Senate Republicans

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There's Hope: 'Major Progress' on Fiscal Cliff

But sticking points exist after flurry of overnight negotiations

(Newser) - So just where are we on the fiscal cliff? After Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid hit an impasse yesterday , McConnell called in Joe Biden, and after a flurry of offers that included President Obama and went throughout the night, Politico finds "major progress" and reason for hope this morning....

Fiscal Cliff's Great Last Hope: the Senate?

But Democrats would need assurances from Mitch McConnell

(Newser) - With Plan B dead and gone , could Plan S save the day? The New York Times today shifts its attention from the gridlocked House to the Senate, following yesterday's plea by GOP Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Johnny Isakson to Senate leaders to make a scaled-back deal with President...

Rep. Tim Scott Tapped for DeMint&#39;s Seat

 Rep. Tim Scott 
 Tapped for 
 DeMint's Seat 
say GOP sources

Rep. Tim Scott Tapped for DeMint's Seat

Nikki Haley to announce choice at noon

(Newser) - South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has chosen GOP Rep. Tim Scott to take over Jim DeMint's Senate seat, CNN reports by way of GOP sources. She's set to make the announcement today at noon. Scott will be the state's first black senator since the late 1800s, the...

Filibuster Fight Heads to Court

House Dems sue over 'accident of history'

(Newser) - The battle over the Senate filibuster is moving beyond Capitol Hill gridlock and into the courtroom: While Harry Reid fights the procedural tactic in the Senate, four House Democrats have taken the matter to the federal courts. They're joined in their lawsuit by Common Cause, a nonpartisan reform organization....

Jim DeMint Leaving the Senate
 Jim DeMint Leaving the Senate 

Jim DeMint Leaving the Senate

He'll become head of the Heritage Foundation

(Newser) - Jim DeMint is resigning his Senate post so he can take a gig as president of the conservative Heritage Foundation, he announced today. DeMint will step down in early January, the Wall Street Journal reports. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will appoint an interim replacement until a special election can...

Senate GOP Blocks Disabled Rights Treaty

Bob Dole makes appeal; Kerry calls vote saddest day in years

(Newser) - Bob Dole watched from a wheelchair on the Senate floor yesterday as his Republican former colleagues rejected a United Nations disability rights treaty modeled on the Americans with Disabilities Act he championed in 1990, the Kansas City Star reports. GOP opponents of the treaty claimed it would surrender American sovereignty...

Let&#39;s Banish the Filibuster
 Let's Banish the Filibuster 

Let's Banish the Filibuster

It's now just an obstruction, not a voice for minority party: Ezra Klein

(Newser) - With the election behind us, it's time to get rid of the power to filibuster in the Senate, writes Ezra Klein at Bloomberg View . What was once a rare legislative move is now abused on a regular basis—it's become "simply a rule that the minority party...

Researchers Withdraw Tax Report After GOP Complains

It suggested cutting top tax rate doesn't help economy

(Newser) - The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service released a report in September suggesting that cutting the top tax rate didn't aid economic growth; now, amid concerns from Senate Republicans, it has withdrawn the report. The move has sparked anger among Democrats. "They didn’t like a report, and instead of...

Gaffes Squash GOP Bid to Rule Senate—Again

Akin, Mourdock stumbles reminiscent of 2010 struggle

(Newser) - In 2010, the GOP looked poised for a potential Senate takeover—but losses by Tea Party favorites to Democrats in Nevada, Delaware, and Colorado helped Democrats maintain control. Now, a similar scenario is playing itself out, notes the AP . Once again, Republicans should have had the Senate locked up this...

GOP Senate Candidates Can&#39;t Name Minimum Wage
Candidates Don't Know—But Don't Like—Minimum Wage
gop hopefuls

Candidates Don't Know—But Don't Like—Minimum Wage

Missouri's Todd Akin, Sarah Steelman, John Brunner all stumped

(Newser) - None of the three Republicans running in Missouri's Senate primary know the state's minimum wage, but they definitely don't want it raised, CBS St. Louis reports. Appearing on KMOX radio, former state treasurer Sarah Steelman, Rep. Todd Akin, and businessman John Brunner appeared stumped when asked about...

GOP Senator Olympia Snowe to Retire

Big setback for Republicans in Maine

(Newser) - Republican Olympia Snowe said today she will retire from the Senate rather than seek re-election, reports the Kennebec Journal . The Washington Post sees it as bad news for her party in the very blue state of Maine. Democrats will likely be favored to take the seat the moderate Snowe has...

Expect Senate Gridlock to Remain in 2013

Neither party likely to take effective majority

(Newser) - The 2012 election may generate plenty of headlines, but it's not going to get a gridlocked Washington moving again—in large part thanks to the outlook for the Senate. Neither party is poised to win the kind of majority that could exert any real authority, the Washington Post notes....

Barack Obama Bucks GOP, Will Appoint Richard Cordray Head of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
 Obama Will Appoint 
 Cordray Watchdog 
take that, gop?

Obama Will Appoint Cordray Watchdog

Bucks GOP with recess appointment

(Newser) - President Obama is thumbing his nose at Republican opposition and will today name a new US chief consumer watchdog: Richard Cordray. Yep, the same Cordray who Senate Republicans blocked early last month. Obama's decision to make a recess appointment is certain to cause an uproar—he's essentially declaring...

Senate Republicans Aim to Block Obama Appointee Aponte Over Ex-Boyfriend
GOP Slams Obama Nominee ... Over Old Flame?

GOP Slams Obama Nominee ... Over Old Flame?

Mari Carmen Aponte's ex had possible Cuban ties

(Newser) - Senate Republicans have already gone too far in opposing President Obama's appointees, argues Gail Collins in the New York Times —but blocking someone over a boyfriend she had 20 years ago? Yes, Senate Republicans want to stop Mari Carmen Aponte from becoming ambassador to El Salvador because of...

Senate GOP Blocks Obama CFPB Nominee

Richard Cordray won't head consumer protection bureau

(Newser) - As expected, Senate Republicans today blocked President Obama's choice to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau he created. Few questioned Richard Cordray's credentials for the job, notes the AP , which reports that the former Ohio attorney general fell victim to a "particularly nasty partisan fight." Only...

Senate Rejects $35B Jobs Bill
 Senate Rejects $35B Jobs Bill  

Senate Rejects $35B Jobs Bill

Portion of larger American Jobs Act won't move forward

(Newser) - President Obama’s first attempt to split his American Jobs Act into smaller bites did not go well: His $35 billion package, intended to protect the jobs of teachers and first responders, was blocked in the Senate last night. Democrats couldn’t get the 60 votes needed to move the...

Obama Jobs Bill Heads to Senate to Die

Republicans will filibuster

(Newser) - The Senate will hold a vote to begin debate on President Obama's jobs bill today, but Republicans are likely to filibuster the measure, denying it the 60 votes it needs, the AP reports. Republicans have been signaling their opposition, likening the bill to 2009's stimulus, which Republicans regard...

Lamar Alexander to Drop Out of GOP Leadership

Says he'd rather foster consensus

(Newser) - Lamar Alexander will give up his post as Republican Conference chairman—the party’s third-ranking Senate position—in January, and with it his hope of being the Senate GOP whip in the next Congress, he announced today, in what Politico calls a "stunning decision." Alexander says he’s...

McConnell: Big Deficit Deal Is Dead

Top Republican blames White House insistence on tax hikes

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell is jumping right on John Boehner's pronouncement last night that a broad deal on the deficit is impossible, reports Politico. Appearing on Fox News Sunday this morning, the Senate's top Republican said the White House's insistence that a $4 trillion deal be accompanied by tax...

Resolute GOP Stands by Ryan's Medicare Overhaul

Despite its divisive nature, Republicans still fighting for Ryan's plan

(Newser) - Despite the five Senate Republicans who voted against Paul Ryan’s Medicare overhaul yesterday, the GOP remains wedded to the divisive, and increasingly unpopular , plan. Rather than back off, Republicans are responding by increasing attacks on the Democrats’ position, the Wall Street Journal reports. "We need to make it...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>