Homeland Security

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'Two-Faced' Flyer Has Security Agents Scrambling

Homeland Security chief wonders how man was able to board plane

(Newser) - The passenger who turned from an elderly white man into a young Asian man mid-flight is causing panicked authorities to scramble to update security procedures. Hong Kong authorities believe the man—who was wearing a mask sold online under the name "Jerry Attrick" and mimicked the movement of an...

Former Gitmo Detainee Supplied Mail Bomb Intel

Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula member turned himself in

(Newser) - A former Guantanamo Bay detainee spilled the beans that helped authorities find the bombs hidden on FedEx and UPS flights, NPR reports. Jaber al-Fayfi was a member of al-Qaeda who had been released to the Saudi government's re-education program. He rejoined the terrorist cause, taking up with Yemen's al-Qaeda in...

There May Be More Mail Bombs, Feds Warn

Cargo companies stop shipments from Yemen

(Newser) - US counterterrorism officials have warned local law enforcement and emergency personnel to be on the watch for suspicious mail, in the wake of last week’s foiled mail bomb plot . The FBI and Homeland security have warned post offices to flag packages of foreign origin without return addresses, or with...

US Having Tough Time Detecting Terror Threats
US Having Tough Time Detecting Terror Threats
new report

US Having Tough Time Detecting Terror Threats

Thanks to the rise of homegrown terrorists, says report

(Newser) - It has become far harder for the US government to detect upcoming terrorist threats in the years since 9/11, as terrorist networks spread and attract more Americans to their ranks, according to a new report from the former leaders of the 9/11 Commission. “It’s a much more complex...

Feds Admit Storing Body Scans
 Feds Admit Storing Body Scans 

Feds Admit Storing Body Scans

Scanners capable of storing, sending images

(Newser) - The "virtual strip search" images taken by airport body scanners, which federal agencies have long insisted can't and won't be stored, have been stored in the tens of thousands. The US Marshals service has admitted that over 30,000 of the über-revealing images were stored at a single...

Hackers Target Power Plants
 Hackers Target  Power Plants 

Hackers Target Power Plants

Homeland Security assembles cyber-response teams

(Newser) - Hackers worldwide have been stepping up efforts to break into the systems of power plants and other infrastructure, security experts say. The first malware specifically designed to attack the software used to control power grids was recently uncovered. The Department of Homeland Security has created teams of experts who can...

Oops: Arizona Can't Enforce New Law Without Fed Help

And isn't likely to get it

(Newser) - When the Arizona immigration law takes effect tomorrow, police will be able to check the immigration status of people stopped for routine infractions like speeding, detain them if they turn out to be illegal immigrants, then ... probably release them after a while. Turns out that since only the federal government...

Jersey Jihadist Wanted to 'Mutilate Gays'

Alessa radicalized in early teen years

(Newser) - Mohamed Mahmood Alessa at 14 was already talking about mutilating homosexuals, blowing up his school, and subordinating women in the name of Islam. During his teen years the Jersey jihadist was kicked out of a string of schools, where "he was exhibiting this crazy, radicalized behavior," and officials...

US Tightens No-Fly Rules
 US Tightens No-Fly Rules 
times square aftermath

US Tightens No-Fly Rules

Faisal Shahzad got on flight despite list

(Newser) - The Obama administration is tightening its no-fly-list rules in response to Times Square bomb scare suspect Faisal Shahzad's near-escape on a Dubai-bound flight. When an urgent new name is added to the watch-list, airlines will now have just two hours to check and make sure they don't have a matching...

Feds Plan Cell Phones That Can Smell Biochem Attack

Detector chip could save lives: Homeland Security

(Newser) - Ever wish that your cell phone could double up as a poison gas detector? If so, you'll be thrilled to learn that Homeland Security's science division is working to make your somewhat unusual dream become reality. The scientists are in talks with cell phone manufacturers about inserting a chip into...

DC Launches Mass Transit Terror Drill

Metro will be scene of simulated mass-casualty attacks

(Newser) - Commuters at one of Washington Metro's busiest stations are being met today by dozens of transit police officers and bomb specialists as part of the system's biggest-ever security drill. "There is no immediate or credible threat" to the Metro, a spokeswoman tells the Washington Post. "We want to...

Palin: US Needs a Leader, Not a 'Law Professor'

She calls President Obama's strategy on terror 'fatally flawed'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin weighed in on the nation's security today, calling President Obama's approach "fatally flawed" on her Facebook page . "The real nature of the terrorist threat requires a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor," the Republican governor-turned-author writes. Among other things, she blasted the idea of giving...

Napolitano Backtracks, Says System Failed

Homeland Security chief changes stance; visa oversight probed

(Newser) - Facing a storm of criticism for saying "the system worked" in the attempted bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 253, Janet Napolitano reversed course today. "Our system did not work in this instance," the Homeland Security secretary said. She added, "No one is happy or satisfied with...

Salahis Invited to Capitol Hill ... Through Front Door

Party crashers haven't been subpoenaed. Yet.

(Newser) - The House Committee on Homeland Security has asked the couple who crashed last week's White House state dinner to testify on Thursday. Tareq and Michaele Salahi have not confirmed that they will appear, and testifying could complicate their plans to auction off the story of how they infiltrated the theoretically...

Ariz. Sheriff Defies Feds with Immigration Sweep

Arpaio continues arresting suspected illegal immigrants despite loss of powers

(Newser) - The "toughest sheriff in America" isn't going to let anything stop him enforcing the law—not even the law. Joe Arpaio launched crime and immigration sweeps in Phoenix yesterday in defiance of a federal order stripping his deputies of the right to make immigration arrests in the field. "...

Feds Rein In Fiery Sheriff on Immigration Checks

Joe Arpaio calls officials 'liars,' vows to continue sweeps

(Newser) - The self-proclaimed “toughest sheriff in America” was not pleased. Homeland Security yesterday stripped Joe Arpaio’s deputies of the power to make immigration arrests in the field as though they were ICE agents, sending the flamboyant Phoenix-area cop into a sputtering, rambling outburst, the New York Times reports. “...

Booking a Flight? Get Ready to State Sex and Age

(Newser) - Air passengers booking flights in the US can expect some extra questions starting this weekend, the Washington Post reports. Travelers will be asked for their sex and birth date, which will be forwarded along with other information to federal officials checking watch lists. The move comes as the Transportation Security...

FEMA Too Slow on Katrina Trailer Toxins: Federal Report

Agency didn't announce toxin find until 2 years after people moved in

(Newser) - FEMA was too slow to deal with reports of toxins in trailers used to house Hurricane Katrina victims, potentially posing a “significant health risk” to thousands along the Gulf Coast, a Homeland Security report says. Residents of the trailers had reported bloody noses, headaches, and worse as a result...

Swine Flu Emergency Is a Cover-Up: Pro-Life Groups

Obama trying to push Sebelius nom through

(Newser) - Is the swine flu emergency just an Obama administration plot? Anti-abortion groups think so, noting that confirmation hearings begin today for would-be Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. “Some people think that declaring a state of emergency about the flu was a political thing to push the Sebelius nomination through,”...

US Warns of Rise in Right-Wing Extremism

Homeland Security: Recession is catalyst

(Newser) - Right-wing extremist groups may be taking advantage of volatile economic times and the election of the first black president to drum up membership in the US, the Homeland Security Department says. The nine-page report, sent to police agencies nationwide, says extremism isn't limited to racist hate groups but "may...

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