Stanford University

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Virtual Stanford Class Goes Viral, 58K Sign Up

That's almost four times the size of the student body

(Newser) - Last year, Stanford's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence class drew 177 students. This year, a free online course on artificial intelligence will boast 58,000—almost four times the size of the prestigious university's entire student body. The course is one of three being offered by Stanford's computer...

Top Ten Douchiest Colleges in America
 The Douchiest Colleges of 2011 

The Douchiest Colleges of 2011

Ivy Leagues, and a few 'lucky' state school get top douche marks

(Newser) - For those who felt like you went to school with a high quota of douchebags, here's your confirmation: The Rogers & Littleton Guide to America’s Douchiest Colleges is the new authoritative guide to institutions of high education where a sheepskin amounts to a certificate in lifelong douchebaggery. The...

Stanford Drops Secret 'Jock Class' List

Officials deny list for athletes was special advantage

(Newser) - Stanford University has dropped a secret list of classes widely regarded as easy and aimed at helping star athletes get through school. Classes on the list, which has existed for 11 years, were "always chock-full of athletes and very easy A's," a soccer player tells the San Francisco ...

Ranking America's Most Stressful Schools

These colleges might just drive you to suicide

(Newser) - This month, lots of high school overachievers will be anxiously awaiting acceptances from the halls of Ivy—even as concerns mount that these schools might not be great for your mental health. Cornell University, for example, had two suicides in as many days last month. So the Daily Beast decided...

1 in 3 Fear Being 'One of Those iPhone People'

But though some find it 'dangerously alluring,' most 'love' gadget

(Newser) - It's “dangerously alluring,” but the iPhone makes most Stanford students so giddy that they don’t really care. About a third of respondents in a recent study said they worried about becoming addicted to the gadget. But the torrid affair is far from over—roughly three-quarters said that...

Scientists Create Brain Cells From Skin Cells

Stanford breakthrough in mice skips stem cell stage

(Newser) - In what's being heralded as "a huge leap forward," Stanford researchers have successfully turned mouse skin cells into fully functioning brain cells. The process, which took less than a week, upends thinking on how cells develop specialized roles, and could help minimize the controversial role of embryonic stem...

Chinese Cyberspying Targets Stanford Student's Gmail

Google can't find breach of Tibetan human rights activist's laptop

(Newser) - A Tibetan human rights proponent and Stanford undergrad is the first activist identified as a target of the recent Chinese cyberattack on Google. “That the long arm of Chinese security could reach all the way to my home here at Stanford is something I never would have suspected,”...

Scientists Create 'Paper Battery'

Say technique could someday help fuel electric cars, electronics

(Newser) - Scientists at Stanford University say they’ve created a “paper battery” by coating paper with ink made from silver and carbon nanowires. Earlier research showed those materials can create a battery 10 times as strong as the now-standard lithium-ion variety. The new result: a cheap, powerful and, above all,...

Notre Dame Finally Fires Charlie Weis
 Notre Dame 
 Finally Fires 
 Charlie Weis 
help wanted

Notre Dame Finally Fires Charlie Weis

Revolving door more like wheel of fortune: school owes coach $10M

(Newser) - After months of speculation, Notre Dame pulled the trigger on Charlie Weis today, firing its head football coach with 6 years and at least $10 million left on his contract. Saturday's loss to Stanford, which left the Fighting Irish with a 6-6 record in Weis' fifth year at the helm,...

West Point Tops Best Colleges List

(Newser) - The US Military Academy tops the new Forbes list of top colleges, leapfrogging five places to bump Princeton out of the top spot. In the second annual ranking, another service academy, the Air Force's, lands in seventh place on a list that places schools according to "the quality of...

Compound May Be 'Next Silicon': Scientists

(Newser) - Stanford physicists have discovered a chemical compound that could replace silicon and transform the computing industry, the San Jose Mercury News reports. Jet-black bismuth telluride has a unique ability, researchers discovered: Electrons can travel across it without resistance, losing no energy. So far the material can only carry small currents,...

Students Can Hide Low Scores With New SAT Policy

(Newser) - “What did you get on your SATs?” is now a multiple-choice question. A policy enacted last month allows students who take the test several times to pick which score they send to colleges, the Washington Post reports. But many schools aren’t thrilled with the change, and a quarter...

Stanford Offers Free iPhone App Developer Course

iTunes U course will teach online students how to build applications

(Newser) - Stanford University is offering free online lessons to would-be iPhone application developers, reports Ars Technica. The university's computer science department is making materials from its 10-week iPhone Application Programming course available for download from iTunes starting this week, including video lectures by Apple engineers. The materials will be the same...

Sorry, Recession Won't Get You Into Harvard

Top schools see no application shortage despite economy

(Newser) - Sure, a lot of people are cash-strapped, but don’t get your hopes up that the recession will boost your shot at an Ivy League school. Harvard got a record number of applications this year—29,112, a 6% jump from last year. And pricey universities like Yale, Dartmouth, Brown,...

Black Wolves Got Color From Domestic Dogs

Black fur proof of dog legacy

(Newser) - Researchers have found the genes of dogs in some North American wolves, linked to interbreeding some 15,000 years ago, reports Wired. The black fur of some forest-dwelling wolves is the result of the long-ago matings with dogs, likely kept as companions by American Indians. The dalliances may have strengthened...

100M-Year-Old DNA Regions Baffle Experts

Mice, humans share mysterious code immune to evolution

(Newser) - Certain regions of mammalian DNA with no discernible purpose have one perplexing characteristic in common: They have survived, without mutation, for as long as 100 million years, LiveScience reports. Scientists speculate that the areas have some deep purpose, but for now they know only that they are “ultraconserved regions,...

10 Most-Buzzed-About Schools
 10 Most-Buzzed-About Schools 

10 Most-Buzzed-About Schools

Harvard beats out Columbia for most internet references

(Newser) - Institutions of higher learning care about their brand as much as any business, so the Global Language Monitor has ranked universities and colleges for the amount of buzz they command on the internet. The winners:
  1. Harvard University
  2. Columbia University
  3. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  4. University of California, Berkeley
  5. Stanford University

Nation's Most Ridiculous College Mascots

Fuzzy aesthetics gone awry, coming to a field near you this weekend

(Newser) - Granted, managing to create a college mascot whose gigantic foam appendages perfectly straddle the line between ridiculous and comically appropriate is no easy task. That said, the folks at Radar magazine didn't have to dig too deep to discover a batch who utterly obliterate the line. The worst offenders:
  • Evergreen

Congratulations! ...Possibly
Congratulations! ...Possibly

Congratulations! ...Possibly

Athlete's collection of letters gives insight into ins—and outs—of college recruiting

(Newser) - Most people will never get a full football scholarship offer from a big-name university. But those masses need not wonder what such letters look like: high school quarterback Tate Forcier has posted his collection of sometimes fawning, sometimes caveat-laden recruiting letters online. Sports Illustrated breaks down the coaches' voices, the...

Condi Debunks Veep Rumors
 Condi Debunks Veep Rumors 

Condi Debunks Veep Rumors

She's 'last to know about it,' quips aide

(Newser) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has once again quashed speculation that she is seeking the vice presidential nomination as John McCain's running mate, reports the Washington Post. A McCain-Rice ticket would satisfy many of McCain's conservative critics and represent a formidable challenge to a Dem ticket headed by a woman...

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