
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Mexico's Drug Violence Seeps Into US

Nearly 200 American cities affected by cartels

(Newser) - Mexico’s drug violence has been creeping northward into the US for the past several years, and officials now say that cartel-related crime has hit 195 American cities spanning every state except Vermont and West Virginia, the Los Angeles Times reports. Atlanta has emerged as a trafficking hub, but the...

Bullies May Enjoy Inflicting Pain

Brain scans show agressors feel reward watching others suffer

(Newser) - Bullies appear to enjoy seeing other people in pain, Reuters reports. Researchers in Chicago took brain scans of two sample groups of teens while showing them videos of one person hurting another. When showed violence, one group of teens, who were diagnosed with aggressive-conduct disorder and had recently attacked schoolmates,...

Taliban Gunmen Kill Christian Aid Worker

Afghanistan militants say they were angered by teaching of religion

(Newser) - Taliban gunmen killed a Christian aid worker in Kabul today, and the militant group said it targeted the woman because she was spreading her religion. The dual South African-British national worked with handicapped Afghans and was shot by gunmen on a motorbike around 8 am, officials said.  "This...

Out-of-Touch Dems Distort Myth of Crazed Mobs
Out-of-Touch Dems Distort
Myth of Crazed Mobs

Out-of-Touch Dems Distort Myth of Crazed Mobs

(Newser) - It's been hard to miss the spate of reports about ugly anti-Obama incidents at McCain/Palin events—a crowd member calling him a “terrorist,” for instance. The media is now playing a game of "find a freak" at GOP rallies and grossly distorting the notion of genuine harm...

Fla. Protesters Attack Caylee Anthony's Grandparents

Demonstrators hold daughter Casey responsible for toddler's disappearance

(Newser) - Florida police are looking for the protesters who provoked a violent confrontation last night outside the house of George and Cindy Anthony, grandparents to missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony, the Orlando Sentinel reports. Protesters who suspect the Anthonys' daughter Casey in Caylee’s disappearance threw pennies at the house’s door...

Thousands Protest Mexico Violence

Tide of kidnappings and murders linked to drug gangs and corrupt cops

(Newser) - Thousands of protesters marched in various Mexican cities yesterday, demanding the government crack down on the nation's mounting crime. Mexico has been rocked by kidnappings and murders connected to drug-trafficking gangs and corrupt police, with an estimated 12,000 drug-related deaths so far this year, reports the Los Angeles Times....

Mexican Drug Wars Spread to Touristy Yucatan

(Newser) - As drug violence soars in Mexico, casualties are spreading to the Yucatan peninsula, a major tourist destination and spring break hot spot. Twelve decapitated bodies were found near the popular ruins of Chichen Itza this week, the Los Angeles Times reports. That's because a government crackdown has heightened “a...

In Defense of American Blood Lust
 In Defense of
 American Blood Lust

In Defense of American Blood Lust

'Inheritance' of nation 'born in blood'

(Newser) - With Cormac McCarthy's ascension "from cult writer to Great American Novelist" and the "primordial joy" of Grand Theft Auto IV as backdrop, Stephen Marche reflects on the central role violence plays in the American mythos in Esquire. "Purification through violence has been created and nurtured by figures...

Distributor Pulls Grand Theft After Murder

Thai teen admits slaying cabbie while re-enacting video game

(Newser) - A video-game distributor is pulling Grand Theft Auto IV from shelves in Thailand after a teenager robbed and murdered a cab driver while attempting to re-create his experiences in the game, Reuters reports. The 18-year-old, currently in custody, has shown no signs of mental illness. He faces death by lethal...

Facebook Pulls Stabbing App Amid UK Knife Deaths

Britain concerned about spate of knife violence

(Newser) - A surge in knife crime has shaken Britain, ABC News reports. Twelve people—six of them teenagers—were stabbed to death in a single week this month. Public concern has caused Facebook to yank a third-party application where users could send each other "virtual stabs," and Nike has...

Aid Worker Murders Cripple Somali Relief

As crisis reaches flashpoint, 'organized terror campaign' drives out help

(Newser) - Aid workers are fleeing Somalia, even as global food prices soar and a full-blown famine is feared, in response to what officials say is an organized campaign of violence. Messages posted in the capital and sent to aid organizations threaten: “We know all the so-called aid workers. We promise...

Mugabe's Bloody Path to Victory in Zimbabwe

The Washington Post probes a campaign of intimidation

(Newser) - When Zimbabwe’s president, Robert Mugabe, first learned he’d lost his March bid for re-election, he told supporters he’d concede–but they wouldn’t listen. Instead, Mugabe agreed to let the army swing the vote in his favor. Thus began a campaign of violent intimidation that ultimately forced...

China's One-Child Policy Leads to Nation of Angry Men

Huge gender imbalance spurs skyrocketing crime rate

(Newser) - China’s got a big problem, one of its own making. The nation's one-child policy, now 30 years old, has resulted in a land of angry, testosterone-filled young men unable to find wives, writes Mara Hvistendahl in the New Republic. Finally worried about the world's biggest gender imbalance and its...

My Veterans Are Anxious to Fight, Mugabe Says

Zimbabwe was won by force, shouldn't be surrendered by vote, they say

(Newser) - Veterans of Zimbabwe’s war of independence are eager to fight in support of the ruling party, says President Robert Mugabe. “They came to my office after the election and asked me, ‘Can we take up arms?’” Mugabe told the state-run newspaper. “They said this country...

Mugabe's Militia Burns Enemies' Wives Alive

One woman had hand, feet chopped off; another was pregnant

(Newser) - Zimbabwean opposition leader Patson Chipiro came home Friday to a burning house. “I was trying to put the fire out,” he says. “I thought my wife was hiding in the bushes.” But Mrs. Chipiro was in the blazing house, where militia men loyal to Robert Mugabe...

Five Endgames for Zimbabwe
 Five Endgames for

Five Endgames for Zimbabwe

Odds look bad for smooth Mugabe exit

(Newser) - As Robert Mugabe’s war against his political opponents—and anyone who supports them—intensifies in the run-up to the run-off, Royal African Society Director Richard Dowden breaks down the possible endgames for the London Times.
  • Morgan Tsvangirai takes power, after winning a majority. Odds: zero. Even if Mugabe’s

Tokyo Killer Warned of Slaughter Online

Posted 'It's time' 20 minutes before rampage that killed 7

(Newser) - The young man accused of killing 7 people in a knife rampage in downtown Tokyo warned of the attacks in a series of messages to an Internet bulletin board, reports the AP. Tomohiro Kato, who rammed his truck into pedestrians before stabbing 17 of them, posted warnings from his cell...

Zimbabwe Detains, then Frees Diplomats
Zimbabwe Detains, then Frees Diplomats

Zimbabwe Detains, then Frees Diplomats

Police held US, UK embassy staff for 6 hours, beat driver

(Newser) - Zimbabwe has freed 12 US and UK diplomats detained earlier today while attempting to investigate political violence, MSNBC reports. The US demanded Zimbabwe “explain its actions,” after police tried to run a car full of diplomats off the road, eventually slashing its tires and beating the driver. “...

14-Year-Old Boy Sues 50 Cent
 14-Year-Old Boy Sues 50 Cent 

14-Year-Old Boy Sues 50 Cent

Teen alleges rapper's music promotes gangsta lifestyle that led to his assault

(Newser) - 50 Cent and Universal Music Group were sued yesterday for promoting a "gangsta lifestyle" that encourages violence. The plaintiff: 14-year-old James Rosemond, who was assaulted on a Manhattan sidewalk by 50's fellow G-Unit member Tony Yayo. Rosemond is the son of a record exec whose label represents The Game,...

Violence Up in Iraq: Pentagon
Violence Up in Iraq: Pentagon

Violence Up in Iraq: Pentagon

More recent attacks, but deaths still down 90% since June

(Newser) - Violent incidents in Iraq are up since January, according to a new Pentagon report. The rise is said to be a response in part to US-led operations against militants launched at the beginning of the year, and it includes more "high-profile" suicide bombings aimed at maximizing the number of...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>