Nobel Prize

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Obama Energy Pick a Nobel Physicist
Obama Energy
Pick a Nobel

Obama Energy Pick a Nobel Physicist

Chu was an early advocate for climate change solutions

(Newser) - Nobel laureate Steven Chu is Barack Obama's nominee for energy secretary, the Wall Street Journal reports. The acclaimed physicist, director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, was an early advocate for finding scientific solutions to climate change, and his lab is doing groundbreaking work in developing carbon-neutral sources of energy,...

No Prize for Nobel Son
 No Prize for Nobel Son 
movie review

No Prize for Nobel Son

Critics mixed on story of professor's kidnapped son

(Newser) - The story of an arrogant professor reluctant to pay ransom for his kidnapped child, Nobel Son is a mixed bag, with “moments of vengeance-filled enjoyment but also a sense of tonal haphazardness,” writes Robert Abele in the LA Times. “Signal-flare plotting” reveals a less-than-perfect screenplay, but “...

NYT's Krugman Wins Nobel Economic Prize

Globalization expert blames Bush for current crisis

(Newser) - Paul Krugman was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics this morning, Reuters reports, in recognition for his work on globalization and free trade. Krugman, a New York Times columnist, Princeton professor, and staunch Bush critic, has long been a favorite for the award, but says it came as a surprise...

What Happened to the Simple 'Thank You'?
What Happened to the Simple 'Thank You'?

What Happened to the Simple 'Thank You'?

From Nobel laureates to politicians, we're a world of ingrates

(Newser) - The Nobel Prize doesn’t always elicit the most noble appreciation from recipients, notes Meghan Daum, who gently chides Japanese physicist Toshihide Maskawa for calling the prize "mundane" this week. “It seems that old-fashioned graciousness is now considered yawningly mundane,” Daum writes in the Los Angeles Times....

Kosovo Mediator Wins Nobel

Former Finnish president has supervised peace talks for decades

(Newser) - This year's Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Martti Ahtisaari, the former president of Finland who mediated peace talks in Indonesia and Kosovo. Ahtisaari has also mediated conflicts in Namibia, Northern Ireland, and Iraq, often working on behalf of the United Nations. In its citation the Norwegian committee praised his...

French Writer Le Clézio Wins Nobel

Novelist, who lives part-time in US, wins $1.4M prize

(Newser) - This year's Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, reports the AP, a novelist often called France's greatest living writer. The Swedish Academy praised him as an "author of new departures, poetic adventure, and sensual ecstasy." The 68-year-old, who lives part of the...

Chemistry Nobel Goes to 3 Who Found Glowing Protein

Compound vital to Alzheimer's research

(Newser) - The Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded today to three scientists who discovered green fluorescent protein, a compound that allows biochemists to study cellular processes. The glowing protein, first found in jellyfish more than 40 years ago, can be attached to other structures and has been critical in research on...

Physics Nobel to 3 Who Studied World's Origin

Work on 'broken symmetry' paved way for hadron collider

(Newser) - The Nobel Prize for physics was awarded today to three researchers whose work on "broken symmetry" has clarified the origins of the universe. Their theories—a cornerstone of the so-called Standard Model of physics—explain how the world came into being after the Big Bang; although huge amounts...

3 Virologists Share Medicine Nobel Prize

Discoverers of HIV, human papilloma virus win $1.4M award

(Newser) - The Nobel Prize for medicine was awarded today to three scientists who discovered two of the world's deadliest sexually transmitted viruses. Half the prize goes to Harald zur Hausen, a German who discovered the human papilloma virus, which causes cervical cancer in women. The other half goes to Françoise...

Thomas Weller, Who Won Nobel for Polio Work, Dead at 93

Work paved way for Salk, Sabin vaccines

(Newser) - Thomas Weller, whose research on polio won him a share of a Nobel Prize in 1954, died this weekend at 93, the Boston Globe reports. Weller, along with colleagues John Enders and Frederick Robbins, discovered that the polio virus preyed on muscles, not nerve tissue as had been previously thought....

Gore Challenge: 100% Clean Electricity by 2018

Major speech today

(Newser) - Al Gore is challenging the US to produce all its electricity through wind, sun, and other clean sources by 2018. Speaking to the AP ahead of a major address today, the Nobel laureate compared the goal to JFK’s 1961 pledge to make it to the moon—and said that...

Gore to Investors: Ditch Guzzlers
Gore to Investors: Ditch Guzzlers

Gore to Investors: Ditch Guzzlers

Costs risk market crash, he warns

(Newser) - Nobel prize-winner Al Gore yesterday urged financial leaders at a United Nations conference in Manhattan to unload their investments in businesses reliant on carbon-intensive energy. Gore likened such investments to the subprime mortgage market, warning that "the assumption you can safely invest" in business models that assume carbon is...

British Library Acquires Harold Pinter Archive

$2.2M keeps Nobel laureate's papers in the country

(Newser) - The British Library has bought the papers of Harold Pinter, the Nobel Prize-winning playwright, paying more than $2.2 million for 150 boxes of material, writes the Times of London. After the purchase of several British authors' archives by American universities, Pinter committed himself to finding a home in his...

Gore Finally Reaches Oval Office
Gore Finally Reaches
Oval Office

Gore Finally Reaches Oval Office

Bush welcomes Nobel winner, who calls meeting 'cordial'

(Newser) - Al Gore met with President Bush in the Oval Office today, the first private meeting between the two since the 2000 election. The environmental activist called the meeting "very cordial" but then gave reporters the slip, the Chicago Tribune reports. "I'm not going to do an interview here,...

Bush Invites Gore, Nobel Winner
Bush Invites Gore, Nobel Winner

Bush Invites Gore, Nobel Winner

Political opponents never reconciled after bitter 2000 election

(Newser) - Bush recently invited US Nobel laureates to their annual White House photo op, but he personally called Peace Prize winner and bitter presidential loser Al Gore—and moved the event to November 26 to accommodate Gore's schedule. “It’s unusual, that’s for sure,” said one Gore advisor....

DNA Pioneeer Kornberg Dies
DNA Pioneeer Kornberg Dies

DNA Pioneeer Kornberg Dies

Biochemist won in '59 for research; son received prize in 2006

(Newser) - Nobel laureate Dr. Arthur Kornberg, 89, a pioneering biochemist in the fields of DNA and human genetics, has died of respiratory failure, the New York Times reports. Kornberg shared the award in 1959 for his research into how DNA works, and that research is the foundation for many of today's...

Nobel Laureate Downplays 9/11
Nobel Laureate Downplays 9/11

Nobel Laureate Downplays 9/11

Lessing: IRA violence in Ireland was worse than WTC attacks; Americans are 'naive'

(Newser) - Freshly minted Nobel laureate Doris Lessing said the 9/11 terrorist assault on the World Trade Center “wasn’t that terrible” in comparison to violence wreaked by the IRA in Britain. "Some Americans will think I'm crazy," she said in an interview in Spanish daily El Pais. "...

Gore Rules Out Presidential Run
Gore Rules Out Presidential Run

Gore Rules Out Presidential Run

(Newser) - Nobel or not, Al Gore still isn’t running for president. “I’m involved in a different kind of campaign," Gore told Norwegian TV in an interview broadcast today. "It’s a global campaign to change the way people think about the climate crisis.” Many hoped...

Nobel Hard Drive Tech Revived
Nobel Hard Drive Tech Revived

Nobel Hard Drive Tech Revived

(Newser) - Hard disk space is about to quadruple, says Hitachi, thanks to this year’s Nobel Prize-winning physicists. The company today announced it had developed a new technology for passing data between the disk and the disk-reading heads which shrinks the heads and allow for disk storage of up to 4...

3 Americans Share Nobel in Economics

Prize awarded for mechanism design theory

(Newser) - Americans Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin, and Roger Myerson have won this year’s Nobel Prize in economics for developing "mechanism design theory,"  which indicates when markets are working effectively, Reuters reports. The theory can be used to assess the factors which make individuals and corporations deviate from...

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