Karl Rove

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Axelrod to Rove: Be Quiet
 Axelrod to Rove: Be Quiet 

Axelrod to Rove: Be Quiet

Obama adviser dismisses criticisms from Bush's brain

(Newser) - If Karl Rove’s so smart, how come his party’s the one locked out of power? That’s what top White House adviser David Axelrod seemed to ask in an interview with the Washington Post. Dismissing Rove’s criticisms of Obama’s stimulus plan as “intramural stuff,”...

Rove: Thanks, Obama, for Boosting the GOP
Rove: Thanks, Obama,
for Boosting the GOP

Rove: Thanks, Obama, for Boosting the GOP

Republican opposition to bill 'redefined' the party

(Newser) - The Dems may ultimately have gotten their way with the stimulus bill, but the GOP has gotten a lift from the debate process, Karl Rove writes in the Wall Street Journal. Republicans pointed out specific flaws in the bill while introducing ideas of their own, thereby reducing popular support for...

Rove Will Cooperate in US Attorney Firings Inquiry

Had refused to take part in earlier investigation

(Newser) - In a reversal, Karl Rove will cooperate with a federal investigation into the firings of nine US attorneys, Talking Points Memo reports. Rove had refused to cooperate in an earlier inquiry on the firings, which Justice Department officials said severely “hindered” the inquiry. A lawyer for Rove says the...

Rove Slapped With Another Subpoena
Rove Slapped With Another Subpoena

Rove Slapped With Another Subpoena

Conyers demands ex-Bush adviser talk about attorney firings

(Newser) - House Judiciary Committee chair John Conyers subpoenaed Karl Rove today to testify about alleged politicization of the Justice Department, USA Today reports. Subpoenaed for the first time last Congress, Rove claimed executive privilege and refused to show. Conyers said that unlike former President Bush, President Obama does not support immunity...

Rove: Bush Is a Bookworm
 Rove: Bush 
 Is a Bookworm 

Rove: Bush Is a Bookworm

(Newser) - Bitter liberals may believe the president is an illiterate buffoon, but in 2006 the president read a whopping 95 books, and, just for good measure, read the entire Bible front-to-back, Karl Rove assures us in today’s Wall Street Journal. “In the 35 years I've known George W. Bush,...

Death of GOP IT Guru Fuels Conspiracy Mills

Plane crash involving Karl Rove's IT consultant raises suspicions

(Newser) - The death of Karl Rove's IT consultant in a plane crash last week has let loose a flood conspiracy theories, the Zoo reports. Michael Connell was due to testify in a case alleging voter fraud in Ohio in 2004, and had asked for police protection, according to some reports. He...

Cheney: I OK'd Waterboarding
 Cheney: I OK'd Waterboarding 

Cheney: I OK'd Waterboarding

VP gave go ahead for 'remarkably successful' tactic

(Newser) - Vice President Dick Cheney personally approved using waterboarding to interrogate 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, he reveals in a wide-ranging interview on ABC News. "I was  involved in helping get the process cleared. The agency came in and wanted to know what they could and couldn't do," said...

Obama Appointments Leave Little for GOP to Knock

Foreign-policy, economics teams peppered with respected, relatively conservative appointees

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s Cabinet picks leave Republicans with few lines of attack, Politico reports. In contrast to campaign rhetoric that painted Obama as a radical leftist, the retention of Robert Gates and selection of McCain buddy Jim Jones has won praise from GOP stalwarts. Karl Rove himself said Obama’s...

Rove: If We Knew the Truth, We Wouldn't Have Invaded

Contradicts president's past statements

(Newser) - If George Bush had known that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction, he wouldn’t have invaded Iraq, Karl Rove said last night during a debate in New York. Were it not for the WMDs, the administration would have found “more creative ways to constrain him, like...

Rove: Obama Has Picked a First-Rate Economic Team

Solid picks win rare praise from former Bush deputy

(Newser) - Karl Rove was pleasantly surprised by Barack Obama's choice of an economic team, the Republican analyst writes in the Wall Street Journal, singling out Tim Geithner and Larry Summers as solid picks. Geithner has played a key role in the current administration's handling of the financial crisis and will provide...

Rove Political Post Lives On Under Obama

Fills job despite bipartisan calls to close partisan office

(Newser) - Barack Obama will keep the White House political office running, despite bipartisan calls to close it, Politico reports. Karl Rove’s old job will be handed to Patrick Gaspar, a labor operative and national political director for Obama’s campaign. Members of both parties had slammed the office, and John...

Ouch! Rove Takes Shots at Obama Inner Circle

(Newser) - Take that, Joe Biden. And Rahm Emanuel. And you too, New York Times Magazine interviewer. In a recent chat, a testy Karl Rove says the VP-elect "has an odd combination of longevity and long-windedness that passes for wisdom in Washington." Asked if he engages in negative politics, the...

Pay Cut, Scrutiny Await Axelrod in DC
Pay Cut, Scrutiny Await Axelrod in DC

Pay Cut, Scrutiny Await Axelrod in DC

Consultant's finances would come into sharp focus

(Newser) - David Axelrod would pay a steep price to follow his most famous client to the White House, Politico reports. Barack Obama’s right-hand man would probably have to sell his stakes in the lucrative consulting firms he founded  and open his finances to public scrutiny. Axelrod’s firms have collected...

GOP Will Bounce Back: Rove
 GOP Will Bounce Back: Rove 

GOP Will Bounce Back: Rove

Democratic wave was aberration caused by unusual factors

(Newser) - Voters didn’t so much choose liberalism or the Democratic Party as they did Barack Obama, writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal. And that’s potentially good news for the GOP in the 2010 midterm elections, Rove says: “In politics, good years follow bad years. Republicans...

He's Not 'Post-Race,' But Barack's Coming to Dinner

Americans still getting to know man who isn't post-race after all

(Newser) - If there’s anything that the candidacy of Barack Obama proved, it’s that America isn’t “post-race,” Frank Rich writes in the New York Times. White liberals in politics and the news media trip have gotten him consistently wrong, Rich writes, in trying to compare him with...

Obama, Not McCain, Would Be Third Bush Term
Obama, Not McCain, Would Be Third Bush Term

Obama, Not McCain, Would Be Third Bush Term

Dem doesn't offer much hope of change from current president

(Newser) - Barack Obama has freely used the Bush card, reminding voters that John McCain has agreed with the president 90% of the time—but “the irony here is that Obama actually has much more in common with Bush than McCain does,” Bill Siegel writes in the National Review. He...

Don't Let the Polls Dictate Your Vote: Rove
Don't Let the Polls Dictate Your Vote: Rove 

Don't Let the Polls Dictate Your Vote: Rove

Don't let the polls dictate your vote, writes Bush's brain

(Newser) - With the explosion of polls in this presidential election—almost as many national polls this month as there were during all of 2004—there's a real risk that polls themselves will drive behavior in the voting booth, Karl Rove writes in the Wall Street Journal, urging voters not to let...

Role in White House for Obama Strategist?

Strategist Axelrod seen as key policy cog, but he could be a target in Washington

(Newser) - With Barack Obama holding a lead in the polls, Democrats have begun discussing what, if any, role his top campaign strategist might have in an Obama White House, Politico reports. David Axelrod, say those who know him, is seriously weighing an administration position; where he ends up could be key...

McCain Guarantees 'Close' Victory
McCain Guarantees 'Close' Victory

McCain Guarantees 'Close' Victory

Va. governor Kaine says Mac can't win without his state

(Newser) - A confident John McCain “guaranteed” today that election night will be a nail-biter, but that he will win. “We're going to do well in this campaign, my friend,” McCain told Tom Brokaw on NBC’s Meet the Press. The prediction comes as polls show the GOP hopeful...

Protester Tries to Handcuff Rove

San Francisco woman attempts citizen's arrest for treason

(Newser) - A protester attempted to slap the cuffs on Karl Rove in San Francisco yesterday, in what she called a citizen's arrest for treason, the LA Times reports. Rove was having a debate with former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell at a mortgage bankers' convention when a well-dressed woman walked onstage...

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