airline fees

20 Stories

Frontier Airlines Announces 'New Era'

Airline says it will nix change/cancellation fees, offer more transparency in traveling options

(Newser) - "Today marks the beginning of a new era for Frontier," Frontier chief Barry Biffle said in a Friday statement, announcing an overhaul likely to go over well with customers. Key among those shifts, per Quartz : the elimination of most fees for changing or canceling flights. Under the previous...

Airline Passengers Get Good News From the DOT

New guidelines require airlines to spell out all fees, quickly issue cash refunds for canceled flights

(Newser) - Airline passengers will soon see some relief when it comes to refunds and so-called junk fees. Per new rules set out by the Biden administration on Wednesday, airlines must now show the full price of travel when passengers are booking their trip, reports NPR . That means that airlines have to...

It Just Got a Bit More Expensive on American Airlines

American raises baggage fees, tightens way to earn frequent flier miles

(Newser) - Going forward, you may have to open your wallet a little wider if you fly American Airlines. Passengers who check luggage are being hit with a price increase: The first checked bag will now cost $35 if you book online (it was previously $30), or $40 if you pay at...

American Airlines Introduces a New Fee

Basic economy tickets on transoceanic flights no longer come with a free checked bag

(Newser) - The nickel-and-diming of airline passengers continues. American Airlines has announced that travelers flying internationally on its Basic Economy tickets will no longer enjoy a first checked bag free. There will now be a $75 fee for the first checked bag on transoceanic flights, with the airline explaining the move was...

Feds Suspect Airlines Are Ripping Us Off

Justice Department launches investigation into collusion

(Newser) - Because extra fees and delayed flights weren't enough reason to sour on airlines, the Justice Department has added one more: Federal investigators suspect that the airlines are colluding to rip off passengers. The Justice Department has launched an antitrust investigation and demanded all communication airlines have had with each...

Man Changes Name to Avoid Airline Fee

Adam 'West' won't give in to Ryanair

(Newser) - This might be the best story about an airline fee in the history of airline fees, and not only because it involves Batman. A 19-year-old from Manchester, England, has legally changed his name rather than pay a $336 fee to Ryanair, reports the Guardian . The tale of how Adam Armstrong...

Spirit Introduces $100 Carry-On Fee

But you can avoid it by declaring baggage before the gate

(Newser) - If you're the type who's always rushing to your gate with seconds to spare, then you might want to avoid flying with Spirit. The airline has hiked its fee for large carry-on items to $100, reports USA Today , but the price gouge can be avoided by declaring your...

Airline Fees That Split Up Families Just Suck
Airline Fees That Split Up Families Just Suck

Airline Fees That Split Up Families Just Suck

Even Sen. Charles Schumer threw a hat in this fight

(Newser) - From a business point of view, it makes sense to impose extra fees on airline passengers who want an aisle or window seat, admits Brad Tuttle at Time . But consider that the onerous money-making scheme is all but forcing parents to sit apart from their children during flights. "The...

Spirit Airlines to Charge $100 for Carry-Ons

Move comes as boycott movement crops up on Facebook

(Newser) - Now that other airlines are jumping on the fees-for-carry-ons band wagon, Spirit Airlines wants you to be sure and remember that they were the first . The airline is jacking up its carry-on fees, which will now range from between $20 a bag all the way up to an eye-popping $100,...

Airline to Charge $35 for Carry-Ons

Allegiant follows lead of Spirit Airlines

(Newser) - Uh oh, travelers, this might be turning into a trend. Starting tomorrow, Allegiant Air will begin charging passengers up to $35 for their carry-on bags, MSNBC reports. Passengers can bring one carry-on aboard for free, but only if it can fit under the seat in front of them, the president...

Airline Bag Fees Hit $400

 Airline Bag Fees Hit $400 

Airline Bag Fees Hit $400

At least for an overweight international bag on some airlines

(Newser) - How crazy have airline baggage fees gotten? Well, checking an overweight (that's a 71- to 100-pound) bag will now cost you a whopping $400 on most Continental Airlines international flights. And Continental isn’t alone either, according to a survey of major carriers by USA Today ; United Airlines also...

Airlines' 2010 Checked-Bag Haul: $3.4B

They raked in billions more in reservation and change fees

(Newser) - You may want to take a deep breath before reading this one: Airlines collected a whopping $3.4 billion in baggage fees last year, up 24% from 2009. Reservation and change fees accounted for an additional $2.3 billion, down 3% from the year prior. The add-ons are one of...

Continental Debuts New 'Fare Holding' Fee

Customers can pay to lock in prices

(Newser) - Continental Airlines has come up with yet another new fee that's likely to become an industry standard. "FareLock" allows customers to lock into low airfares they find for up to a week with no obligation to buy a ticket, the Houston Chronicle reports. It costs at least $5 to...

Spirit Air Rolls Out Carry-on Fees

Airline says it went off without a hitch, will save time

(Newser) - Spirit Airlines rolled out its new fees on carry-on baggage today, lauding the move as a way to save time in loading and unloading planes. "The check-in process is going well so far," said a spokeswoman. Since airlines started charging for checked luggage, more passengers have brought carry-on...

Airline Sued for $5M Over Lost Bag

Flyer: American refused to return $25 luggage fee

(Newser) - Airlines that lose people's bags shouldn't be charging them for the service, says an angry passenger suing American Airlines. Danielle Covarrubias has launched a $5 million class action suit against the airline, complaining that after it lost her bag containing $800 in possessions managers refused to refund her $25 baggage...

Baggage Fees Plump Airline Revenues
Baggage Fees Plump Airline Revenues

Baggage Fees Plump Airline Revenues

Charges aren't going away, even as carriers regain profitability

(Newser) - Extra fees were a way for airlines to combat the severe drop in air travel during the recession, and they've worked—United led the way with $1.9 billion of them last year. Worldwide, airlines collected $13.5 billion in 2009, most of it from baggage fees, a 43% increase...

To Board Your American Flight Early: Pay $10
 To Board Your American 
 Flight Early: Pay $10 
more fees dept

To Board Your American Flight Early: Pay $10

$10 will buy option to beat the crowds

(Newser) - American Airlines is offering passengers the chance to pay twice for getting on the same plane. The airline plans to start selling passengers the option of being among the first to board a flight and avoid crowded aisles and jammed overhead bins, CNN reports. Early boarding is being offered as...

Airline Fees None of Schumer's Business
Airline Fees None of Schumer's Business

Airline Fees None of Schumer's Business

It's a free market, so politicians should butt out

(Newser) - Spirit Airlines imposes a fee for carry-on bags, and suddenly it's Public Enemy No. 1 on Capitol Hill. Amid the outrage, Jeff Jacoby would like to remind the government (and he's looking at you Chuck Schumer and Ray LaHood) that Spirit is a private company fighting for its life in...

Schumer Vows to Battle Carry-On Fee
Schumer Vows to Battle Carry-On Fee

Schumer Vows to Battle Carry-On Fee

Senator calls airline's new bag charge 'slap in the face to travelers'

(Newser) - Charles Schumer said today he's trying to get the federal government to prohibit airlines from charging a fee for carry-on baggage, calling it a "slap in the face to travelers." The Democratic senator from New York is making a personal plea to the Treasury Department to rule that...

Discount Airline Close to Charging Pee Fee

Skip to the loo may soon cost $1.50

(Newser) - In the latest move to squeeze every possible penny from travelers, a discount airline is close to charging flyers a fee to use the bathroom. Europe's Ryanair is preparing to dun travelers $1.50 for each trip to the loo. The airline is working with Boeing to develop a coin-operated...

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