
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Palin's Town Scored $27M in Pork

McCain has praised her opposition to 'wasting taxpayers' money'

(Newser) - As mayor, Sarah Palin employed a lobbying firm that secured some $27 million in earmarked federal funds for her town of 6,700, a watchdog group has discovered. The money went toward railways, sewers, a transportation hub, and a youth shelter, reports the Washington Post. Fighting federal earmarks, which are...

Cops Shoot Mayor's Dogs in Bad Drug Bust

Cops kill Labs 'for sport,' handcuff mayor in boxers

(Newser) - A Maryland mayor is demanding an investigation after police burst into his home and shot his two dogs dead, reports the Baltimore Sun. Cheye Calvo, the mayor of Baltimore suburb Berwyn Heights, and his wife were apparently victims of a smuggling ring that sent packages of marijuana to unsuspecting victims,...

Doggone! Labrador Runs for Mayor of Alabama Town

If you can't lick 'em, join 'em, muses Willie

(Newser) - A new candidate has bounded into the running in the mayoral race in Fairhope, Alabama, reports the Press-Register. Townspeople sick of the endless politicking are backing 7-year-old Labrador retriever Willie Bean Roscoe P. Coltrane for mayor. Supporters note that Willie Bean is the only candidate to have American Kennel Club...

NYC Biz Leaders Search for Next Mayor/CEO

Bloomberg's city-as-business style likely hard to replicate

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will vacate his office in 18 months, the New York Times reports, and local business honchos are already hunting for a replacement candidate who shares Bloomberg's financial independence and city-as-a-business approach. "What the business community wants is not just a businessman but a Bloomberg-type...

Mayors Call for Middle Ground on Guns
Mayors Call for Middle Ground on Guns

Mayors Call for Middle Ground on Guns

Bloomberg, Boston counterpart lay out consensus changes

(Newser) - Extremist-driven debate over gun control “made for good political theater,” but it hasn’t accomplished much, mayors Michael Bloomberg of New York and Thomas Menino of Boston write in the Wall Street Journal. Now that the Supreme Court has clarified the issue, it’s time to implement some...

Proposed Philly Mega-Skyscraper Rivals US' Best

1,500-ft. tower would top Sears; Chicago, New York plan taller

(Newser) - Philadelphia took a step toward entering America's mega-skyscraper club today, the Daily News reports, with a city councilman introducing zoning legislation for a building that, at 1,500 feet, would eclipse Chicago's Sears Tower. Plenty of bureaucratic hurdles remain for the proposed American Commerce Center, including retooling the city's planning...

Detroit Mayor's Blunders Hurt Mom's Reelection Chances

Democratic foes using tough tactics to unseat US Rep. Cheeks Kilpatrick

(Newser) - She’s a popular 11-year incumbent with a $500,000 war chest facing two cash-strapped two opponents, but Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick still faces a challenge in defending her House seat, the Detroit Free Press reports. Why? Her son is Kwame Kilpatrick, the Detroit mayor recently charged with perjury in...

New Yorkers See a Saltier Bloomberg
New Yorkers
See a Saltier

New Yorkers See a Saltier Bloomberg

Concern over mayoral legacy might explain more frequent fits

(Newser) - In his 6 years in office, Michael Bloomberg has enjoyed a reputation as the cool, collected CEO of the Big Apple. But as setbacks have mounted and his presidential ambitions have been shelved, another side is showing: the temperamental, sometimes explosive antagonist. Bloomberg's mood is "the worst I've ever...

Bloomberg to Greet New Mayor in London

Boris Johnson's Tories see visit as confirming party momentum

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will visit London on Friday to meet with new mayor Boris Johnson, the Guardian reports, giving UK conservatives another boost in momentum. Bloomberg will dispense advice on the early days of a mayoralty, and help the gaffe-prone Johnson dodge “pitfalls,” an aide said....

Chilean Mayor Beefs Up Support With Free Viagra

Surprise bonus for guys over 60

(Newser) - The mayor of a Chilean town has come up with a new way of securing support among voters: he's is handing out free Viagra. The mayor  of a working class suburb of the capital of Santiago has ordered physicians to hand out batches of the blue sex potency pills four...

Former Newark Mayor Guilty of Fraud
Former Newark Mayor Guilty
of Fraud

Former Newark Mayor Guilty of Fraud

Sharpe James sold cheap city land to his mistress

(Newser) - Sharpe James, who was the mayor of Newark, NJ, for two decades, has been convicted of fraud by a federal jury. James conspired to sell city lots on the cheap to his mistress, who then sold them for hundreds of thousands in profit, reports the Star-Ledger. James and the former...

Wal-Mart OKs Plan to Film Gun Buyers

Execs accept 10-point deal to curb illegal sales

(Newser) - Wal-Mart approved a plan today to videotape gun-buyers and curb illegal firearm sales in other ways, the New York Daily News reports. The 10-point deal with the bipartisan group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, helmed by New York's Michael Bloomberg, includes inventory controls and a log to trace buyers who have...

Detroit Mayor Charged in Text-Message Sex Scandal

Kilpatrick hit with 8 felony counts

(Newser) - Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his ex-chief of staff were charged today with perjury, obstruction of justice, and misconduct in office related to their denials under oath that they were romantically involved, the Detroit News reports. Kilpatrick, who faces eight felony counts, said at a press conference shortly after the...

Berlusconi Calls Rival an Obama Copycat

He ridicules the self-drawn comparisons

(Newser) - Silvio Berlusconi is calling his election opponent a Barack Obama copycat–and not in a good way. To keep his 7-point lead in the polls, Italy's former leader has distributed a package to his People of Freedom (PDL) candidates on how to bash Rome Mayor Walter Veltroni in the media....

Bloomberg: I'm Not Running
Bloomberg: I'm Not Running

Bloomberg: I'm Not Running

NYC's mayor ends long flirtation with independent bid

(Newser) - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he will not run for president but will remain active in the campaign and try to "steer the national conversation away from partisanship and toward unity." In an op-ed piece in today's New York Times, Bloomberg puts to rest the long-running...

Doggone! Texas Mayor Resigns After Hiding Neighbor's Pup

Dogsitting politician claimed pooch died

(Newser) - It may have been nothing more than puppy love, but the mayor of a small Texas town has been driven out of office after it was discovered she secretly kept the neighbor's dog she claimed had died, reports the BBC. The Shih Tzu named Puddles was later spotted at a...

Saucy Texts Could Sink Detroit Mayor

14,000 messages contradict sworn testimony denying affair

(Newser) - Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's continuing administration looks doubtful after the emergence of over 14,000 racy text messages between him and his chief of staff. Kilpatrick and his aide, both married during their steamy affair, testified under oath last year that they weren't sexually involved with one another. They were...

'Could Be' Candidate Bloomberg Crunching Data

NYC mayor targets supporters, volunteers

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg continues to deny that he's going to make an independent bid for the White House, but the billionaire New York mayor has built a colossal database of voter information from all 50 states, reports AP. "They want a hard-headed sense of their chances," said a member...

Democrats Hang On to City Hall
Democrats Hang On to City Hall

Democrats Hang On to City Hall

Four mayors returned to office, one wins in Philly; Dems also take Virginia senate

(Newser) - It was a good night for Democratic mayors last night: incumbents in San Francisco, Houston and Pittsburgh all comfortably won reelection. In addition, Philadelphia elected Michael Nutter on promises to reduce violence, and Baltimore gave a full term to Sheila Dixon, the city's first female mayor, who took office earlier...

Hizzoner's Still Eyeing an '08 Run
Still Eyeing
an '08 Run

Hizzoner's Still Eyeing an '08 Run

Won’t decide until March; what would a $1B run look like?

(Newser) - Mayor Mike has been quiet on the presidential front lately, but don't think the billionaire former Wall Streeter is quite resigned to the sidelines yet. Bloomberg will wait until the Democratic and Republican nominees are settled, after Texas’ primary in March, his top adviser tells Newsweek in a cover story...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>