voter registration

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Bernie Sanders Backers Sue Over 'Mass Confusion' in California

It all has to do with 'no party preference' voters

(Newser) - "There's mass confusion," William Simpich tells the Los Angeles Times . He's the attorney who on Friday filed a federal lawsuit over California's Democratic presidential primary, and the particulars of the case are a bit confusing as well. When Californians elect California officials, they can vote...

Saudi Women Rock the Voter Registration for First Time

Historic moment as women prepare to cast ballots in December elections

(Newser) - Not unusual: A well-known businessperson and a schoolteacher registered to vote Sunday in Saudi Arabia's municipal elections in December. Unusual: that they were both women. Jamal Al-Saadi and Safinaz Abu Al-Shamat earned the honors of being the first two females ever in the kingdom to register (Saadi in Medina,...

Hillary Clinton Wants to Change the Way We Vote

GOP is trying to disenfranchise millions, she says

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton says she wants to make voting easier and that Republicans—especially Jeb Bush, Rick Perry, Chris Christie, and Scott Walker—have been doing their best to make it harder. In a speech in Houston yesterday, she called for sweeping moves to expand voting access, including 20 days of...

Jeb Bush Registered to Vote as 'Hispanic'

Bush spokeswoman can't really explain why that happened

(Newser) - Jeb Bush seems to have erred in filling out his 2009 voter-registration application in Miami-Dade County—specifically in the "Race/Ethnicity" field, which he checked "Hispanic," the New York Times reports. The Times notes Bush's deep ties to the Hispanic community—including his Mexican wife, his fluent...

Oregon Takes Bold Voter Registration Step

Anyone who has interacted with DMV since 2013 will be automatically registered

(Newser) - Seventeen years after Oregon decided to become the first state to hold all elections with mail-in ballots, it took another pioneering step yesterday to broaden participation by automatically registering people to vote. Gov. Kate Brown signed a bill that puts the burden of registration on the state instead of voters:...

Supreme Court Affirms NC's Tight Voting Rules

Same-day registration won't be allowed, justices rule

(Newser) - Same-day registration won't be allowed during early voting in North Carolina, and Election Day ballots cast in the wrong precinct won't be counted this fall after the US Supreme Court today blocked a ruling that had set aside parts of a 2013 election law. A majority on the...

NC Voter ID Law Runs Into Roadblock: the DOJ

Eric Holder to announce lawsuit today: source

(Newser) - North Carolina passed a controversial voter ID law in July, but if the Department of Justice has its way, the law—said to be the most sweeping of its kind in the nation—may never be enforced. The DOJ will file suit against the state today, a source tells Politico...

Supreme Court Kills Arizona 'Proof of Citizenship' Law

Justices say anti-immigrant measure interferes with federal law

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today struck down an Arizona law requiring people to show proof that they're US citizens in order to register to vote. In a 7-2 decision, the court ruled that the law, which was approved by voters as a ballot proposition, conflicted with a 1993 federal law...

Woman, 108, Votes for the First Time

Joanna Jenkins backs Obama

(Newser) - Joanna Jenkins was not allowed to vote in her younger years thanks to Jim Crow laws—but even after those were abolished and the Voting Rights Act passed, she never voted … until this year, at the age of 108. Whose name did she check on her absentee ballot? “...

Fla. GOP Cans Firm Over Bogus Voter Registrations

Other voter ID problems cropping up in other swing states

(Newser) - Florida, no stranger to voting trouble, is home to a new controversy: The state's Republican Party last night fired Strategic Allied Consulting, a company it hired to register voters, after it turned in 106 suspicious and allegedly fraudulent voter registration applications. The firm appears to belong to Nathan Sproul,...

30K Dead Voters Registered in NC, But...
 30K Dead Voters 
 Registered in 
 NC, But... 

says group

30K Dead Voters Registered in NC, But...

...there's no word on whether fraud actually occurred

(Newser) - An anti-voter fraud group says it has discovered 30,000 dead folks registered to vote across North Carolina. The group collected the names by comparing death records from the past decade to voter rolls; it says the figure would have been bigger had the group had access to death records...

Washington Will Let Voters Register Via Facebook

App expected as soon as next week

(Newser) - In Washington, you'll soon be able to find out what your friends are eating for lunch and register to vote all in the same place. As soon as next week, the state becomes the first in the US to allow voters to register via Facebook, Ars Technica reports. (It...

Florida Gov Slams Feds' Lawsuit Against Voter Purges

Rick Scott: 'It doesn't make any sense'

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Rick Scott is showing no signs of backing off his showdown with the federal government, giving Fox & Friends today an earful over the feds' lawsuit to stop the Sunshine State's noncitizen voter purges . "We want to make sure that our voters get to vote and...

Feds Suing Florida Over Voter Purge
Feds Suing Florida Over Voter Purge

Feds Suing Florida Over Voter Purge

...while Florida sues feds over denied access to database

(Newser) - The Department of Justice is taking Florida's Board of Elections to court for disregarding its warnings and continuing to purge its voter lists . Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez has told Florida officials that the state's attempt to purge people it believes are noncitizens from the rolls needs to...

Florida Election Supervisors Refuse Voter Purges

County officials say the state's list is flawed

(Newser) - In Florida voting, the buck stops with county election supervisors—and they're not letting noncitizen voter purges go on any longer. "We’re just not going to do this," says one. "The list is bad," he says of a list of 2,700 people whom...

Tampa Paper to Gov. Scott: You're Like George Wallace

Editorial: Stop the Florida voter purge

(Newser) - The Tampa Bay Times today calls on Florida Gov. Rick Scott to stop the state's controversial purge of voters , but the editorial is most notable for what accompanies it: a 1963 photo of Gov. George Wallace trying to stop blacks from enrolling at the University of Alabama. It asks...

Florida Defies Feds, Purges Voter Lists

GOP says purge needed to keep non-citizens off voting rolls

(Newser) - Feds are telling Florida to quit purging its voter lists, insisting the process is kicking off many legitimate voters, but Florida won't stop, reports the Guardian . State officials say the purging, which so far has removed 2,600 names, is necessary to ensure that non-citizens aren't voting. But...

Hispanic, Black Voter Rolls Drop

Could be bad news for Obama, Democrats

(Newser) - For the first time in almost 40 years, the number of Hispanic registered voters has plummeted—both nationally, by 5% since 2008, and in important swing states. In New Mexico, numbers have fallen 28%; in Florida it's 10%. Meanwhile, the number of black registered voters has dropped 7% nationally—...

On Voter Rolls: 1.8M Dead People

One in 8 voter records are flawed, Pew estimates

(Newser) - The Walking Dead is more than a hit TV show, it might just be a successful get-out-the-vote strategy. Thanks to 24 million out-of-date and inaccurate voter registration records, the United States has up to 1.8 million dead people registered to vote, reports USA Today . "We have a ramshackle...

Donald Trump Ditches Republican Party, Registers as Independent
 Trump Ditches Republican Party

Trump Ditches Republican Party

Switches voter registration to 'independent'

(Newser) - Donald Trump hasn't just pulled out of the Newsmax debate—he has pulled out of the Republican Party. The Donald, who was registered as a Democrat in a former life, changed his voter registration from Republican to "independent" yesterday, and his special counsel tells Politico that Trump made...

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