North Africa unrest

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Arab Uprising Vindicates Bush

 Arab Uprising 
 Vindicates Bush 
Charles Krauthammer

Arab Uprising Vindicates Bush

Rather than denounce us, protesters want America's help: Krauthammer

(Newser) - A lot of people are calling for a US military intervention in Libya, which strikes Charles Krauthammer as odd, since the world so condemned the US for taking out Saddam Hussein. “Hussein’s evil was an order of magnitude beyond Gadhafi’s,” Krauthammer writes in the Washington Post...

Libya Rebel: 'There Are Spies Everywhere'

Tripoli braces for another potential clash

(Newser) - Gadhafi loyalists have set up checkpoints in Tripoli ahead of protests planned for today—the opposition has called for protesters to march out of mosques after noon prayers—and many fear more bloodshed. Several hours before prayers, streets were eerily empty, with few residents out. But security forces, who opened...

Yemeni President Agrees to Resign

Strikes deal with protesters to stay until end of year

(Newser) - Yemen’s president has agreed to a deal with opposition leaders that will usher him out of office by the end of the year—instead of by his previous 2013 deadline. A government official said, without elaborating, that the sides had reached “common ground” on a deal. Opposition leaders...

Venezuela's Chavez Trying to Play Libya Peacemaker

Gadhafi has accepted his mediation plan, but not rebels

(Newser) - His isn't the first name to come to mind as a peacemaker, but Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is floating a proposal to negotiate a solution in Libya on behalf of his old pal Moammar Gadhafi. It's not clear how seriously the plan will be taken by the outside world, but Gadhafi...

Egypt Army Ousts PM on Facebook

Former transport minister Essam Sharaf to form new government

(Newser) - Egypt’s military has “decided to accept the resignation of Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq,” the Supreme Council of Armed Forces announced in a Facebook post today. A spokesman then confirmed the move for Al Jazeera . Shafiq, who was hand-picked by Hosni Mubarak just before his ouster, will be...

Gadhafi Launches Strikes Against Oil Town

But rebel forces appear to have taken control there

(Newser) - Libyan air forces rained at least three airstrikes down on Brega today, a day after rebel forces drove Gadhafi loyalists out of the major oil town. There was also a strike just outside of Ajdabiya, about 40 miles away, the Washington Post reports. But there was no fresh ground fighting,...

Libya Captures 3 Dutch Marines

Troops were attempting rescue of civilians

(Newser) - Three Dutch marines have been held by pro-Gadhafi forces since Sunday, when they were captured trying to rescue two European workers, reports the AP. The two Europeans have been released and left the country, but the Dutch government says it is in "intensive negotiations" to secure the marines' release....

Gadhafi Loyalists Beat Back Rebels in Key Areas

Clashes increase as loyalists retake some areas

(Newser) - Libyan protesters are fighting to keep control of the areas they've taken as they increasingly clash with pro-Gadhafi forces. The latest:
  • The two sides are fighting over a key oil installation and airstrip, the AP reports. They are located on the coast of eastern Libya, most of which is held

Libya Rebels May Seek UN Airstrikes

Opposition debates requesting strike on Gadhafi compound

(Newser) - Libyan rebels seeking to topple Moammar Gadhafi are considering asking for airstrikes against the dictator under the United Nations banner, sources tell the New York Times . Rebel leaders say they are firmly opposed to intervention by other nations, but, “If it is with the United Nations, it is not...

Yemen President: This Is a Secret US-Israeli Plot

Ally against al-Qaeda is apparently an ally no more

(Newser) - The president of Yemen lashed out at the US and Israel today and accused them of secretly controlling the democratic uprisings in the Arab world, the Los Angeles Times reports. Ali Abdullah Saleh, a key ally of the US in the war on al-Qaeda and the recipient of billions in...

In 6-Hour Battle, Libya Rebels Hold City

Pro-Gadhafi forces reportedly attacked Zawiyah from six directions

(Newser) - In a long night of fighting, Libyan rebels armed with tanks, machine guns, and anti-aircraft guns have managed to hold on to Zawiyah, the city they seized on Sunday that happens to be nearest to Tripoli. Residents passed out sweets and cold drinks to fighters today and celebrated with a...

Gadhafi: 'My People Would Die for Me'

Ruler says Libyan demonstrators are al-Qaeda operatives

(Newser) - In Moammar Gadhafi's Libya, the only protesters are a few al-Qaeda-backed, drug-addled Libyans, the rest of his people love him, and he in fact can't step down—and certainly has no intention of doing so. The Libyan leader sat down with ABC's Christiane Amanpour and the BBC's Jeremy Bowen for...

Iran Jails Opposition Leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karoubi
 Iran Reportedly Jails Mousavi 

Iran Reportedly Jails Mousavi

Tehran formally detains opposition leaders, wives

(Newser) - Iran is cracking down on its opposition today, jailing prominent leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi, reports the AP. The pair and their wives were arrested and taken to Tehran's Heshmatiyeh jail, according to reformist website The two have been under house arrest for two weeks for...

Tunisia Appoints New PM
 Tunisia Appoints New PM 

Tunisia Appoints New PM

al-Qaeda urges Tunisians, Egyptians to rebel against new leaders

(Newser) - Interim Tunisian President Foued Mebazaa has appointed a new prime minister following the resignation of Mohammed Ghannouchi, who bowed to protesters' demands and stepped down yesterday, the BBC reports. Former foreign minister Beji Caid-Essebsi will take Ghannouchi's place, although it's not clear whether the appointment will be enough to mollify...

In Revolution, Dignity Returns to Arab World

After decades of repression, Arabs feel liberated, as one

(Newser) - There's blood and chaos in the revolutions wracking the Arab world, but there's also a new dignity and hope rising from the smoldering ashes of years of repression, reports Jeffrey Fleischman in the LA Times. Such feelings were an important part of the pan-Arabism of the 1950s, but decades of...

Noy Alooshe: Gadhafi Spoof Video Goes Viral
 Spoof on 
 Goes Viral 

YouTube Spoof on Gadhafi Goes Viral

Israeli journalist Noy Alooshe has some fun with dictator's speech

(Newser) - Of the many people who watched Moammar Gadhafi's speech last Tuesday and thought, "Man, that guy is batspit crazy," only one went to his computer, set it to an electro hip-hop song and gyrating half-naked women, and posted it to YouTube for what he calls an "instant...

Clinton: We're Ready to Help Libya

Offers 'any type of assistance,' wants Gadhafi to leave

(Newser) - The Obama administration stands ready to offer "any type of assistance" to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said today, adding a warning to other African nations not to let mercenaries aid the longtime dictator. Clinton made no mention of any US military assistance....

Two Dead as Protests Spread to Oman

Sultan Qaboos bin Said has ruled for 4 decades

(Newser) - Two people have died as protests hit their second day in normally quiet Oman, reports Reuters, noting that police fired rubber bullets and tear gas into crowds. There were unsubstantiated reports that police used live ammunition. "Police and anti-riot units moved against this subversive group to protect citizens and...

Tunisian PM Announces Resignation

Mohamed Ghannouchi was close to former government

(Newser) - Tunisian Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi has announced his resignation today on state television after a renewed outbreak of street violence in the North African country in the past few days. Ghannouchi, 69, has been a major irritant to Tunisians behind the so-called "Jasmine Revolution"—weeks of public upheaval...

Gadhafi's Media Day Backfires; Obama Tells Him to Resign

President says he's lost the legitimacy to govern

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi invited foreign reporters into the country for the first time in a bid to show he remains in control, but the gambit instead made clear the depths of the nation's chaos, reports the New York Times . Witnesses described firsthand the sniper attacks on civilians and the quick removal...

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