Paul Ryan

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All Signs Point to Ryan as Vice President Pick
 Romney Picks Paul Ryan 

Romney Picks Paul Ryan

Wisconsin congressman is vice presidential running mate

(Newser) - No more rumors: The Romney campaign told supporters today via phone app that Paul Ryan will indeed be Mitt Romney's running mate, reports AP . Romney will announce it himself at 9 Eastern in Norfolk, Va., and later the two will take off on a four-day bus tour. Earlier, just...

Hey, Romney: Save Yourself. Pick Paul Ryan

Leading conservatives to Mitt: Ignore the establishment

(Newser) - Establishment Republicans shudder at the idea of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's runningmate: After all, as chair of the House Budget Committee, he has espoused controversial reforms to Medicare, and Beltway insiders fear choosing him would put the focus on those issues. In short, they believe "Ryan is...

Dems Start Shoveling Dirt on VP Contenders

Super PAC preps 1,651 pages of attack material

(Newser) - No matter who Mitt Romney picks as a running mate, Democrats are already working to convince voters there's a problem with said potential veep. The Obama campaign has gathered plenty of what it considers to be dirt on each name that's been floated, and isn't wasting any...

Coming From Massachusetts: Hill's First Gay Republican?

Richard Tisei thinks his sexuality could actually be an advantage

(Newser) - Richard Tisei is hoping to become Capitol Hill's first openly gay Republican this November—and he thinks his sexuality might actually help. Being gay is a "non-issue" in Tisei's left-leaning district, he tells the Hill ; indeed, he thinks being pro-gay-marriage and pro-choice will be marks in his...

Romney's VP Shortlist Takes Shape

4 candidates look likely, but don't count out Kelly Ayotte

(Newser) - Buzz surrounding Mitt Romney's VP pick is growing louder, and RealClearPolitics has narrowed it down to four candidates: Tim Pawlenty, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. RCP doubts that a deliberative guy like Romney would make a pick out of left field,...

Paul Ryan a Centrist? Pure Myth

 Paul Ryan 
 a Centrist? 
 Pure Myth 
paul krugman

Paul Ryan a Centrist? Pure Myth

Paul Krugman: Obama is the real moderate

(Newser) - Paul Krugman has already declared the Paul Ryan budget worse than pink slime. Now he's wondering why folks are calling Ryan some kind of centrist when his budget would deny health care to millions, cut taxes on the rich, and do little to fix the deficit. The trouble is...

Top 5 Picks for Romney Running Mate

Marco Rubio, Chris Christie lead Intrade's bets

(Newser) - There's no way of knowing who will join Mitt Romney on the GOP ticket—but Intrade is willing to guess. The online futures site offers odds on various contenders, and the Daily Beast takes a look at the top five:
  1. Marco Rubio, 24.9%. The Florida senator is a

Romney Could Have a 'Dan Quayle Problem'

Like Bush in '88, he must pick a VP to please conservatives: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Now that talk is turning to Mitt Romney's VP pick, Steve Kornacki at Salon sees a strong parallel between his situation and that of the elder George Bush in 1988. Both rose to the top of the ticket despite a "moderate/liberal past" and thus had to constantly appease...

Obama: 'Radical' GOP Would Have Rejected Reagan

Budget plan shows how out of touch party is, he says

(Newser) - President Obama as expected blasted the GOP budget plan today as having a "radical vision" that rewards the rich and abandons the poor. But another line is getting plenty of buzz, too. He said the Republican party has shifted so far to the right that not even the Gipper...

Obama: 'Radical' Ryan Budget a 'Trojan Horse'

Ryan shoots back that Obama is 'disappointing'

(Newser) - Barack Obama plans to savage the House GOP budget proposal today, calling it "thinly veiled social Darwinism," according to a draft of the speech he'll deliver. "It’s a Trojan horse," Obama will say. "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it's really an attempt...

Paul Ryan's Budget Is Worse Than Pink Slime

Paul Krugman: It's history's 'most fraudulent' budget

(Newser) - Never mind that it's "inconceivably cruel" to cut taxes for the rich and aid for the poor: Perhaps the biggest problem with Paul Ryan's latest budget is that it's "surely the most fraudulent budget in United States history," writes Paul Krugman in the New ...

Santorum: It&#39;s Not Even Halftime Yet
 It's Not Even 
 Halftime Yet 

Santorum: It's Not Even Halftime Yet

Candidate upbeat on May races

(Newser) - With twitchy Republicans looking to put an end to an onerous and hard-fought primary season, Rick Santorum is saying not so fast, reports Politico . “This race isn’t even at halftime yet, we haven’t even selected half of the delegates yet,” Santorum told Fox News Sunday this...

Romney Finally Starting to Rack Up the Endorsements

There's a 'time when to fold 'em,' said elder Bush

(Newser) - They took their time, but high-profile Republicans are starting to fall in line behind Mitt Romney. Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio, a Tea Party favorite, yesterday gave Romney his support, saying he fears "disaster" if the race leads to a floor fight at the Republican National Convention. Wisconsin's...

House Passes Paul Ryan's Budget Plan

Party-line vote sets up stark contrast with Democrats

(Newser) - Republicans today pushed a $3.5 trillion budget through a divided House that showcases their plans for trimming federal deficits and contrasts sharply with how President Obama and Democrats would tackle the nation's fiscal problems. The GOP package from Paul Ryan would revamp Medicare, slice everything from food stamps...

GOP: OK, It&#39;s Romney

 GOP: OK, 
 It's Romney 


GOP: OK, It's Romney

Also, Paul Ryan says he'd be open to vice president slot if asked

(Newser) - Republicans watched Rick Santorum's convincing victory in Louisiana last night, eyed his burgeoning numbers in Wisconsin, and ... took to the Sunday talk shows today to concede that Mitt Romney would win the nomination, and that they are OK with that. A look around your Sunday dial, as per Politico...

GOP Rolls Out Budget With Huge Tax Cuts

There would be just two brackets, with the top at 25%

(Newser) - House Republicans rolled out a new Paul Ryan-penned budget proposal today that calls for a drastic tax-code overhaul, major changes to Medicare and Medicaid, and deep cuts in domestic spending, all while softening a set of automatic defense spending cuts set to hit in January. The budget would scrap our...

Obama Unveils $3.8T Budget, Targets Rich

Budget would institute 'Buffett Rule,' boost infrastructure

(Newser) - President Obama officially unveiled his $3.8 trillion budget today, and as expected it draws a 2012 battle line, calling for higher taxes on the wealthy combined with spending measures intended to bolster the economy, the AP reports. "We built this budget around the idea that our country has...

Paul Ryan: No Way I'm Backing SOPA

Reddit pressure may have swayed Republican lawmaker

(Newser) - Read Paul Ryan's lips: He is clearly, absolutely, not supporting the Stop Online Piracy Act. Under intense pressure from Reddit to oppose SOPA, the congressman today called the Internet “one of the most magnificent expressions of freedom and free enterprise in history” and said “it should stay...

Reddit's Next SOPA Target: Paul Ryan

Plus, looks like 'Dump GoDaddy Day' actually worked

(Newser) - Behold the power of Reddit: Users fuming over Paul Ryan's alleged support of a controversial online piracy bill have prompted a clarification from the congressman. "Contrary to false reports, Congressman Paul Ryan is not a cosponsor of HR 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act," said a rep,...

PolitiFact Reveals Its 'Lie of the Year'

GOP didn't try to 'end Medicare,' says site; left-leaning bloggers disagree

(Newser) - The biggest lie coming out of Washington this year was Democrats' assertion that "Republicans voted to end Medicare," PolitiFact says. Paul Ryan's proposal wouldn't have changed anything for people already 55 and older, and it would only have altered—not ended—Medicare for others, says the...

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