
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Missouri River Threatens to Flood Iowa Town

Rising waters have already led to floods in other areas

(Newser) - The Midwest continues to struggle with flooding, as a small Iowa town evacuated today to escape the rising waters of the Missouri River. The Army Corps of Engineers is building an emergency levee to hold back the waters, which are expected to reach record levels in the next few weeks...

Natural Disasters Displaced 42M in 2010

Reported natural disasters have doubled in past two decades

(Newser) - If it's felt like Mother Nature has been a little angrier lately, you're not imaging things. More than 42 million people around the world were forced to flee their homes because of natural disasters in 2010, more than double the number during the previous year. More than 90%...

First Death Reported in Mississippi Flooding

Man, 69, dies after being pulled out of water

(Newser) - The Mississippi River flood has its first casualty: Walter Cook, 69, died today after firefighters found him clinging to the top of a fence in chest-deep water yesterday, the AP reports. He was found in Vicksburg, Mississippi, where the river is expected to crest today at 57.1 feet. Most...

Residents Flee Spillway Waters
 Residents Flee Spillway Waters 

Residents Flee Spillway Waters

Many have cleared out ahead of expected Louisiana floods

(Newser) - Butte LaRose is “like a ghost town” after yesterday’s opening of the Morganza spillway , says one resident. People started clearing out their belongings last week and most were gone by today, when the water was expected. A sign outside town warns that animals, too, are likely fleeing for...

Louisiana's Awful Choice: Flood Cities or Drown Farms?

One option could devastate New Orleans; the other would destroy farmland

(Newser) - In Louisiana, a terrible choice: Frantically sandbag the levees in an attempt to prevent a flood in New Orleans and Baton Rouge that could be greater than Katrina in some areas—or open a relief valve and purposely flood 200 miles of farmland, potentially destroying the livelihoods of many Louisiana...

Mississippi Expected to Crest Tonight in Memphis

River will likely reach near-record of 48 feet

(Newser) - The Mississippi River could crest as soon as 7pm tonight in Memphis, an earlier forecast than previous predictions . Even so, Mayor AC Wharton tells CBS News , "we're ready for it." Door-to-door warnings alerted residents to evacuate over the weekend, and patrols have been stepped up to prevent...

Corps Blasts Through Missouri Levee

US Supreme Court rejects Missouri's request to halt operation

(Newser) - The Army Corps of Engineers lit up the Missouri skyline last night, blowing a two-mile gap in a levee, and activating a 1920s flood plan that has not been used since 1937. The explosions along the levee near drenched Cairo caused water to gush over prime farmland, the Wall Street ...

River Overflows Missouri Levee; Collapse Feared

Severe storms won't let up in soaked Ohio, Miss. River valleys

(Newser) - Thousands of southeastern Missouri residents watched helplessly today as Black River water crept toward their homes after overflowing the levee protecting their town, as officials predicted a "catastrophic failure." Several homes in and around Poplar Bluff were partially submerged, while water filled the front yards of other houses....

Poor Midwest: When Snow Melts, Brace for Floods

Forecasters see bad things ahead in the spring

(Newser) - The Midwest, pummeled by snow this winter, is expected to get a nasty follow-up in the spring: major flooding. Again. Weather experts say the winter has left a "thick snowpack in much of the upper Midwest," leading them to expect serious flooding when it melts, reports USA Today...

Epic Floods Close Australia's Coal Mines

Waters causing 'catastrophic damage' to transportation system

(Newser) - The nearly biblical flood that’s washed over Queensland, Australia, is causing massive damage—including the closure of 75% of its coal mines, which supply most of Asia’s steel mills. “That’s a massive impact on the international markets,” observed Premier Anna Bligh in a TV interview....

Australia Flood Is of 'Biblical Proportions'

Residents continue to be evacuated today

(Newser) - Evacuations continued in Australia today as a flood of “biblical proportions” continued to assault the northeastern part of the country. The flooded area is larger than France and Germany combined, the AP reports. The good news: The rain has stopped, but rivers are still overflowing as the water flows...

Australians Stranded by Texas-Sized Flood

Government promises help to 200K affected

(Newser) - The good news for Australia: It got to celebrate New Years first! The bad news: A huge portion of the country is underwater. Prime Minister Julia Gillard today promised government assistance to the roughly 200,000 people that have been affected by a huge flood in the northeastern state of...

As Flood Toll Hits 25, Chavez Opens Palace to Refugees

State of emergency has left 5K homeless

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez is letting dozens of people made homeless by Venezuelan flooding crash at his palace, and he told them yesterday—as the death toll hit 25—that they can stay there until the government finds them new homes. Visiting a slum, the AP reports that Chavez urged other residents...

1M More Displaced in Pakistan
 1M More Displaced in Pakistan 

1M More Displaced in Pakistan

Southern levee bursts, flooding new areas

(Newser) - A new levee crumbled against the weight of the Indus River in Pakistan, flooding new areas in the southern Sindh province and displacing nearly 1 million more people, the AP reports. Around 175,000 people—70% of the population of the city of Thatta—are thought to have fled their...

Despite Floods, US Restarts Drone Attacks in Pakistan

Good will could go 'down the drain,' officials warn

(Newser) - Pakistan is in the midst of a massive humanitarian crisis, with floods submerging a sixth of the country, leaving six million people homeless. But that hasn’t stopped the US from resuming its unmanned aerial assaults, MSNBC reports. Drone missions were briefly grounded by the monsoon, but now have fully...

Floods Force N. Korea, China to Evacuate Thousands

Displaced 'at the crossroads of life and death'

(Newser) - Torrential rain has flooded the Yalu River that lies along the China/North Korea border, forcing thousands to evacuate, the LA Times reports. In North Korea, Kim Jong-Il deployed air force and navy units to aid in the evacuation of roughly 5,000 people, as flash-floods submerged houses, farms, and roads....

Pakistan Confirms Cholera Case
 Pakistan Confirms Cholera Case 

Pakistan Confirms Cholera Case

UN fears the outbreak of many more

(Newser) - Queue the locusts: Pakistan has confirmed its first case of deadly waterborne cholera, and officials in the devastated northwest region fear there will be more in wake of flooding that has killed an estimated 1500. And the bad news got worse for Pakistan, reports the AP, with fresh flooding hitting...

Toll in China Landslide Hits 337

More rain expected tomorrow; 1100 still missing

(Newser) - Rescuers dug through mud and wreckage today searching for more than 1,100 people missing after flash floods and landslides struck northwestern China and killed 337, one of a series of floods across Asia that have killed hundreds and spread misery to millions more. Vehicles carrying aid supplies choked the...

More Rain Lashes Drenched Pakistan

Gov't says 13M people affected by relentless monsoons

(Newser) - More rain soaked flood-ravaged Pakistan today and even heavier downpours were forecast for coming days, deepening a crisis in which hardline Islamists have rushed to fill gaps in the government's patchy response. Pakistani officials estimate as many as 13 million people have been affected by the rising waters. About 1,...

Pakistan Flood Toll Hits 1,100
 Pakistan Flood Toll Hits 1,100 

Pakistan Flood Toll Hits 1,100

Receding waters show massive devastation

(Newser) - A Pakistani official says the death toll from massive floods in the northwest has risen to 1,100 people. Disaster management official Adnan Khan said today that the death toll could rise even higher since there are areas in Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa province that rescue workers have not been able to access....

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>