
Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

Dems Raising a Ruckus Over Jobless Benefits

President Obama plans to keep issue in the news

(Newser) - President Obama plans to climb the bully pulpit this week and hammer Congress—but really, just congressional Republicans—for failing to extend long-term unemployment benefits. The White House has concocted a plan to keep the issue in the news on a daily basis, Politico reports. Tomorrow, Obama will invite a...

Believe It or Not, the GOP Is Winning
 Believe It or Not, 
 the GOP Is Winning 

Believe It or Not, the GOP Is Winning

The whole policy discussion is still being held on their terms

(Newser) - Republicans may look like they're cleaning egg off their face right now. "House Republicans have suffered a huge tactical defeat of their own devising," writes George Packer at the New Yorker . "But in a larger sense, the Republicans are winning, and have been for the past...

Best Thing for GOP Is if Tea Party Splits With It

David Frum thinks 'extremism' is killing the party's political prospects

(Newser) - Former Bush I speechwriter David Frum has a few words for Tea Party politicians who might be considering a split from the GOP to form a third party: Good riddance. Such a split might be the only hope for the party's long-term chances, writes Frum at CNN . Tea Party...

Boehner Says He 'Has Something Up His Sleeve'

But frustration seems to be mounting among Republicans

(Newser) - Politico reports that John Boehner has been confiding to people that he "has something up his sleeve" to solve the impasse over the shutdown and the debt ceiling, but it's not at all clear what that might be. In fact, the rest of the story is about...

Congressman Whines He's 'Stuck' With 6-Figure Salary

'I'm stuck here making $172K,' Rep. Phil Gingrey reportedly said

(Newser) - The latest politician to have his name splashed across national news over something he said is Georgia Rep. Phil Gingrey, who is finding himself under fire following a meeting of congressional Republicans yesterday. On the table was the ruling that allows federal lawmakers and their staffers to get a health...

Stop Blaming GOP for Tripping Up ObamaCare

Law is doing fine a job of that on its own: Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - ObamaCare isn't exactly humming along seamlessly toward full implementation, and Republicans bent on derailing it are getting much of the blame. Sorry, writes Jonah Goldberg at USA Today , but it's the clumsy law itself at fault. Yes, House Republicans have voted against it dozens of times, but to...

Liz Cheney Running for Senate—Against Republican

She will challenge incumbent Mike Enzi in Wyoming

(Newser) - Liz Cheney announced today that she's running for the Senate in Wyoming next year, reports AP . The news isn't a huge surprise, notes Slate , but it's especially interesting because of one salient fact: She's trying to oust a fellow Republican. And that Republican, 69-year-old Mike Enzi,...

Why Attacks on Hillary's Age Will Never Work

No matter how old she is, she's the candidate for youth: Michael Tomasky

(Newser) - The GOP's new plan of attack against Hillary Clinton, assuming she runs for president in 2016: Go after her age. A New York Times article revealed the strategy yesterday, with Karl Rove explaining the basic idea: "We're at the end of [Clinton's] generation and ... it's...

Why Democrats Should Become Republicans
Why Democrats Should Become Republicans

Why Democrats Should Become Republicans

Matt Miller: So they can fix the GOP from within

(Newser) - Matt Miller floats an unorthodox idea in the Washington Post today for Democrats frustrated by the "rightward lurch" of the GOP to the conservative fringes: He thinks those Democrats should switch parties and become Republicans. The idea—and Miller gives full credit to his wife for the idea of...

Rhode Island Gov. Chafee Switching to Democrats

He got elected as an independent after leaving the GOP

(Newser) - It looks like Democrats will be adding another governor to their ranks. Rhode Island's Lincoln Chafee plans to switch to the party before he launches his bid for re-election in 2014, reports Politico . Chafee used to be a Republican senator, but he won the governor's seat in 2010...

Bobby Jindal: Send IRS Officials to Prison

He tells fellow Republicans that Obama's big government is real culprit

(Newser) - Probably a good sign that Republicans see the IRS controversy as very fertile ground politically: Bobby Jindal—who famously warned the GOP not to be the "stupid party" of unhinged attacks—is going after the scandal hard today, reports Politico . The potential 2016 challenger plans to tell Republicans in...

Karl Rove: GOP Can Retake Senate in 2014
Karl Rove: GOP Can Retake
Senate in 2014

Karl Rove: GOP Can Retake Senate in 2014

But the party will need 'quality candidates'

(Newser) - If the Todd Akins and Richard Mourdocks of the world keep their distance, Republicans have a chance of retaking the Senate in 2014, writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal . To do so, they would would need a net gain of six seats. It sounds steep, but Max Baucus...

GOP, It's Time to Ditch Blind Faith to Reagan

Jennifer Rubin says his 'myth' is threatening the party's future

(Newser) - Plenty of Republicans have "unfailing reverence" for Ronald Reagan, writes conservative blogger Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post . In fact, too many of them do, and it's threatening to destroy the party, she warns. They forget, apparently, that Reagan served in the 1980s—and he acted in ways...

Limbaugh 'Problematic,' Says GOP Consultant in Tape

Mother Jones gets another recording, this one of Frank Luntz

(Newser) - David Corn of Mother Jones is out with another anti-Republican secret recording, this one of prominent GOP consultant Frank Luntz dissing Rush Limbaugh and others on right-wing talk radio. In a talk at Penn, Luntz took a question on political polarization. After taking pains to try to make sure his...

GOP Balks at Making Saudis 'Trusted Travelers'

House members point out that most 9/11 hijackers were Saudis

(Newser) - House Republicans are raising concerns about an Obama administration deal to give "pre-approved, low-risk travelers" from Saudi Arabia a quicker pass through customs when entering the US. "Of the 19 individuals who hijacked American planes on September 11, 2011—15 were from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,"...

Liz Cheney: Time for GOP to Wake Up and Fight Back

Her op-ed calls Obama the 'most radical' president in history

(Newser) - Liz Cheney unloads on President Obama in today's Wall Street Journal , calling him "the most radical man ever to occupy the Oval Office." She ticks off a laundry list of complaints, from the national debt, to ObamaCare, to gun rights, to his belief in "redistribution of...

Rand Paul Will Lead GOP ... Nowhere
 Rand Paul Will Lead 
 GOP ... Nowhere 

Rand Paul Will Lead GOP ... Nowhere

Bill Kristol says the right's real savior hasn't stepped forward yet

(Newser) - Rand Paul's filibuster was smart politics for sure, but all it amounts to is 13 hours of hot air, writes Bill Kristol at the Weekly Standard . Paul in 2016 ? Please. "How much staying power is there in a political stance that requires waxing semihysterical about the imminent...

Obama Shifts Strategy, Woos GOP Lawmakers

President begins 'charm offensive' in search for long-term budget deal

(Newser) - Politico calls it President Obama's "Plan B," while the Huffington Post see it as the start of a "charm offensive." Whatever the name, it begins tonight as Obama hosts eight Republican senators at a dinner at a posh hotel near the White House. (John...

Christie Snub Proves GOP Loves Crazy, Unelectable Candidates

Republicans embrace losing as sign of 'purity:' Roger Simon

(Newser) - The GOP seems determined to embrace "crazy" candidates while eschewing moderates who could actually win national elections, writes Roger Simon on Politico . Take the recent snub of Chris Christie, who was not invited to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Who was invited? Such "winners" as Sarah...

Eastwood Signs GOP's Gay Marriage Brief

'We're making a big deal out of things we shouldn't,' he's said in past

(Newser) - Add Clint Eastwood to the growing line of Republicans throwing their weight behind an amicus brief filed with the Supreme Court in support of gay marriage, reports Breitbart . The empty-chair whisperer and longtime Libertarian/Republican is perhaps the biggest name yet to sign the brief, and he hasn't exactly been...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>