Oprah Winfrey

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New Sex Scandal Rocks Oprah School
New Sex Scandal
Rocks Oprah School

New Sex Scandal Rocks Oprah School

(Newser) - A new sex scandal has hit Oprah Winfrey's elite girls school in South Africa, the second in less than two years, reports the New York Daily News. Seven students have been suspended for sexually harassing classmates, including bullying students and "physical contact of a sexual nature," said a...

RealAge Quiz Offers Data to Big Pharma

Popular website uses health info to pitch drugs to users

(Newser) - More than 27 million people have gone online to take a quiz called RealAge, which promises to determine your "biological age" and then suggests recommendations on how to feel "younger." But most users are unaware that the site makes its money by selling test results to...

Oprah's Next Cover Girl: Ellen

Winfrey surprises DeGeneres with invitation for O Magazine cover

(Newser) - Ellen DeGeneres learned a lesson on her talk show today: Ask and ye shall receive—from Oprah, USA Today reports. DeGeneres’ dream has been to be on the cover of O magazine, and today Winfrey surprised her with an invitation. “I’m just in shock right now,” Ellen...

Oprah's Sick Puppy Hangs On
 Oprah's Sick Puppy Hangs On 

Oprah's Sick Puppy Hangs On

(Newser) - Though Oprah Winfrey lost one of her new puppies to disease, a second is “holding steady for now,” a rep tells the Chicago Tribune. Ivan, one of the cocker spaniels Winfrey adopted earlier this month and showcased on her TV program, died of the highly contagious parvovirus. Littermate...

Rihanna Feels Unworthy: Oprah
 Rihanna Feels Unworthy: Oprah 

Rihanna Feels Unworthy: Oprah

It's a sign of low self-esteem, she says

(Newser) - Rihanna took back her abusive boyfriend because she feels bad about herself, Oprah said on her show yesterday. "If you go back with a man who hits you, it is because you don't feel you're worthy of being with a man who won't," she said. Guest Tyra Banks...

Oprah Offers Sneak Peak Into First Lady Chat

Host to give fans a look at White House interview, new puppy

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey will tell viewers all about her White House interview with Michelle Obama on today's show, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The host also plans to give fans their first look at the cocker spaniel puppy she adopted from a Chicago shelter recently. The Obama interview will be showcased in...

Octuplet Mom Turns Down Free, 24-Hour Child Care

Starts video diary to explain her side of story

(Newser) - Nadya Suleman has rejected an offer from a nonprofit group for free, 24-hour care for her 14 kids, the Los Angeles Times reports. The group’s founder says Suleman lost interest when it vetoed a reality show based around their care, but Suleman disputes that in a video diary for...

'Octu-Dad' Bares Mom's Breast Stunt

Sperm donor believes Suleman was still married when they dated

(Newser) - A sperm donor who believes he fathered all of Nadya Suleman's octuplets said he thinks she was still married when they started dating and she asked him for sperm, reports the Huffington Post. They had been seeing each other just weeks when she took a sample of sperm he had...

Oprah Visits the White House
 Oprah Visits the White House 

Oprah Visits the White House

Michelle Obama interviewed for her magazine

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey and BFF Gayle King traveled to Washington this week for a sit-down with Michelle Obama, the Washington Post's "Reliable Source" reports. An upcoming issue of O, the Oprah Magazine will feature the interview with the first lady, and that news is sparking speculation that Obama will...

Octuplets' Home in Danger of Foreclosure

Octu-grandma in loan default; Octu-grandpa talking to Oprah

(Newser) - Nadya Suleman acknowledges that her 3-bedroom home is too small for her brood of 14, but the family is in danger of losing even that, the Los Angeles Times reports. Records show that the suburban California home, which is owned by the octuplets' grandmother, is in pre-foreclosure, with a projected...

Oprah: 'I Could Be Senator, I'm Just Not Interested'

Winfrey 'amused' that Blago considered her

(Newser) - Oprah was “amused” by the news that Rod Blagojevich had considered naming her to Obama’s Senate seat—but would not have been interested, ABC News reports. “Absolutely not,” Winfrey said in an interview this morning, citing the demands of managing her media empire. “I think...

Blago Wanted Oprah for Senate
 Blago Wanted Oprah for Senate 

Blago Wanted Oprah for Senate

Kicks off media blitz as his impeachment trial begins in Illinois

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich considered handing Barack Obama’s Senate seat to Oprah Winfrey, he told Good Morning America today in an appearance made while boycotting his impeachment trial, which starts today. "She seemed to be someone who had helped Barack Obama in a significant way to become president," Blagojevich...

Oprah's Take: 'It's Sacred'
 Oprah's Take: 'It's Sacred' 

Oprah's Take: 'It's Sacred'

(Newser) - The impact of today's inauguration was not lost on Oprah, a key early backer of Barack Obama. "It means everything," she told Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times. "It means everything and more and everything. It's like no moment I ever expected to experience." Sweet found...

Don't Tell Hillary: Biden Was Offered State Job, Wife Says

VP-elect shushes wife after admission that stunned Oprah

(Newser) - This time a gaffe came courtesy of the other Biden: The future Second Lady revealed to Oprah today that her husband had been offered a role as either Barack Obama’s vice-president or as secretary of state, ABC News reports. Joe Biden laughed after his wife’s slip-up, which caused...

Oprah Smoked Crack: Ex
 Oprah Smoked Crack: Ex  

Oprah Smoked Crack: Ex

Tell-all dishes the dirt

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey has admitted to a brief flirtation with cocaine in the 1970s, but the media mogul’s drug history is actually much seedier, the National Enquirer reports. Oprah’s ex-lover has written a tell-all that claims the two regularly freebased coke in the 1980s, and saying she “was...

Fake Holocaust Memoir May See Light as Novel

Henry Rosenblatt working to find outlet for disgraced story

(Newser) - Herman Rosenblat’s Holocaust memoir was exposed as fake, but that doesn’t mean no one can profit off it: A small New York press is considering publishing the work as fiction, Gawker reports. Rosenblat, who even fooled Oprah a la James Frey, spun a touching but debunked story about...

Year's Top 10 Moments of Celeb Activism

Oprah, Paris, Will.i.am make a difference

(Newser) - It’s been a big year for celebrity activism—so big that it deserves its own year-end top 10 list, Tina Daunt writes in the Los Angeles Times. Some famous faces that made a difference in 2008:
  • Oprah Winfrey fought hard for Barack Obama, including hosting a traffic-stopping garden party.

Publisher Cancels 'Fake' Holocaust Memoir

Rosenblat ordered to return payment

(Newser) - A publisher has canceled a Holocaust memoir attacked by experts as a fake, reports Publishers Weekly. Angel at the Fence, which was promoted by Oprah Winfrey, purported to tell the story of Holocaust survivor Henry Rosenblat, who claimed he was saved by food tossed over a concentration camp fence by...

Obama Gets Knocked for Bad Science
Obama Gets
Knocked for
Bad Science

Obama Gets Knocked for Bad Science

Group also zings Cruise, Oprah, McCain for scientific flubs

(Newser) - He’s about to lead the free world, but Barack Obama’s a little fuzzy on science, says a group that put the president-elect—along with John McCain, Tom Cruise, Oprah, and many others—on its celebrity list of shame. Obama’s offense? Suggesting that rising autism rates could be...

Oprah-Endorsed Holocaust Memoir Attacked as Fake

Experts say author's Buchenwald love story couldn't have happened

(Newser) - The Oprah-hyped author of an amazing memoir of love and Holocaust survival is being labeled the latest publishing fake by some researchers, the New Republic reports. Herman Rosenblat tells a poignant story of how a young girl saved him when he was a child prisoner at Buchenwald by giving him...

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