
Stories 41 - 53 | << Prev 

Bush Blames Pork for Spending Veto
Bush Blames Pork for Spending Veto

Bush Blames Pork for Spending Veto

$606B bill isn't kosher, prez says, ordering Congress to trim

(Newser) - President Bush vetoed a $606 billion domestic spending bill today, accusing Congress of “acting like a teenager with a new credit card.” His rejection of the measure, which included education, health, and job-training funds, will likely lead to a showdown, the Los Angeles Times reports. The House appropriations...

House Overrides Bush's Veto of Water Bill

Rejection is first of presidency; Senate likely to follow suit

(Newser) - The House overrode a presidential veto tonight for the first time in the Bush administration, with 138 Republicans crossing party lines to support a $23 billion water-resources bill. The 361-54 vote was far more than the two-thirds needed to override, reflecting the popularity on both sides of the aisle of...

Dems, GOP Pounce on Bush Over Water Veto

Congress may unite to hand him first override of his presidency

(Newser) - President Bush is gearing up for another battle with Congress, but his latest fray could result in the first overriding of one of his vetoes, the Washington Post reports. His rejection yesterday of the water resources bill, popular with Democrats and Republicans, is a gamble because it may endear him...

Kids' Health Veto Override Fails
Kids' Health Veto Override Fails

Kids' Health Veto Override Fails

Bush pleased with defeat of 'misguided legislation'

(Newser) - A House vote today failed to override President Bush's veto of a bill that could have provided health insurance to 10 million children. The measure fell 13 votes short of the needed two-thirds majority, with 273 voting for the bill, including 44 Republicans. Democratics say the fight isn't over. "...

Bush Blasts Dems' Expanded Child Health Bill

Prez threatens veto despite bipartisan support in Senate

(Newser) - President Bush threatened to veto a children's health insurance bill today, knocking Democrats he said were politicizing the issue by moving too far toward universal health care. The Senate last month passed an expanded "S-chip" program that would cover an additional 4 million children currently uninsured, the New York ...

Bush Kills Stem-Cell Bill
Bush Kills Stem-Cell Bill

Bush Kills Stem-Cell Bill

Wields veto for third time in presidency; Dems come out swinging

(Newser) - President Bush delivered the expected veto of a stem-cell research bill this afternoon, issuing instead an executive order to encourage the development of non-embryonic stem cells. "I will not allow our nation to cross this moral line," Bush said, setting off a predictable firestorm of protests from Dems....

Bush Prepares to Re-Veto Stem Cell Bill

Without override votes, Dems force prez to renew unpopular rebuff

(Newser) - President Bush plans to sic the third veto of his presidency on a new bill that would soften restrictions on stem-cell research. Congressional Dems sent the bill to the president this week, and it looks eerily similar to one Bush sent back to fail a congressional override in January.

House OKs Stem Cell Bill; Veto Expected

(Newser) - The House approved the stem cell bill today by a wide but not veto-proof margin, sending the legislation to the White House to await rejection by President Bush. The bipartisan bill, which loosens restrictions on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, passed the Senate in April and sailed through...

House Passes Short-Term War Funding
House Passes Short-Term
War Funding

House Passes Short-Term War Funding

Votes for another showdown with President Bush

(Newser) - Congress voted 221-205 last night to pump $40 billion into the war in Iraq—only enough to fund combat operations until July.  An additional $56 billion would be released contingent on the Iraqi government's progress. The bill omits any timetable for withdrawal, but sets the scene for another showdown...

Bush Will Veto New Iraq Bill
Bush Will Veto New Iraq Bill

Bush Will Veto New Iraq Bill

(Newser) - President Bush will veto a second proposed Iraq appropriations blll, the White House said today, dashing hopes for an agreement on the controversial measure. The new bill, which House Dems unveiled yesterday, requires the President to report to Congress on Iraq's progress in order to receive full funding for the...

Democrats Move on to Benchmarks
Democrats Move on to Benchmarks

Democrats Move on to Benchmarks

Even some Republicans like them. But how would they be enforced?

(Newser) - Congressional Dems have dropped their demands for a timeline to bring home troops, after the House failed yesterday to override a Bush veto on their Iraq spending bill. Now the buzzword is benchmarks, and even some Republicans are signaling that they could get on board. But what, if any, muscle...

Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill
Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill

Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill

(Newser) - As good as his word, President Bush made short work of vetoing the war appropriations bill Congress put on his desk today, objecting to its provision for a strict timetable for pulling the troop out of Iraq. With the veto a fait accompli for weeks, lawmakers are already girding to...

Bush Staying the Course on Veto
Bush Staying the Course on Veto

Bush Staying the Course on Veto

President refuses to compromise on Iraq funding

(Newser) - Bush is staying the course in the war with Congress, ripping into "Democrat leaders" in a press conference today, and repeating his vow to veto any bills with troop withdrawal deadlines that crossed his desk. Congress, he said, is more clearly interested in fighting political battles than real ones.

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