voter registration

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Florida Election Law: Teacher Faces Fines for Helping Kids Register to Vote
Teacher Breaks Law by Registering Kids to Vote
in case you missed it

Teacher Breaks Law by Registering Kids to Vote

Tougher Florida election rules spark anger

(Newser) - A Florida civics teacher didn’t know about a new state law when she helped students register to vote—and now may have to pay thousands of dollars in fines, the Daytona Beach News-Journal reports. The law required her to first register with the state as a third party who...

America Risks a Return to &#39;Jim Crow Voting Laws&#39;
America Risks a Return to 'Jim Crow Voting Laws'
EJ Dionne Jr.

America Risks a Return to 'Jim Crow Voting Laws'

States are rigging the 2012 election: EJ Dionne Jr.

(Newser) - After electing its first African American president—thanks in part to a surge of new voters—the US is in danger of seeing “a subtle return of Jim Crow voting laws,” writes EJ Dionne Jr. in the Washington Post . New laws being passed here, supposedly to prevent voter...

Democrats Lead the Way in Voter Registration
Democrats Lead the Way in Voter Registration

Democrats Lead the Way in Voter Registration

Obama's 2008 effort gives party an edge in 2010 Senate races

(Newser) - Senate Democrats have a silver lining heading into the 2010 election: their party’s made huge gains in voter registration. The last time this crop of senators was on the ballot was 2004, when George W. Bush’s field operation, then the most sophisticated ever, was registering hordes of Republicans....

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote
Beck Could Be
'Major' Factor
in 2010 Vote

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote

If he combines angry right-wingers with libertarians, look out

(Newser) - Don't look now, but Glenn Beck could turn out to be a big factor in the 2010 elections, writes Marc Ambinder. Beck is cooking up some kind of voter mobilization project, which is a "tricky proposition" given that "conservative talk radio audiences—and Fox News viewers—tend to...

Coulter Faces Voter Fraud Investigation

Pundit voted in Conn. while living in NYC, accusers say

(Newser) - Officials are probing whether Ann Coulter committed voter fraud by casting ballots in Connecticut while keeping a residence in New York City, the New York Daily News reports. A blogger prodded the Connecticut election commission over the possible wrongdoing after a private eye brought it to light. “For over...

Voter Board: Hey Tim, Wanna Do a PSA?

Actor hasn't minced words in aftermath of Election Day polling snafu

(Newser) - The New York City Board of Elections, headed up by a man Tim Robbins has termed a "corrupt scumbag," is reaching out to the prickly actor with an offer he might well resist—turn his Election Day voting tantrum into a civics lesson. TMZ reports that the board...

Robbins, Officials Still Sparring Over Voting Snafu

Actor may have been in the wrong location

(Newser) - Actor and political activist Tim Robbins, who filed a court order to vote after his name wasn’t in the poll books on Election Day, may simply have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The election commissioner now claims Robbins filed a change-of-address form when he moved...

Turnout Looks to Hit Century High

130M headed to polls as trends favored Obama

(Newser) - Though the official percentage isn’t in, yesterday saw what could have been the highest voter turnout in a century, the Wall Street Journal reports. One expert foresaw 64% of Americans casting ballots, the AP notes, as some 30 million voted early, with 100 million more thought to have stormed...

ACORN Inflated New Voter Count by 850K

Almost a third of its registrations have been rejected

(Newser) - The community organizing group ACORN and Project Vote's boast of having signed up 1.3 million new voters was off by 850,000, reports the New York Times. Just 450,000 of the registrations represent genuine new voters. Another 450,000 were already-registered voters who changed their address, and 400,...

State Databases Drop Thousands of Voters

Centralized registration information was intended to clear up discrepancies, but propagated them instead

(Newser) - Thousands of Americans nationwide are facing reams of red tape after new state registration systems booted them from voter rolls, the Washington Post reports. Yesterday the Supreme Court rejected a challenge of 200,000 Ohio voters whose data conflicted with state records, but states such as Montana, Colorado, and Wisconsin...

Voters Say They Were Tricked Into Joining GOP

Party contractor called registrations 'petitions,' they say

(Newser) - California voters who signed what they thought were petitions were surprised when they ended up registered Republicans, they told the Los Angeles Times. The Times called some of the hundreds of people newly re-registered as Republicans by GOP contractor Young Political Majors, and found that 37 of 46, or over...

Justices Won't Force Ohio to Check Voter Registrations

Ruling is blow to state Republican party

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruled today that Ohio does not have to verify hundreds of thousands of new voter registrations, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports. The court did not assess the Ohio Republic Party’s claim that registration needs cross-checks to prevent fraud, but rather ruled that the party did not...

Obama Forces Battle for Va.
 Obama Forces Battle for Va. 

Obama Forces Battle for Va.

McCain forced to defend GOP stronghold

(Newser) - Virginia hasn’t swung Democrats’ way since Lyndon Johnson, but suddenly it’s a battleground, the Washington Post reports, and Obama appears to have all the tactical advantages. The Dem has three times as many campaign offices, and his army of volunteers has registered almost a half-million new voters.

Ohio Must Check Voter Registrations: Court

GOP wins fight to have new registrations cross-checked with government info

(Newser) - A federal appeals court has sided with the GOP and ordered Ohio to set up a computer system by Friday to verify new voter registrations, the Cincinnati Enquirer reports. Registrations must now be cross-checked with other government information. Ohio's secretary of state, accused of partisan bias by Republicans, had argued...

Liberal Group Files Fake Voter Forms

ACORN under scrutiny in several states; used names of the dead

(Newser) - Authorities have discovered more than 2,000 phony registration forms filled in by a liberal activist group in an Indiana county, CNN reports. The forms from ACORN—already being probed for alleged fraud in Nevada and Missouri—included the names of dead people and sandwich shop Jimmy Johns. A lawyer...

Swing States Are Illegally Blocking Voters

NYT finds thousands wrongly removed from rolls, mostly Dems

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of voters in at least six battleground states have been illegally removed from the rolls or blocked from voting, a New York Times investigation has discovered. The actions appear to stem from errors in complying with a 2002 federal law rather than from partisan bias, but it...

Foreclosed Homeowners May Lose Voting Rights

Dems: GOP plans to challenge addresses

(Newser) - Many of the million Americans who lost their homes through foreclosure in the last couple of years may discover at the polls that they've lost their right to vote in the upcoming election as well, the New York Times reports. Election officials and voter rights groups fear that failure to...

Early Voting Law May Help Obama in Ohio

One-step voting window could boost youth turnout

(Newser) - An Ohio voting law that allows residents to register and vote simultaneously one month before the election may benefit Barack Obama, the AP reports. With one-stop voting available on college campuses Sept. 30 to Oct. 6, thousands could be added to the voter rolls—and Obama leads McCain 2-to-1 among...

Dems, GOP Battle Over New Voters

Issue becomes focus as huge turnout expected

(Newser) - Voter registration has become a hot-button election issue in a year that’s seen millions of new voters, the Wall Street Journal reports. In line with party trends, Democrats are working to register as many people as possible and deploying vote-protection legal experts, while Republicans keep a wary eye on...

Advocates Work to Get Ex-Cons in Voting Booths

New laws make tens of thousands eligible to vote again

(Newser) - Grass-roots activists in states across the country are working to register an unusual bloc of potential voters: former felons. While nearly all states limit the right of convicted criminals to vote, most offer avenues back to the voting booth in varying degrees, the Washington Post reports. In the potential swing...

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