Newt Gingrich 2012

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Gingrich Cozies Up to Anti-Gay Pastor

John Hagee was once renounced by John McCain as 'crazy'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich has agreed to appear at a summit held by Texas megachurch pastor John Hagee. That name ring a bell? Here, let’s refresh your memory . Hagee’s last foray into presidential politics ended with then-candidate John McCain calling his views “crazy and unacceptable,” after some of...

Newt Gets No Credit for Monogamy: He's Old!

Gail Collins: Funny he's seen the light now that he's pushing 70

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich lobbed a softball this week—telling a conservative group that his extra-marital dalliances were prompted by his hard work and love of country —and Gail Collins takes a swing at it today in the New York Times . "Really, the concept explains quite a bit," she...

Newt: Passions Led to Mistakes

He 'felt compelled to seek God's forgiveness' he tells Christian media

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich cheated on his first two wives , maybe because he loves America so much. That’s what the ex-speaker told the Christian Broadcast Network last night, in a repentant interview seemingly designed to address one of the bigger blotches on his presidential resume, Politico reports. “There’s no...

Gingrich: On Day 1 as President I'll...

GOP hopeful outlines first day in Oval Office

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is still testing the waters for a 2012 White House run but he's already got a plan for his first day in the Oval Office. Gingrich—one of five GOP hopefuls who met voters in Iowa last night—issued a leaflet listing four executive orders that "whoever...

Rick Santorum Gripes About Fox News Suspension

He was never asked about 2012 plans, he tells CNN

(Newser) - Fox News suspended contributor Rick Santorum yesterday because he had "signaled" a possible 2012 run for the presidency, and Santorum has just one gripe with the matter: Fox never actually asked him if he was considering a 2012 run. Santorum revealed that yesterday on CNN 's John King USA—...

Fox News Suspends Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum Over 2012 Ambitions
Fox Suspends 2012 Hopefuls Newt, Santorum

Fox Suspends 2012 Hopefuls Newt, Santorum

Palin and Huckabee are fine for now

(Newser) - Fox News has suspended contributors Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum for 60 days, because they’ve “signaled possible runs for the presidency,” anchor Bret Baier announced today. The two will have until May 1 to declare whether they’re running. If they don’t announce either way by...

GOP Candidates Too Loud or Too Boring

Party needs someone who's both a fighter, fixer: Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty took a daring step towards explosive rhetoric recently: he declared the country’s mounting debt a “pile of poo.” Try not to look too offended. “Clearly, the guy running the bleep button for the GOP primary debates isn’t worried about Tim Pawlenty,” quips...

Heckler Confronts Newt Gingrich Over Affair

UPenn student calls him a hypocrite for gay marriage position

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s bed-hopping past got thrust into the limelight at a speech at the University of Pennsylvania last night, thanks to a combative question from a student, Politico reports. “You adamantly oppose gay rights,” the student, the president of Penn Democrats, began. “But you’ve also...

Majority of GOP Now Birthers

 Majority of GOP 
 Now Birthers 
Poll Results:

Majority of GOP Now Birthers

And that's likely to hurt Mitt Romney's primary chances

(Newser) - The birthers are multiplying—and they could have a real impact on the Republican presidential primary. In a new survey, 51% of those who say they’ll vote in the primary also say they don’t believe President Obama was born in the United States, according to Public Policy Polling...

CPAC Kicks Off 2012 GOP Race

Contenders vie to define themselves in speeches, straw poll

(Newser) - The race to the 2012 GOP presidential nomination begins in earnest tomorrow, when the annual Conservative Political Action Committee shindig kicks off in Washington. Nearly all the party’s hopefuls will be there—with the notable exceptions of Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee—vying both to define themselves against the...

Gingrich: Let's Scrap the EPA
 Gingrich: Let's Scrap the EPA 

Gingrich: Let's Scrap the EPA

He's no fan of the 'tool of ideologues'

(Newser) - The EPA is "a tool of ideologues to push an anti-jobs agenda" and it should be replaced, Newt Gingrich writes on his website. The potential 2012 presidential candidate called yesterday for scrapping the Environmental Protection Agency and creating a new agency that would streamline environmental regulations, with the goal...

Gingrich 'Very Serious' About Presidential Run: Daughter

Jackie Gingrich Cushman says dad is 'very concerned' about country

(Newser) - It’s presidential primary speculation season, and Jackie Gingrich Cushman thinks you should pencil in her dad as a probable candidate. "He’s very serious" about running, she tells Human Events . “He’s much more serious than he ever has been. And I can tell that because we...

Poll: Palin Would Come in 4th in Alaska GOP Primary

Palin, Huckabee, Romney, and Gingrich frontrunners for 2012

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's Alaska would choose Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, or Mitt Romney over her in a GOP primary for 2012, according to a recent series of Public Policy Polling surveys. The four candidates were the top four choices in 17 of the 18 states surveyed, with Palin coming first in...

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