Nobel Prize

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Obama: I'm 'Surprised and Deeply Humbled' by Nobel

President will accept the honor as a 'call to action'

(Newser) - A beaming President Obama says he's honored to win the Nobel Peace Prize but isn't sure he's done enough to earn it. Appearing in the Rose Garden today, Obama acknowledged he was "both surprised and deeply humbled" to win the award. He said he does not "view it...

Carter Likes Nobel Pick, Taliban Not So Much
 Carter Likes Nobel Pick, 
 Taliban Not So Much   
nobel reaction

Carter Likes Nobel Pick, Taliban Not So Much

Nicolas Sarkozy says something odd about the world's hearts

(Newser) - Not everybody thinks Barack Obama's Nobel prize is a weird choice. Jimmy Carter, who won it himself in 2002, calls it a "bold statement of international support for his vision and commitment." More reaction:
  • Taliban spokesman: "He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan. We condemn this

Gibbs Woke Up 'Humbled' Obama With Nobel News

(Newser) - It wasn't quite the 3am phone call Hillary Clinton envisioned, but still big news in the White House. Robert Gibbs had to wake up the president before dawn today with news that he'd won the Nobel Peace Prize. "The president was humbled to be selected," said Gibbs, who...

Be Smart, Barack: Turn Down the Prize

Obama accepting the Nobel will only reinforce right's caricatures

(Newser) - Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Prize laureate? "They could have awarded it to Kylie Minogue and I wouldn’t have been half as surprised," writes Ben Brogan of the Telegraph, who thinks the "bunch of Scandinavian worthies" have made a silly, self-satisfied choice. Yet while the Norwegians have...

Obama Win Mystifies Both Admirers and Detractors
 Obama Win 
 Mystifies Both 
 Admirers and 


Obama Win Mystifies Both Admirers and Detractors

What was the committee thinking, given the challenges in Afghanistan and Iraq?

(Newser) - Barack Obama was in office for just two weeks when the deadline for this year's Nobel Peace Prize passed, yet the first-term president has already got himself the world's most famous award. Detractors and admirers are both scratching their heads.
  • "This is completely bizarre," writes Wall Street Journal

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
 Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize 

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Committee cites president's commitment to disarmament, international institutions

(Newser) - President Barack Obama is the surprise winner of this year's Nobel Peace Prize, which was awarded "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." The Norwegian Nobel committee said it attached particular importance to Obama's commitment to nuclear disarmament and his emphasis on the...

A Decade of Nobel Literature Laureates

(Newser) - With Herta Mueller joining the ranks of Nobel laureates today, it seems like a good time to look back at some of the other literary giants that have been honored since the turn of the century. For a full list of all the winners since 1960, check the AP source....

German Novelist Herta Mueller Wins Nobel for Literature

Romanian-born writer explores themes of exile, dictatorship

(Newser) - The Nobel Prize in literature was awarded today to Herta Mueller, a Romanian-born German novelist and poet whose work has explored the brutality of life under the Ceausescu dictatorship. Deprived of her job and threatened by the regime, she fled to Germany in 1987. The Land of Green Plums, published...

Map of Cell's Machinery Wins Chemistry Nobel

Trio of laureates includes first woman to win prize in 45 years

(Newser) - The Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded today to three scientists who mapped the structure of the ribosome, the part of the cell that reads DNA and uses its information to  create proteins. All three chemists constructed three-dimensional models of the ribosome, using X-ray crystallography to chart hundreds of thousands...

Digital Pioneers Scoop Physics Nobel Prize

Trio's work on light paved way for Internet, digital cameras

(Newser) - The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded today to three scientists whose research into light paved the way for the digital age. Charles Kao received the prize for his work on the transmission of light through fiber-optic cables—the basis of modern communication networks. Bell Labs researchers Willard Boyle and...

3 US Genetics Researchers Win Medicine Nobel

Work in replication of chromosomes may aid cancer treatment

(Newser) - Three American scientists won the Nobel Prize for Medicine today for their work on the replication of chromosomes, which has implications for cancer, aging, and stem cell research. The laureates focused on a string of DNA at the end of chromosomes, called telomeres, and discovered an enzyme that allows dividing...

'Ig Nobels' Laud Goofy Science
 'Ig Nobels' Laud Goofy Science 

'Ig Nobels' Laud Goofy Science

Bra gas masks and the benefits of naming cows among the discoveries honored

(Newser) - The scientific world’s best and brightest gathered last night to honor the silliest. Eight Nobel laureates showed up to hand out the “Ig Nobels,” which honor funny, weird, and downright silly discoveries. The winners included:
  • Public health: Dr. Elena Bodnar, who invented a bra that can turn

Google Earth, Al Gore Detail Climate Change

Al Gore narrates intro to new feature detailing perils, and solutions

(Newser) - Google—with the help of Al Gore—has introduced new “layers” to its Earth application that detail the possible effects of climate change in the next century. The Nobel laureate narrates an intro to a series of virtual tours that highlight terrifying scenarios and solutions. The upgrade allows users...

Reappoint Bernanke: Krugman
 Reappoint Bernanke: Krugman 

Reappoint Bernanke: Krugman

(Newser) - If there’s any justice, Ben Bernanke will get another go-around at the helm of the Federal Reserve, Paul Krugman tells Bloomberg. “He’s earned the right to a second term,” the Nobel laureate says. “When the banking system failed to deliver capital where it was needed,...

Fans Want Nobel Peace Prize for Jackson

(Newser) - Fans of Michael Jackson are pushing for a Nobel Peace Prize nod for the late pop star. 12,000 have signed various online petitions putting the singer up for the honor because of his “lifelong dedication to the well-being of humanity,” and one organizer hopes for 100,000...

Twitter Deserves a Nobel Prize
 Twitter Deserves a Nobel Prize 

Twitter Deserves a Nobel Prize

(Newser) - Twitter’s been so instrumental in giving Iranians a voice that it, and its creators, deserve Nobel Prize consideration, writes Mark Pfeifle for the Christian Science Monitor. Scoff all you want at the 140-character “time waster.” “In the past month, 140 characters were enough to shine a...

Gore Throws Weight Behind Climate Bill

Former VP dials Congressional Dems to rally support

(Newser) - With controversial cap-and-trade climate legislation now in committee, former vice president Al Gore has mobilized his lobbying organization and grass-roots movement behind the bill, even calling some wavering Democrats personally, Politico reports. While some groups feel the measure is too soft on polluting industries, the Nobel Prize winner supports its...

Glowing Cancer Cells Signal Surgical Leap

New technique takes much of the guesswork out of tumor removal

(Newser) - Surgery to remove tumors has always been a delicate undertaking. Surgeons must try to remove all of the cancerous cells while minimizing the loss of surrounding tissue, a task made harder by the fact that it’s difficult to tell the difference just by looking. No longer: Scientists have found...

Iranian Cops Raid Nobel Winner's Office

Prosecutors claim Shirin Ebadi's organization was acting as political party

(Newser) - Iranian police today raided the office of a human rights group led by Nobel prize-winning activist Shirin Ebadi, Reuters reports. The office was hours away from hosting a Human Rights Day celebration when cops shut it down. "We will protest against it," said Ebadi. "It will not...

Swedes Launch Nobel Prize Bribery Probe

Drug firm accused of influencing this year's pick in medicine

(Newser) - Swedish prosecutors are investigating claims of corruption in the awarding of this year's Nobel Prize in medicine, the Toronto Star reports. German scientist Harald zur Hausen won part of the prize for discovering the link between human papilloma viruses and cervical cancer. The discovery could make a fortune for drug...

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