
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

24 Killed in Baghdad Bombings
24 Killed
in Baghdad

24 Killed in Baghdad Bombings

Attacks wreak havoc despite security for Iranian prez visit

(Newser) - At least 24 people were killed and 60 injured in a series of bombs in Baghdad early today, reports the Los Angeles Times.  In the worst attack, a car packed with explosives blew up as it slammed into a security checkpoint, killing 21 people. "I saw a fireball...

Poisoned Arrows Riddle Kenya
Poisoned Arrows Riddle Kenya

Poisoned Arrows Riddle Kenya

Peace has come, but edgy populace stocks deadly new weapon

(Newser) - Kenya has struck a peace agreement, but its people are still stockpiling a new weapon of choice: poisoned arrows. A primitive arms industry is supplying ethnic warriors with the projectiles to replace their time-tested machetes, Time reports. “This is obviously something very wrong and very new,” said one...

Surge: Success or Standstill?
Surge: Success or Standstill?

Surge: Success or Standstill?

Post columnists stake out opposing stances

(Newser) - The year-old troop surge in Iraq has Washington Post op-ed columnists at odds, with Charles Krauthammer saying it’s unreasonable to call it a failure and Michael Kinsley arguing it can’t be deemed a success. The former points to changed hearts and minds, anecdotes of emotional reconciliation, legislation that...

Australian PM Pledges Support for East Timor

Rudd visits capital, president wounded in attacks by rebel soldiers

(Newser) - Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd jetted to East Timor today, vowing to stand by its neighbor after attacks Monday on its president and prime minister, Reuters reports. "It's by the ballot box, and not by the barrel of a gun, that the decisions for our countries will be made,...

5 Dead After Calif. Shootout
5 Dead After Calif. Shootout

5 Dead After Calif. Shootout

Gunman, 3 victims and SWAT officer killed in overnight siege

(Newser) - An overnight siege northwest of Los Angeles ended this morning when a police sniper killed a gunman responsible for wounding one SWAT officer and killing another, the Los Angeles Times reports. The man called 911 last night to report shooting three of his family members dead; SWAT officer Randal Simmons...

Latest Rambo a Bloody Mess
Latest Rambo a Bloody Mess

Latest Rambo a Bloody Mess

Stallone's fourth flick about mercenary is ultraviolent and artless

(Newser) - Sylvester Stallone's latest, and last, film about Vietnam vet/mercenary John Rambo isn't short on violence. "Body parts go flying, blood gets applied with a fire hose, spleens decorate the trees," writes Andrew Wright of the Portland-Mercury. Unfortunately, the movie is short on everything else. "One would be...

Kenyan Killings 'Planned'
Kenyan Killings 'Planned'

Kenyan Killings 'Planned'

Flyers, arms distribution point to orchestrated violence

(Newser) - As the death toll in Kenya's ongoing ethnic violence continued to mount yesterday, evidence indicates that some of the horrific bloodshed was carefully planned, the New York Times reports. Flyers warned of ethnic killings—now responsible for at least 650 deaths in the past month—even before December's controversial presidential...

LA Gang Killings Down 27% Since '06
LA Gang Killings Down 27% Since '06

LA Gang Killings Down 27% Since '06

Crackdown on 11 most dangerous groups by wide range of agencies credited

(Newser) - Los Angeles gang killings dropped 27% from the 2006 high of nearly 300, reports the Los Angeles Times. The city reported 216 gang-related killings in 2007, which still accounted for more than half of all homicides in Los Angeles. Authorities credited the reduction to a program that used police, federal...

Omaha Shooter Led Troubled Young Life

He spent time in institutions for psychiatric problems

(Newser) - The Omaha youth who went on a shooting rampage in a busy mall spent much of his later teen years in institutions and foster care because of behavioral and psychiatric problems, CNN reports. Robert Hawkins' trouble began five years ago, when he was sent to a treatment center after threatening...

Police Raid Kills 8 As Chechen Violence Spreads

Spillover violence from neighboring Chechnya

(Newser) - In the latest incident of Chechen violence spreading to bordering regions, Russian police killed at least 8 militants in a house raid in neighboring republic of Dagestan today, the AP reports. Police, who were acting on a tip about an armed gang in the capital Makhachkala, are still searching for...

US, Iraqi Death Tolls Plummet
US, Iraqi Death Tolls Plummet

US, Iraqi Death Tolls Plummet

September stats are lowest since summer of 2006

(Newser) - The death tolls among US soldiers and Iraqi civilians both fell significantly in September, hitting their lowest levels since the summer of 2006. Civilian deaths dropped 50% to 988, compared to 1,975 in August. The American death toll in September was 64, the fewest casualties since July 2006, the...

Will Lust, Caution Break NC-17 Taboo?

Producer lobbies theaters to show it despite kiss-of-death rating

(Newser) - Ang Lee, who turned taboo into gold with Brokeback Mountain, hopes theaters will show his new flick despite its NC-17 rating. And Hollywood is watching to see if the film — Lust, Caution, an erotic spy thriller — jumps hurdles for other filmmakers. NC-17 has been box office death for...

Rudy Takes Call During NRA Speech
Rudy Takes
Call During
NRA Speech

Rudy Takes Call During NRA Speech

Did the missus really phone as he massaged the 2nd Amendment?

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani, former gun control-lover,  wasn't exactly killing with a speech to the National Rifle Association today when he interrupted his remarks at the podium—to take a phone call from his wife. After a little lovey-dovey with Judith ("OK, have a safe trip, bye-bye. Talk to you...

TV's "Family Hour" Marked by Sex, Violence

Racier shows like '24' have replaced 'Cosby Show' values, study says

(Newser) - TV's "family hour" is a thing of the past, now an 8-9pm landscape littered with violence and sex, says a study by a parental watchdog group. Broadcasters call the notion outdated, and say parental involvement and V-chips–not censorship– are solutions, the LA Times reports.

As Brits Leave, Basra Crumbles
As Brits Leave, Basra Crumbles

As Brits Leave, Basra Crumbles

Former success story turns sour

(Newser) - The southern Iraqi port of Basra was once hailed as a success for coalition troops, but as British forces pull out, the city is devolving into violent conflict typical of Baghdad. Loose political parties and criminal gangs, which the remaining Brits are powerless to control, are fighting to dominate the...

Hitchens: Stop Fearing (and Coddling) Islam

'Threat of violence' behind Muslims' demand for religious respect

(Newser) - Unflappable contrarian Christopher Hitchens asks why he's accused of "insulting 1.5 billion Muslims" whenever he challenges their faith in public. Arguing that no other group takes such umbrage when its empirical beliefs are questioned, the militant secularist concludes that the appeal to Muslims' feelings has an "unmistakable...

Frustrated Cities Take Gangs to Court

Lawsuits requesting injunctions gain popularity in effort to preempt violence

(Newser) - San Francisco, Fort Worth, and other cities are suing gangs in an effort to curb violence, winning injunctions forbidding members to ride in cars together and even talk to each other on the street. Courts have struck down citywide measures after critics argued they unfairly target minorities, but injunctions against...

2 NYPD Officers Shot
2 NYPD Officers Shot

2 NYPD Officers Shot

Officials gun for suspects

(Newser) - One NYPD officer was shot twice in the face and his partner in the left arm in an early-morning attack caught on camera, Newsday reports. The officers were shot in Brooklyn after a routine traffic check on a black BMW SUV indicated the car was stolen. At least two suspects...

11 Die in Gaza Violence
11 Die in Gaza Violence

11 Die in Gaza Violence

Despite cease fire, senior Fatah, Hamas figures are assassinated

(Newser) - Violence broke out across the Gaza Strip yesterday, mere hours after a declared cease fire.  Fatah gunmen murdered a senior Hamas member late in the day, followed by the execution of a senior Fatah member outside his home, where he was hit with 45 bullets.

Surge Fails to Quell Baghdad
Surge Fails to Quell Baghdad

Surge Fails to Quell Baghdad

US forces control only a third of Iraqi capital, new report says

(Newser) - U.S. and Iraqi forces control only a fraction of Baghdad, despite the three-month-old troop surge. An internal assessment leaked to the Times found two thirds of the city's neighborhoods are still in open rebellion, although surge architects planned to have Baghdad under control by July. “We were way...

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