn't Worth the Hysteria

Hyped as the next big doping scandal, there's not much evidence it even works

(Newser) - Crusaders against performance enhancing drugs should lighten up about Human Growth Hormone: In the sports version of the war on drugs, anabolic steroids are heroin and HGH is marijuana, writes Daniel Engber. Studies haven't shown any definitive increase in athletic abilities resulting from taking HGH, and they have minimal harmful...

Stories 221 - 229 | << Prev