
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

More High-Profile GOPers Sign Pro-Gay Marriage Brief
More GOPers, Companies Back Gay Marriage

More GOPers, Companies Back Gay Marriage

Deadline for Obama to do same is today

(Newser) - Prominent Republicans keep coming out of the woodwork to sign onto a legal brief that pushes the Supreme Court to throw its weight behind gay marriage. More than two dozen have added their names since the amicus brief first made headlines , bringing the total signatures up to more than 100....

Dear Fellow Republicans, Income Gap Is Un-American

Sheila Bair: Size of disparity defies GOP principles, too

(Newser) - Sheila Bair describes herself as "a capitalist and a lifelong Republican," and she thinks a reasonable level of income inequality makes for a healthy economy. But the current disparity between the uber-rich and the rest of us is ridiculous, writes the former FDIC chair in the New York ...

GOP Building 'Coalition of the Old' on Gay Issues

Peter Beinart: Republicans better wake up

(Newser) - Republicans are making a deliberate push to attract minorities to the party, belatedly waking up to the demographic realities of America, writes Peter Beinart at the Daily Beast . But the GOP is "going to need more than merely black and brown spokespeople" to compete in the modern world, writes...

Is Rubio the Elusive 'Electable Conservative'?

Nate Silver: He'll need great political instincts a la Reagan to win in 2016

(Newser) - Hydration issues notwithstanding, Marco Rubio is in a strong position in terms of the 2016 presidential race, writes Nate Silver in the New York Times . Rubio is "reliably conservative," which would help him in the primaries, and his favorability ratings are solid, which would help him in...

Rubio: Obama Has &#39;Obsession&#39; to Raise Taxes
 Obama Has 
 to Raise Taxes 
speech excerpts

Rubio: Obama Has 'Obsession' to Raise Taxes

In excerpts, says president's plans will hurt middle class

(Newser) - President Obama is going to make middle-class jobs a big part of his State of the Union Address, but Marco Rubio says the president's approach would backfire. Politico has excerpts of Rubio's Republican rebuttal, to be delivered in English and Spanish , including:
  • “The tax increases and the

Rand Paul to Give Tea Party Response to Obama

Sets up contrast between him, Rubio

(Newser) - The Tea Party will again have its own official response to President Obama's State of the Union address on Tuesday night, and it has picked Rand Paul to deliver it, reports CNN . The Kentucky senator will speak after Marco Rubio delivers the GOP response . "We are giving a...

State Republicans Serve Up Fresh Abortion Bills

Michigan backs off transvaginal ultrasound bill

(Newser) - Republican lawmakers around the country are bringing abortion rights back into the spotlight—much to the chagrin of the party's leaders in Washington, who think the issue was part of the reason Romney lost among women by 11 points. Just this week, Republicans in at least four states introduced...

Firebrands Out, but GOP Remains the Same

Ezra Klein on Republicans' fitful attempt to reinvent themselves

(Newser) - Something strange is happening to the GOP. All of the 2016 contenders seem to have reached a conclusion, Ezra Klein observes in a Bloomberg column: "It's better to build a reputation as one of the party’s adults than as one of its firebrands." But Republicans are...

Rubio to Give GOP Response to Obama in English, Spanish

Florida senator picked for Republican answer to State of the Union address

(Newser) - Marco Rubio's political stock continues to rise: The Florida senator will give the Republican response to President Obama's State of the Union address on Feb. 12, reports the Hill . Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants who has been leading the GOP charge on immigration reform , will deliver the...

Rove Creates New PAC, Will Butt Heads With Tea Party

Predictably, many conservatives not happy

(Newser) - A big split in the Republican party? Karl Rove's new super PAC, the Conservative Victory Project, appears to be taking aim at Tea Partiers. The Victory Project, led by the same people who run American Crossroads, has the official aim of nominating "the most conservative candidate in the...

Republicans, It&#39;s Time for a &#39;Second GOP&#39;
Republicans, It's Time
for a 'Second GOP' 
David Brooks

Republicans, It's Time for a 'Second GOP'

David Brooks thinks the current party mindset is too far gone to fix

(Newser) - Republicans these days are talking a good game about the need to reform—witness Bobby Jindal's plea to stop being the "stupid party." But David Brooks in the New York Times says so far it's been more about sloganeering than actual reform. In fact, he thinks...

Mitt Romney: 'We Lost, but I'm Not Going Away'

Promises to help GOP candidates: Politico

(Newser) - It wasn't the speech he hoped to give during inauguration week in Washington, but Mitt Romney spoke nonetheless today to a closed-door session of donors and campaign bigwigs. Politico has the quote getting the most play:
  • “We lost, but I’m not going away. I will continue to

Boehner: Obama's Goal Is to 'Annihilate' GOP

Speaker expects huge push to win back House

(Newser) - John Boehner spoke to a GOP think tank called the Ripon Society the day after President Obama's inauguration, and he made clear that he thinks Obama is done trying to work with Republicans, reports the Hill :
  • “Given what we heard yesterday about the president’s vision for his

House Dem Leaders: Vote 'No' on GOP Debt Plan

But GOP is confident it will pass anyway

(Newser) - The word of the day in the House is not "bipartisanship." Sources tell Politico that Democratic leaders will urge their fellow lawmakers in a caucus meeting this morning to vote against the GOP's proposal to suspend the debt ceiling until May 19. Their intention: force Republicans to...

Inauguration No. 2 Is Zero Cause for Celebration

Ruth Marcus: Joy of 2009 gives way to cynicism of 2013

(Newser) - Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus remembers the thrill of President Obama's first inauguration, the possibility it presented of real change in DC. But she's not getting suckered in this time around. "It has been a long four years since that joyous moment on the Mall,"...

Republicans Need Colin Powell
 Republicans Need Colin Powell 
Joe Scarborough

Republicans Need Colin Powell

Joe Scarborough: Embrace Powell, or party may not survive

(Newser) - Colin Powell's criticism of the GOP Sunday did not go over well with many members of his party—but Joe Scarborough thinks moderate, electable Powell is exactly what Republicans need. As the late William F. Buckley put it, conservatives need to take reality into account. Or as Scarborough puts...

Dear GOP, Learn Spanish
 Dear GOP, Learn Spanish 
Kathleen Parker

Dear GOP, Learn Spanish

Kathleen Parker: Republican message to Latinos has been disastrous

(Newser) - Kathleen Parker has two words of advice for Republicans today in her Washington Post column: "Learn Spanish." She doesn't mean it literally—nothing's worse, she writes, than hearing a US politician "pandering" to Latino voters with a brutal fake accent—but rather "metaphorically."...

Hasn&#39;t the GOP Already Won Here?

 Hasn't the 
 GOP Already 
 Won Here? 

Hasn't the GOP Already Won Here?

Republicans can declare victory on fiscal cliff talks: Gerald Seib

(Newser) - Republicans have been too busy fretting over their concessions on the fiscal cliff to stop and do one thing: declare victory, writes Gerald Seib at the Wall Street Journal . Headlines over top-tier tax rates have obscured the fact that at least 98% of Bush tax cuts will remain—a major...

Real Conservatives Should Be Livid&mdash;at Republicans
Real Conservatives Should Be Livid—at Republicans
andrew sullivan

Real Conservatives Should Be Livid—at Republicans

Andrew Sullivan: GOP doesn't seem to respect our Constitution

(Newser) - Don't confuse the principles of conservatism with the principles—or lack thereof—of the current Republican party, writes Andrew Sullivan in the Daily Beast . In a scathing blog post, he calls the GOP's use of the debt ceiling as a negotiating tool "legislative terrorism" by a "...

Jim DeMint Was Never a Legislator
 Jim DeMint 
 Was Never 
 a Legislator 
OPINION roundup

Jim DeMint Was Never a Legislator

He'll have just as much influence out of the Senate, two writers say

(Newser) - Jim DeMint has figured out something important, writes Steve Kornacki on Salon : In today's GOP, you don't need to hold an office in order to have power. When he leaves the Senate and starts running the conservative Heritage Foundation, his "power won't wane at all—and,...

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