Homeland Security

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Ill. Puts Blago Impeachment on Fast Track

Gov's access to Homeland Security info yanked

(Newser) - The Illinois House speaker is calling lawmakers back to session early for a possible impeachment vote on Rod Blagojevich next week, the Chicago Tribune reports. The move could help Democrats block Blago nominee Roland Burris from taking Barack Obama's Senate seat, reports the New York Times. Illinois House officials say...

Terrorists Up to Dangerous New Tricks Next 5 Years: US

Report predicts increase in homegrown terrorists, growing danger of biological attack

(Newser) - The number of homegrown Islamic militants in the US is expected to increase sharply over the next 5 years, according to a Homeland Security assessment obtained by AP.  A pool of "terrorist wannabes" will be recruited online and used to carry out attacks, including sophisticated cyberattacks for which...

Border Protection Chief Busted for Hiring Illegals

Homeland Security official was responsible for stopping illegal immigrants entering country

(Newser) - A top Homeland Security official could be facing a stiff prison sentence for hiring illegal immigrants to clean her home, the Boston Globe reports. Lorraine Henderson, a regional director whose responsibilities include stopping illegal immigrants from entering Massachusetts, is accused of employing a Brazilian woman who entered the country illegally...

No Country for Single Women?
No Country for Single Women?

No Country for Single Women?

Praising Napolitano as 'perfect' for Homeland Security because of 'no family' really a diss

(Newser) - Single? Career woman? Then you must be a cold, power-hungry spinster perfect for the 24/7 job of securing our nation's borders from terrorists. Or at least according to Pa. Gov. Ed Rendell, writes Gail Collins in the New York Times, who damned his unmarried Arizona counterpart Janet Napolitano as “...

Napolitano Pick Suggests Focus on Immigration
Napolitano Pick Suggests Focus on Immigration

Napolitano Pick Suggests Focus on Immigration

Rumored Homeland Security nominee has hawk cred on border

(Newser) - If Janet Napolitano is indeed Barack Obama’s pick for Homeland Security chief, it likely signals a shift in the department away from terrorism and toward immigration issues, CQPolitics reports. The Arizona governor has been on the front lines of the immigration battle. “She would do a pretty serious...

Airport Security Loophole Gets High-Tech Fix

Encryption makes boarding pass 'impossible' to forge

(Newser) - The government is finally closing a well-known loophole that makes it easy for would-be terrorists to board planes, Wired reports. Under current rules, it’s possible to forge a boarding pass at home. But new measures will put the passes, with secure barcodes, on smartphones, making it “well-nigh impossible...

Lieberman Keeps Chairmanship
 Lieberman Keeps 

Lieberman Keeps Chairmanship

Will lose some meaningless subcommittee job instead

(Newser) - Senate Democrats voted 42-13 today to let Joe Lieberman keep his perch atop the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, hoping to prevent the Connecticut Independent from becoming a full-fledged Republican, the Hill reports, The former Dem, who actively supported John McCain's presidential bid, will instead lose his chairmanship of...

Dems Likely to Let 'Wayward' Lieberman Keep Senate Chair

Only token punishment for McCain support

(Newser) - Senate Democrats are likely to allow Joe Lieberman to retain chairmanship of the powerful Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee despite his vocal support for John McCain and repeated attacks on Barack Obama during the election, Politico reports. The Connecticut independent has threatened to leave the Democratic caucus and join...

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