Karl Rove

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It Ain't Over Yet: Rove
  It Ain't Over Yet: Rove 

It Ain't Over Yet: Rove

Dem still has weaknesses that McCain can exploit

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign may be down, but he’s not yet out, writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal. Voters still have real doubts about Barack Obama, and McCain may have enough time yet to turn those doubts into votes for him. Some 45% of voters in one...

Rove Used Federal Coin to Help GOP in '06

Officials traveled, gave out grants to help incumbents: report

(Newser) - Karl Rove helped direct federal officials and funds to 99 congressional districts where Republican candidates were threatened in the 2006 elections, the Washington Post reports. Many presidents, including Bill Clinton, have briefed cabinet members before reelection efforts, but the “gross abuse” of public White House funds for at least...

Rove: Obama Wins if Vote Were Today

Republican strategist calls some close states for the Democrat

(Newser) - Karl Rove isn't seeing red when he looks at his crystal electoral map, reports Politico, and is seeing enough blue to propel Barack Obama into the White House if the vote were held today. The GOP strategist has moved Minnesota and New Hampshire into the Democratic column, but cautions that...

Mukasey Taps Prosecutor for Attorney Firings Case

Conn. official Dannehy could force likes of Rove to testify

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey appointed a special prosecutor today to look into the attorney firing scandal today, Reuters reports, after an internal investigation came up empty-handed. Many top witnesses, such as Karl Rove, didn’t cooperate, but could now be subpoenaed by Connecticut prosecutor Nora Dannehy.

No Charges in US Attorney Firings: Report

Gonzales won't face grand jury from internal Justice investigation

(Newser) - A Justice Department probe of the firings of a group of US attorneys is ending without recommending charges against former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales or anyone else, the New York Times reports. The investigators' report, to be released today, is nonetheless said to be scathing on the politically motivated firings,...

Blogger's Pursuit of Paternity Issue Verges on Vendetta

Atlantic 's Sullivan engaging in 'Rove-style politics,' critics charge

(Newser) - Andrew Sullivan, blogger for the Atlantic, has come under fire for hammering John McCain’s campaign on an issue everyone else seems to have gotten over: whether or not Sarah Palin or her teen daughter Bristol is the mother of 4-month-old Trig Palin, Howard Kurtz writes in the Washington Post....

Rove Says Palin Excitement Will Pass; Polls Agree

VP candidate's negatives up over last week

(Newser) - Excitement over Sarah Palin won’t last, Karl Rove told the AP last night. The Republican strategist said Palin was picked for “political” reasons, and acknowledged she was not the most qualified VP candidate available, although he feels she is ready for the job. Opinion polls support Rove on...

Rove: McCain's Attack Ads Went 'Too Far'

Criticism of Obama not '100%' true, he says

(Newser) - The Democrats have found an unusual ally in attacking the veracity of McCain campaign ads: Karl Rove. The GOP mastermind criticized McCain’s advertising, saying he had gone “too far” and that criticism of Barack Obama didn’t pass the “100% truth test,” CNN reports. Speaking of...

On Talk Shows, Dems Slam Palin

As negative coverage of VP nom grows, Democrats go negative on Sunday shows

(Newser) - Smelling blood, Democrats —with help from a surprise Republican —continued to rail on Sarah Palin on the Sunday talk shows, accusing the Republican VP pick of stretching the truth about her experience, Politico reports. The highlights:
  • “She doesn’t know anything, and she is not ready to

Biden &amp; Co. Take Cue From Rove
 Biden & Co.
 Take Cue
 From Rove

Biden & Co. Take Cue From Rove

Dems' new plan of attack follows map left by GOP spinmeister

(Newser) - Joe Biden’s speech last night mapped out the new plan of attack for Democrats against John McCain, and it’s positively Rovian, Walter Shapiro writes on Salon. The Democrats went directly for McCain’s biggest strength—national security—and tried to turn it into a weakness. “These times...

Rove to Lieberman: Drop the VP Run

GOP honcho wants Mitt Romney in No.2 slot

(Newser) - Preaching to the GOP from his Fox News seat isn't enough for Karl Rove, Politico reports. The ex-Bush strategist called Joe Lieberman last week to convince him to withdraw his name from VP consideration; Lieberman laughed off the call and hasn't called it quits just yet. Rove's guy is Mitt...

Court Tosses Lawsuit Over CIA Leak
Court Tosses Lawsuit Over CIA Leak

Court Tosses Lawsuit Over CIA Leak

It uphholds dismissal of Plame's case against Cheney, others

(Newser) - A federal appeals court today threw out former CIA spy Valerie Plame's lawsuit against Dick Cheney and a group of former Bush White House officials for leaking her identity to the public. The court ruled that Cheney, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and former State Department official Richard Armitage were acting...

Bill Sad Over Hillary's Loss: Obama Adviser

Edwards' affair drowns out talk of Russia on Sunday shows

(Newser) - The buzz on John Edwards' love affair drowned out talk of Russia's conflict with Georgia on today's morning talk shows, Politico reports. On Fox News Sunday, an Obama campaign topdog said Bill Clinton is still reeling from his wife's primary loss, and Karl Rove claimed on Face the Nation that...

Rove: What McCain Must Do
 Rove: What
 McCain Must Do

Rove: What McCain Must Do

Republican needs to attack, but make case for himself

(Newser) - Despite the hype around Barack Obama, John McCain is just 1.9% behind in the latest Gallup pole. In other words, he could win this thing, and Karl Rove has some advice for him. McCain is “rightly raising questions about Obama’s fitness to be president,” Rove writes...

Rove Legacy Tails McCain's New Top Dog

Schmidt takes the reins

(Newser) - Steve Schmidt is the new captain of the McCain campaign ship, which an ex-operative compares to the "Pirates of the Caribbean." Known as a taskmasker and carrying the seemingly oxymoronic reputation of a moderate Karl Rove protégé, Steve Schmidt isn't showing his hand just yet. The New ...

McCain Strays Off Message, But Which Message?
McCain Strays Off Message, But Which Message?

McCain Strays Off Message, But Which Message?

Candidate ad libs as staffers attempt to strategize

(Newser) - John McCain relishes interacting with voters and sparring with the press, a style that's helped earn him his "maverick" reputation even as it ties his advisers and staff in knots. The campaign as a whole is turning to Karl Rove-style tactics, but the candidate's unpredictable behavior is making it...

AP Bureau Chief Considered Job With McCain

It's the 2nd accusation of cozying up to right wing for Fournier

(Newser) - Ron Fournier’s objectivity is being questioned yet again, as Politico reports that the AP’s Washington bureau chief was offered a senior position in the McCain campaign before returning to the wire service in March 2007. Fournier’s political leanings have been a hot topic lately, since a 2004...

Ben Stein: Time for Mac to Call Rove
 Ben Stein:
 Time for
 Mac to
 Call Rove

Ben Stein: Time for Mac to Call Rove

Candidate running 'absolute most pathetic campaign I have ever seen'

(Newser) - Conservative stalwart Ben Stein thought Bob Dole's quest for the White House set the bar low, but says John McCain is “running the absolute most pathetic campaign I have ever seen in my whole life.” But there’s an answer ("Anyone? Anyone?")—talk to Karl Rove,...

The Democratic Party: Is Civil War Brewing?
The Democratic Party: Is Civil War Brewing?

The Democratic Party: Is Civil War Brewing?

Maybe there's not enough room for both elites and blue collars

(Newser) - Democrats are undoubtedly ascendant in the US, Joel Kotkin writes in the American, but the demographic shift that made it so may undermine the party in the near future. That’s because the working-class party of FDR is now chock-full of elites—two constituencies with different values. The richer Dems...

Virginia Is Not for Gilmore Lovers
Virginia Is Not for Gilmore Lovers

Virginia Is Not for Gilmore Lovers

Despite GOP strength, broke ex-gov's Senate bid a 'laughingstock'

(Newser) - Jim Gilmore may be a former governor, RNC chair, and presidential candidate running for Senate in a historically red state, but the Virginian has become Campaign 2008’s “laughingstock,” Politico reports. Virginia is regularly ranked first among Senate seats likely to flip this November, as Gilmore trails hugely...

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