Senate Republicans

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GOP Joins as Budget Clears 1st Senate Vote, 67-33

Deal should pass Senate no later than tomorrow

(Newser) - Conservatives still don't love the bipartisan budget deal passed by the House last week , but as expected, it advanced in the Senate today after a number of Republican senators declared their support. In some cases, their quite tepid support: The deal "isn’t everything I’d hoped it...

Senate GOP Blocks Another Obama Appointment

Republicans derail pick for DC court of appeals

(Newser) - Senate Republicans blocked another of President Obama's picks for one of the nation's top courts today, the latest skirmish in a nominations battle that has intensified partisan tensions in the chamber. The vote derailed Obama's selection of Georgetown University law professor Cornelia Pillard to fill one of...

GOP Blocks 2 Obama Picks, Sets Up Senate Fight

Democrats threaten to change rules requiring 60 votes

(Newser) - Senate Republicans today blocked President Obama's picks for a powerful federal court and a housing regulatory agency, prompting Democrats to threaten curtailing the GOP's ability to derail nominations. "Something has to change, and I hope we can make the changes necessary through cooperation," Harry Reid said...

Obama, GOP Senators Start to 'Jell' in Meeting

Is momentum shifting against House Republicans?

(Newser) - A ray of hope at the White House? Republican senators emerged from a nearly 2-hour meeting with President Obama today saying the two sides are closer to an agreement—or are at least listening to each other, Politico reports. What's more, the Washington Post reports that Obama talked by...

Shutdown Deal Near? Tone Still Hopeful

More meetings today amid signs of progress

(Newser) - So will the week end with a Capitol Hill deal to reopen the government and avoid a default, or at least set the stage for a weekend breakthrough? Signs of progress remain promising , but as Politico puts it, "there’s no one dancing in the West Wing end zone"...

Government Shutdown Looms Again

Congress grapples with sequester as Washington budget war continues

(Newser) - Ready for another shutdown showdown? Well tough, because Congress seems to be barreling toward yet another irreconcilable budget stalemate, the Washington Post reports. Lawmakers need to reach a deal on the budget and, particularly, the sequester cuts by Oct. 1, which is just three weeks after they return from August...

Democrats Did Kill the Filibuster

 Did Kill the 

Democrats Did Kill the Filibuster

Wall Street Journal: It lives in theory but is dead in reality

(Newser) - So Harry Reid didn't exercise the "nuclear option" and thus kept intact Republicans' ability to filibuster presidential appointees, right? Wrong, declare the editors at the Wall Street Journal . Consider the filibuster dead in those situations—because what's to stop Democrats from making the same threat to kill...

Reid, McConnell Feud Startles Chummy Senate

Senate leaders get personal over filibuster rules, 2014

(Newser) - Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell have spent a combined 60 years in the Senate, and they've generally had an amicable relationship—but no more. Sticking points include the Democrats' attempt to oust McConnell in 2014; a super PAC led by former Reid aides is working against the minority leader...

Conservative Economists Praise the New Immigration Bill

Even as GOP senators threaten to kill it

(Newser) - Conservative economists appear to have gotten the memo about the GOP's new immigration-friendly stance. More than 100 of them today signed a letter praising the reform bill coming to the Senate floor, saying it would have a "positive impact on population growth, labor force growth, housing, and other...

Karl Rove: GOP Can Retake Senate in 2014
Karl Rove: GOP Can Retake
Senate in 2014

Karl Rove: GOP Can Retake Senate in 2014

But the party will need 'quality candidates'

(Newser) - If the Todd Akins and Richard Mourdocks of the world keep their distance, Republicans have a chance of retaking the Senate in 2014, writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal . To do so, they would would need a net gain of six seats. It sounds steep, but Max Baucus...

2 More Red-State Democrats 'Evolve' on Gay Marriage

But don't expect many more flips, says Nate Silver

(Newser) - Add two more senators to the list of gay-marriage "evolvers" —North Dakota's Heidi Heitkamp and Indiana's Joe Donnelly said today that they support same-sex marriage, reports the Huffington Post . Both are Democrats from conservative states and both are safe from re-election campaigns until 2018. "The...

2nd GOP Senator Might Embrace Gay Marriage

Lisa Murkowski says her views 'evolving'

(Newser) - Plenty of Senate Democrats have announced their support of gay marriage in recent weeks, but so far only Rob Portman has done so on the Republican side. That might soon change: Alaska's Lisa Murkowski tells the Chugiak-Eagle River Star that her view is "evolving." Murkowski has voted...

Sens. Paul, Cruz: We'll Filibuster Gun Control

Republicans deliver warning to Harry Reid

(Newser) - If Harry Reid goes forward with a possible gun-control measure, he'll face a filibuster, say three Republican senators. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee have penned a letter to the Senate majority leader, saying, "We will oppose the motion to proceed to any legislation that will serve...

Hagel Hearings Ended With Last Salvo of Smears

Dana Milbank thinks Congress should be ashamed of itself

(Newser) - Chuck Hagel was finally sworn in as defense secretary today, but not before enduring one last salvo of smears before yesterday's confirmation vote . Two Republicans said Hagel had accused Israel of "commiting, quote, 'sickening slaughter,'" Dana Milbank reports. "There was something sickening about this,...

Obama Invites Republicans to Zero-Hour Sequester Talk

They won't meet until Friday, the day cuts are supposed to kick in

(Newser) - President Obama has invited John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi to the White House for a meeting on Friday—the same day the sequester cuts are scheduled to kick in and the House is scheduled to leave town, the White House announced today. Does this mean we'...

Nebraska GOP Senator to Retire

He's one of only two Republicans backing Chuck Hagel

(Newser) - Nebraska Sen. Mike Johanns has informed his state's governor that he doesn't intend to run for re-election next year, sources tell NBC News . Johanns is notable as the man who replaced Chuck Hagel in the Senate—and is now one of only two Senate Republicans publicly backing his...

GOP Blocks Nomination of Hagel, for Now

He's still expected to become defense secretary, but after Senate recess

(Newser) - The Chuck Hagel drama continued on Capitol Hill today, as Republicans refused to allow a final vote on his confirmation to become defense secretary, reports the Hill . Hagel is expected to prevail eventually—but now it can't happen until lawmakers return from the Presidents' Day recess. Expect the next...

Tagg Romney Rules Out Mass. Senate Bid

Mass. GOP scrambles to find Brown alternative

(Newser) - Looks like Massachusetts voters won't be getting another chance to elect a Romney after all, unless Ann steps in. Following reports that GOP leaders were interested , Mitt Romney's son, Tagg, has announced that he won't be seeking the Senate seat vacated by John Kerry. "I have...

Senate GOP Is Neutering Our Consumer Watchdog
 Senate GOP Is Neutering 
 Our Consumer Watchdog 
paul krugman

Senate GOP Is Neutering Our Consumer Watchdog

GOP wants to kill watchdog aimed at preventing another 2008: Krugman

(Newser) - Four-plus years after Wall Street's meltdown "brought the world economy to its knees," at least we have a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to prevent us from ever toppling over that cliff again. Or do we? Not if Senate Republicans, who are "going all out in an...

To Dump McConnell, Dems Sidle Up to Tea Party

They offer help backing right-wing 2014 challenger

(Newser) - As the Senate minority leader looks to 2014, he faces an odd couple out to beat him: Democrats and Tea Partiers. Groups like MoveOn and a Democratic super PAC, as well as individual donors, are offering Tea Party activists funding to bring in a right-wing challenger to Mitch McConnell. Come...

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