
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

House Paves Way for Obama's First Major Veto

Congress sends Keystone pipeline bill to president's desk

(Newser) - The House today followed the Senate's lead and sent a bill authorizing construction of the Keystone oil pipeline to the president's desk. President Obama, however, has promised to use his veto pen for just the third time in his tenure, though this will be his "first major"...

Veto No. 3? Senate Passes Keystone

Obama has said he won't sign, and Senate is short of override threshold

(Newser) - It looks like President Obama will be dusting off his "veto pen " for just the third time in his presidency: The Senate today voted to build the Keystone oil pipeline by a vote of 62-36, reports the Hill . And while nine Democrats joined Republicans in favor of the...

Rick Perry: Abuse of Power Indictment Is Abuse of Power

Says it's 'outrageous' and vows to fight it

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry said today that the indictment against him was an "outrageous" abuse of power and vowed to fight it. "This indictment amounts to nothing more than abuse of power and I cannot and will not allow that to happen," Perry said at a news...

Rick Perry Indicted for 'Abusing His Powers'

Texas governor indicted for carrying out veto threat

(Newser) - A grand jury indicted Texas Gov. Rick Perry today for abusing the powers of his office by carrying out a threat to veto funding for state prosecutors investigating public corruption—making the possible 2016 presidential hopeful his state's first indicted governor in nearly a century. A special prosecutor spent...

After Veto, Arkansas Tries to Save 12-Week Abortion Ban

Override attempt begins in state Senate today

(Newser) - Last week, Arkansas' governor vetoed a ban on abortions after the 20-week mark; the state legislature overrode the veto . Now, Gov. Mike Beebe has vetoed a bill that would ban abortions after just 12 weeks—and once again, lawmakers will today try to override the Democrat's veto; success would...

Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage in New Jersey

Governor kills legislation that passed yesterday

(Newser) - Proponents of gay marriage in New Jersey will have to try again. Gov. Chris Christie vetoed legislation legalizing same-sex marriages today, just as he promised he would, reports the Star-Ledger . Christie, acting just one day after the Assembly sent the measure to his desk, reiterated his call for the issue...

House Passes Stopgap; Obama Promises Veto

President calls it a 'distraction,' and it won't clear Senate anyway

(Newser) - The GOP-controlled House easily passed another stopgap measure today that would keep the government running for another week, but President Obama called it a "distraction" and promised to veto it if reached his desk. It probably won't, however, because Senate Democrats aren't expected to even consider it. Obama, meanwhile,...

Virginia Gov. Vetoes School PE Bill

'Unfunded mandate' would have required 150 minutes of PE a week

(Newser) - Virginia’s governor has vetoed a bill that would have required 150 minutes of physical activity per week at elementary and middle schools, handing a victory to school officials who complained that the measure would cost millions to staff, lengthen the school day, and take away from arts education. “...

Obama to GOP: Don't Make Me Veto Spending Bill

Says GOP proposal goes too far

(Newser) - President Obama issued a formal statement yesterday threatening to veto any spending bill the House GOP devises that doesn’t meet his specifications. “If the president is presented with a bill that undermines critical priorities or national security … the president will veto the bill,” the statement read,...

Why This Vote Really Matters
 Why This 
 Vote Really 
Charles Krauthammer

Why This Vote Really Matters

This election (and the next) is about the role of government: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Tuesday's vote will be a blast for Republicans, but "the direction of the country” won't truly be determined until the 2012 election, writes Charles Krauthammer. Until then, with Obama’s veto power and Democrats’ shrunken numbers, nothing much will get done. Still, the “beauty” of these next two...

Arnold Hides Vulgar Message to Legislators in Veto

Bill's author recently told governor to 'kiss my gay ass'

(Newser) - Though all political vetoes send some message, a recent one by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appears to carry two—with the less-obvious one quite the kiss-off to the Democrat-controlled legislature. In the message accompanying Schwarzenegger’s veto of a financing measure, the San Francisco Bay Guardian found that, in reading...

Alaska's Legislature Overrides Palin Stimulus Veto

Legislature barely hits rare 75% consensus

(Newser) - Alaska’s legislature voted yesterday to override Sarah Palin’s veto of $28 million in stimulus cash to defray energy costs, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Such an override requires the support of 75% of votes; the measure passed by a hair. “Instead of being the last state in...

NH Gov Wants Tweaks to Gay Marriage Bill

Protection needed for religious opponents before he'll sign

(Newser) - The fate of New Hampshire’s same-sex marriage bill hinges upon giving protection to religious groups opposing the law, the Union Leader reports. Gov. John Lynch says he’ll sign the law if legislators include his suggested changes to clearly state that religious groups can’t be forced to violate...

Maine Gov Signs Gay Marriage Bill
 Maine Gov Signs 
 Gay Marriage Bill 

Maine Gov Signs Gay Marriage Bill

State the fifth to OK nuptials as Baldacci signs measure quickly

(Newser) - Just hours after the Maine Legislature gave final approval to gay marriage today, Gov. John Baldacci signed the bill into law, the Kennebec Journal reports. When it takes effect 90 days after the legislative session ends in June, Maine will become the fifth state to allow same-sex nuptials. “This...

EU Maternity Benefits May Triple

(Newser) - Maternity leave benefits in the EU are set to triple if a new proposal goes through, the Telegraph reports. New moms would see a bump from 14 to 18 weeks of paid leave under the plan and would get a full paycheck during that time—rather than lower sick-pay rates....

Obama Will Get Next $350B, Pelosi Signals

Speaker sees close vote on authorizing remaining bailout funds

(Newser) - Barack Obama will get the $350 billion in bailout funds he’s asking for, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi indicated today on ABC’s Good Morning America. The Democrat didn’t explicitly guarantee victory in what’s expected to be a close vote, but said she believed Obama would get the...

Gov. Vetoes Ban on 'Lap Dog Driving'

Calif. motorists can still tool around with Fido at the wheel

(Newser) - Californians can keep driving with pets on their laps since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed a bill that would have banned such behavior, reports the Sacramento Bee. The "Paris Hilton Bill," as it was named by conservatives, was one of 95 measures that the Terminator terminated over the...

Deal Ends Budget Impasse
 Deal Ends Budget Impasse 

Deal Ends Budget Impasse

Schwarzenegger, lawmakers dodge veto showdown

(Newser) - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the California state legislature have ended a nasty budget showdown with a compromise expected to be approved today, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. The agreement eliminates extra withholding from workers' paychecks, and bridges a $17 billion budget gap largely  by adding penalties on corporations that underpay...

Governator Vows Veto Volley in Budget Battle

Showdown ahead with state lawmakers over funding sleight-of-hand

(Newser) - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is heading for a dramatic and potentially humiliating showdown with the state legislature over the budget, reports the San Jose Mercury News. Schwarzenegger plans to veto the budget which largely relies on accounting sleight-of-hand to close a $15.2 billion shortfall. Legislators say they have enough...

Bill Could Cripple Minn. Governor in Mac Veepstakes

Decision to veto measure could look bad on national stage for Pawlenty

(Newser) - A top Republican vice-presidential possible is in a fix, as his pending decision on state housing legislation could come back to hurt in the general election. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has a foreclosure-deferment bill sitting on his desk; he’s already voiced opposition to it, but vetoing it might make...

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