
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Woman Swept From Car, Dies, in Texas Floods

130 rescued after 10 inches of rain falls

(Newser) - A torrent of heavy rain hit San Antonio last night and this morning, flooding streets and leaving one woman dead. The woman, 29, climbed on the roof of her car after being trapped in the flood, but was swept away by floodwaters, reports USA Today . The water is up to...

Flooding Rivers Imperil the Heartland

Mississippi River projected to peak 11 feet above flood stage

(Newser) - The Heartland is under water, with today's expected rain and snow adding to the woes of already-flooded parts of the Midwest, CNN reports. Rising river waters have caused four deaths, forced evacuations in Illinois, and are threatening Missouri, Iowa, Indiana, North Dakota, Mississippi, and Michigan as well. The Mississippi...

Pope Calls for Aid as Argentina Floods Kill 52

At least 46 dead in La Plata, 6 in Buenos Aires

(Newser) - Pope Francis is calling for public and church institutions in his native Argentina to step up assistance to the tens of thousands of people left homeless by torrential rains that have killed at least 52 people. Francis sent a telegram today to his newly appointed successor, Buenos Aires Archbishop Mario...

Hundreds of US Levees Decrepit, Dangerous

Army Corps of Engineers finds trouble in survey of system

(Newser) - Apparently Hurricane Katrina wasn't enough to make America fix its levee system. Seven years after that disaster, hundreds of America's levees are poised to fail, the AP reports, based on an early look at the US Army Corps of Engineers' first ever inventory of the nationwide flood control...

Scientist Who Found Titanic: Biblical Flood Probably Real

Noah's Ark story probably based on actual events, he says

(Newser) - The Biblical story of the global flood and Noah's Ark may be more than just a story, an archaeologist tells ABC News . Robert Ballard, the underwater archaeologist who located the wreck of the Titanic, has a team at the Black Sea and thinks he's found proof that the...

In Drenched Philippines, Fresh Rain, Misery

Hard rains again fall overnight, sending many fleeing again

(Newser) - Fresh rain fell on the Philippines today, ending yesterday's reprieve, thwarting rescue efforts, and again sending Filipinos scurrying for higher ground as rivers rose and resurgent flood waters washed through city streets. Many evacuees had returned home yesterday, but hard rains overnight and into today meant a second evacuation...

People Still Stuck on Roofs in Flooded Manila

Country overwhelmed as floods recede slightly

(Newser) - With half of Manila underwater , monsoon rains that have deluged the Philippines since Sunday are giving it a bit of a rest, allowing rescuers enough respite to pluck trapped residents from their perches. "We're still in rescue mode," says the nation's disaster response chief, calling the...

China Censors Flood Coverage
 China Censors Flood Coverage 

China Censors Flood Coverage

Beijing's disaster response sparks criticism

(Newser) - China did a marvelous job dealing with the floods that have killed at least 37 people in Beijing—at least, according to anything you're likely to read in China. The city's propaganda chief has ordered the media to report exclusively "achievements worthy of praise and tears,"...

Toll Hits 150 in Russian Floods

Putin calls for investigation amid devastation

(Newser) - The death toll rose to at least 150 today from severe flooding in southern Russia that turned streets into rivers, swept away bridges, and inundated thousands of homes as many residents were sleeping. President Vladimir Putin flew to the Black Sea region and ordered investigators to determine whether more could...

Zoo Animals Die in Devastating Minn. Flood

Seal, polar bear swim to safety after torrential rains

(Newser) - A polar bear and a seal who managed to swim to freedom and safety were among the lucky ones when torrential rains inundated a Minnesota town, flooding homes and streets, forcing evacuations and wiping out the local zoo. An 8-year-old boy was swept six blocks in an underground culvert in...

Sea Level Rise Doubles Risk of Catastrophic US Flood

Three reports say rising seas endanger continental US

(Newser) - Coastal states are now twice as likely to experience a so-called once-in-a-century flood by 2030, thanks to a global warming-fueled rise in sea levels, according to a trio of reports released today. Census data shows 5 million people are in the danger zone, particularly in cities, where many people live...

Bangkok Grapples With Floods
 Bangkok Grapples With Floods 

Bangkok Grapples With Floods

High waters close Don Muang airport

(Newser) - Bangkok is slowly being flooded by waters seeping into the Thai capital from the waterlogged center of the country on their way to the Gulf of Thailand. The flooding, the worst the city has seen in at least 70 years, has severed road and rail links and forced the government...

100 Animals Drown at Petco in NY Flood

Police will investigate

(Newser) - When last week’s flood hit upstate New York, the Johnson City Petco failed to evacuate its animals—and 100 drowned. The news made its way across the blogosphere ( see here for one example ), and now the village mayor has called for a police investigation to see whether...

Zookeepers Shoot Bison Trapped in Floodwaters

Remnants of Tropical Storm Lee continue to pound Northeast

(Newser) - As the floodwaters rose in Pennsylvania’s Hersheypark ZooAmerica, zookeepers made a tough—and controversial—choice: Rather than let two American bison drown while trapped in their pen, zookeepers shot both. Though other zoo animals were evacuated, officials say no one anticipated how quickly the floodwaters would rise, and that...

South Koreans Warned of Landmines After Mudslides
 Video Captures 
 South Korea 
death toll hits 67

Terrifying Video Captures South Korea Mudslide

Plus: Residents warned of landmines

(Newser) - The death toll from South Korea's massive landslides has reached 67, with at least 10 still missing, Reuters reports, and this terrifying video shows some of the destruction. In the wake of the flash flooding and mudslides, caused by the heaviest rains in a century, residents were warned to...

North Dakota Flooding: Souris River Waters Ebb, But 4,000 Homes Damaged
 Water Ebbs in North Dakota 

Water Ebbs in North Dakota

But Souris River flooded 4,000 homes

(Newser) - The Souris River began a slow retreat from Minot today with no further flood damage in the city, but officials warned danger would remain for several days until the highest water passed. More than 4,000 homes and hundreds of businesses flooded when the Souris flowed over levees Friday, but...

In Flooded Minot, Human Kindness Is Unsinkable

Evacuees pitch in to help neighbors

(Newser) - As the Souris River was set to peak today, North Dakotans weren't exactly wallowing in the misery of the worst flooding in memory—rather, they were rolling up their sleeves and doing whatever they could to help their neighbors. Evacuees helped others evacuate, others moved friends' belongings to safety,...

Rain Threatens as ND Flooding Nears Crest

Minot braces; river expected to peak this evening

(Newser) - With a threat of still more rain looming, Minot was bracing today for the Souris River to cascade past its already unprecedented level and widen a path of destruction that had severely damaged thousands of homes and threatened many others. City officials were expecting the river to peak as early...

North Dakota Scrambles to Fight Flood

Souris river to rise to 1,564 feet

(Newser) - With the Souris River expected to reach record heights, Minot, North Dakota, is scrambling to finish dikes protecting the one bridge still connecting the two halves of the city, the Jamestown Sun reports—and Mayor Curt Zimbelman doesn't think they're going to make it. "Work will continue...

Flood Forces North Dakota City to Evacuate—Again

River levels expected to rise to all-time high, threatening Minot residents

(Newser) - Officials have ordered 11,000 Minot, North Dakota, residents to flee their homes by 6pm today, in what will be their second evacuation this month. The Souris River is expected to spill over the city's protective levees soon, in its worst flood in four decades, the AP reports. Officials...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>