Stanford University

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Stanford Dig Combines Sleuthing, Classwork

Students look into why '06 quake toppled gym

(Newser) - Stanford University has found a way to give archeology students valuable excavation experience without leaving campus, Bloomberg reports, and hopes to find out why an enormous gymnasium couldn't withstand the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. The gym was intended as a signature building for the young school. "They thought if...

HGH Builds Muscles, Not Strength: Study

Docs see athletes using bigger doses, drug cocktails

(Newser) - Human growth hormone certainly builds muscles, but it may not make athletes faster or stronger. "What we found suggested that it didn't help—and at some point, it might hurt," said the lead investigator on the Stanford research study. So why, the San Jose Mercury News wonders, do...

Berkeley, Stanford Partner with Saudi University

American schools to help develop science and technology graduate school

(Newser) - Berkeley and Stanford University will help choose faculty and develop curricula for a new university in Saudi Arabia, reports the San Jose Mercury News. The graduate-level King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, funded by a $10 billion gift from the king, will focus on fields like petrochemicals and nano-technology...

Case Against Transplant Doc Raises Concern

Prosecution claims he killed for organs; others say technique to blame

(Newser) - Charges against a California surgeon for hastening the death of a disabled man so his organs could be harvested for transplants has advocates worried, the New York Times reports. At issue is whether Dr. Hootan Roozrokh ignored protocol in pursuit of organs for transplant or if he misused, or misunderstood,...

Stanford Drops Tuition for Lower-Income Students

Families earning less than $100K get break

(Newser) - Tapping into its $17 billion endowment to boost financial aid, Stanford University said yesterday it will now offer free tuition—that's a $36,000 a year value—to students from families making less than $100,000 per year. Students from families that earn less than $60,000 won't have to...

Nike Founder Just Does Lit
Nike Founder Just Does Lit

Nike Founder Just Does Lit

Billionaire sneaker magnate haunts Stanford creative writing classes

(Newser) - Phil Knight had a seat at the front of the Nike boardroom for decades, but he sits in the back when he takes creative writing classes at Stanford. The 69-year-old alumnus is indulging his longstanding fascination with the written word by talking Hemingway with undergrads, reports the Wall Street Journal.

In Higher Education, the Rich Get Richer

Funding gap widens breach between Ivies, public schools

(Newser) - As Ivy League schools upgrade dorms, financial aid, and student-faculty ratios, America’s public universities are losing out, BusinessWeek reports. The "Ivy Plus" schools, which include Stanford and MIT, represent 1% of the US student population but are the richest by far. "We can add resources in almost...

Stanford Considers Co-Ed Rooms
Stanford Considers Co-Ed Rooms

Stanford Considers Co-Ed Rooms

Students clamor for change, say it's about comfort, not sex

(Newser) - Stanford students want co-ed dorm rooms, and the administration may take them up on the idea. "It's not about sex," one student told the San Jose Mercury News, but about feeling "comfortable in your living space." Transgender students started the initiative to build on the school's...

Carnegie Mellon Wins $2M in Robot Car Race

Only three of 11 cars finished the 60 miles in 6 hours allotted

(Newser) - A robot car built by Carnegie Mellon University and General Motors beat out ten others to win a race for self-driving vehicles, race officials announced today. The cars had 6 hours to complete a 60-mile course—including missions like parking and merging into traffic—in pursuit of a $2 million...

DNA Pioneeer Kornberg Dies
DNA Pioneeer Kornberg Dies

DNA Pioneeer Kornberg Dies

Biochemist won in '59 for research; son received prize in 2006

(Newser) - Nobel laureate Dr. Arthur Kornberg, 89, a pioneering biochemist in the fields of DNA and human genetics, has died of respiratory failure, the New York Times reports. Kornberg shared the award in 1959 for his research into how DNA works, and that research is the foundation for many of today's...

NASA Learned Its Lesson With Endeavour

Caution, elaborate tools mark dramatic shift from Columbia era

(Newser) - Endeavour faced the same problem that the ill-fated Columbia did, but NASA officials handled the two missions in dramatically different ways, marking a radical cultural shift at the space agency. Columbia’s shuttle suffered more damage from a flying piece of foam, but NASA still spent days using elaborate equipment...

Top 10 US Business Schools
Top 10 US Business Schools

Top 10 US Business Schools

Step it up a notch (and raise your profile) at these elite centers of learning.

(Newser) - Forbes ranked these business schools not only on their prestige but for their return on investment.
  1. Dartmouth (Tuck)
  2. Stanford
  3. Harvard

A Big Mac by Any Other Name Is Not as Tasty

Fast-food packaging, not what's inside, sways kids' tastes

(Newser) - Preschoolers judged McDonald’s-branded food superior, even compared to the same products served without the familiar packaging, a study reported in Time concludes. The Pavlovian response to the Golden Arches worries child health experts, who link it to increasing obesity among the young.

Mobile Servers Save Energy, Add Capacity

Sun packages extra processing power in steel shipping containers

(Newser) - Sun Microsystems has a solution for the booming demand for network space, and as a bonus, it lowers energy use: packing servers into steel shipping containers that can be parked wherever they're needed. It's called Project Blackbox, and Sun says it reduces power consumption by 20%. The giant 20-foot boxes...

Philosopher Richard Rorty Dies at 75

Influential thinker blasted the existence of truth, espoused patriotism

(Newser) - Richard Rorty, a celebrated intellectual whose ponderous body of work spanned the gamuts of philosophy, politics, and literary theory, died of pancreatic cancer Friday, at 75. Rorty was known both as a resplendent thinker and as on old lion of the left. “At 12, I knew that the point...

Phony Student Nabbed at Stanford
Phony Student Nabbed at Stanford

Phony Student Nabbed at Stanford

Impostor caught after entire year of living in dorms

(Newser) - Stanford University officials evicted an 18-year old student  this week after discovering she was not enrolled at the school—despite living in several dorms, buying textbooks, and appearing to study for exams, the Stanford Daily reports. Azia Kim masqueraded as a sophomore majoring in human biology for eight months before...

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