Republican candidate

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Mac's Big Guns Turn to Polishing Palin

Honchos, candidate huddle at Ariz. ranch to prepare for Thurs. debate with Biden

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will be coached by the best people John McCain’s campaign has to offer in preparation for her debate Thursday with Joe Biden, the Wall Street Journal reports. Campaign manager Rick Davis and strategist Steve Schmidt are headed with Palin today to McCain’s Arizona ranch as the...

McCain Biographer: He's Lost His Principles

McCain's best accomplishments might have been cynical maneuvering

(Newser) - Elizabeth Drew liked McCain—she even wrote a fawning biography, Citizen McCain, in 2002. She respected the centrist who emerged after McCain’s failed 2000 primary bid, who broke from Bush on tax cuts and campaign finance reform. But watching McCain’s current campaign maneuver back to the right, she...

Rove Says Palin Excitement Will Pass; Polls Agree

VP candidate's negatives up over last week

(Newser) - Excitement over Sarah Palin won’t last, Karl Rove told the AP last night. The Republican strategist said Palin was picked for “political” reasons, and acknowledged she was not the most qualified VP candidate available, although he feels she is ready for the job. Opinion polls support Rove on...

Hillary Bundler Picks McCain Over 'Elitist' Obama

Lynn Forester de Rothschild to endorse McCain-Palin

(Newser) - Democratic fundraiser and ardent Hillary Clinton supporter Lynn Forester de Rothschild will endorse the McCain-Palin ticket today, Muckety reports. De Rothschild, who worked with the Democratic National Committee, has been a steadfast critic of the Dems’ decision to nominate Barack Obama, whom she called an untrustworthy “elitist” in a...

'Trojan Moose' Palin Shifts Focus Off Bush Legacy

VP pick has turned the debate away from actual issues; Obama must steer it back

(Newser) - Of Troopergate, the “Bridge to Nowhere,” and the other so-called scandals the left has been hoping will sully Sarah Palin’s reputation, Arianna Huffington scoffs: “who cares?” McCain-Palin will gladly take up time discussing various small lies to distract from the “big truth”: that George Bush’...

Palin's Alaskan Secessionist Sympathies Come to Light

Governor recorded video message for separatists this year

(Newser) - The latest surprise from Sarah Palin's past is her membership in the fringe Alaskan Independence Party, ABC News reports. A party leader says the governor and her husband were members in the 1990s. Though not strictly secessionist, the AIP is a "states' right party" that wants a vote on...

GOP Fears Big Losses in Northeast
GOP Fears Big Losses in Northeast

GOP Fears Big Losses in Northeast

Dems likely to pick up a dozen seats in Congress, parties say

(Newser) - Up to a dozen Republican Congressional seats in the Northeast could fall to Democrats this November, and the New York Times looks at some of the tightest races in the region, where a well-financed Democratic party has won ever more supporters. "There could be a dramatic political realignment in...

Unlikely GOP Candidate Runs for Montana Senate Seat

85-year-old wants a British-style parliament

(Newser) - Montana senator Max Baucus looks certain to win reelection this November, writes the New York Times, but his Republican challenger is gaining some attention for his unorthodox proposals. Bob Kelleher, 85, wants to nationalize oil companies, end the Iraq war to fund cancer research—and, most shockingly, eliminate the separation...

Republicans in Tight Senate Races to Skip St. Paul

Candidates call decision unrelated to president's low ratings

(Newser) - Most Republicans in tough Senate races this fall are ducking the GOP convention or have failed to confirm, the National Journal reports. Of those nine candidates in 12 targeted races, none are blaming President Bush's low ratings or John McCain's strained relationship with conservatives. Senators like Ted Stevens and Susan...

When Good Pandering Goes Bad
When Good Pandering
Goes Bad

When Good Pandering Goes Bad

Bush goes and ruins McCain's opportunism on oil, writes Collins

(Newser) - The offshore drilling ban has been in place since 1981, but George W. Bush—who is still the president, Gail Collins reminds us in the New York Times—wants it overturned in two weeks. Watching his speech in the Rose Garden, where he said Democrats would be to blame for...

How Fair Is the 'Third Term' Jab?
 How Fair Is the
 'Third Term' Jab? 

How Fair Is the 'Third Term' Jab?

McCain offers some differences, but largely agrees with Bush

(Newser) - With President Bush posting record disapproval ratings, Democrats have gleefully dubbed a John McCain presidency a "third Bush term." The claim is at least partially justified, reports the New York Times in an analysis of the "McBush" charge—McCain agrees with Bush on taxation, health care, the...

Giuliani Will Stump for GOP, for a Price

Rudy wants a cut of fundraising proceeds to pay off campaign debt

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has offered to appear at fundraisers for cash-strapped Republican candidates but with strings attached, the New York Times reports. The former New York mayor wants a cut of the proceeds to go towards paying off his presidential campaign's $3.6-million debt. The debt includes a $500,000 personal...

McCain Declares, 'I Hate War,' in New Campaign Ad

He seeks to soften his image

(Newser) - John McCain seeks to soften his image as a warmonger in a new ad by declaring, "I hate war," the Chicago Tribune reports. In the ad, now airing in swing states around the nation, McCain highlights his military past and mentions his experience as a POW. He tries...

Carly Fiorina Puts Feminine Face on McCain Campaign

In exchange, ousted HP CEO gets rehab

(Newser) - The inner circle of advisers to John McCain is small, loyal—and almost completely male. But one woman has gained the candidate's respect and become a key surrogate for him in the media: Carly Fiorina, the ousted CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Each has something to gain—Fiorina is helping McCain with...

6 Ways the GOP Can Get Back on Its Feet
 6 Ways the GOP
 Can Get Back on Its Feet 

6 Ways the GOP Can Get Back on Its Feet

Insiders speak as GOP prepares for a losing November

(Newser) - Six months before an election in which some estimate Republicans could lose 20 seats in the House and five in the Senate, insiders tell Politico how the GOP can pick itself up:
  • Write some policy. “It’s critical that our candidates have a very clear set of principles,”

Dems Score 'Safe' GOP Seat in Louisiana

Special vote costs Republicans House spot held since 1974

(Newser) - A Democrat snagged a Louisiana congressional seat long held by Republicans yesterday, strengthening Dems’ grip on the House, the AP reports. A special election followed the resignation of 20-year incumbent  Richard Baker and awarded the seat to Don Cazayoux after over 30 years of GOP control. Cazayoux took 49% of...

Ron Paul Can't Stop Stumping
 Ron Paul Can't Stop Stumping 

Ron Paul Can't Stop Stumping

GOP hopeful can't 'turn off' enthusiasm

(Newser) - Ron Paul conceded the GOP nomination months ago, but the Texas representative, buoyed by fervent followers, is still out on the stump, looking to the future. “There is no way I could turn it off," he tells Politico. "I went up to Penn State and had 1,...

'Colbert Bump' Real, at Least for Dems

Candidates see boost in funds after Report appearances

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert and his fans often point to a “Colbert bump”—a boost for politicians who appear on his show—and research shows there’s truthiness to the claim, LiveScience reports. A scientist found that Democrats appearing on the Colbert Report raised 44% more funds afterward. Republicans, however,...

Where's Paul? Still Running
Where's Paul? Still Running

Where's Paul? Still Running

And he's got no intention of dropping out of the race

(Newser) - John McCain has knocked out the last of his Republican opponents, right? Ron Paul begs to differ. "I'm still involved, nothing has changed," he told MSNBC after successfully defending his Texas congressional seat in the GOP primary. Paul has no plans to drop out and will resume traveling...

McCain Aims for Bush Balance
McCain Aims for Bush Balance

McCain Aims for Bush Balance

Candidate needs prez on the right, but must pick his battles

(Newser) - In John McCain's delicate dance to unite his fractious party, one crucial step looms: How to best use the current Oval Office occupant in his quest to become the next. George W. Bush trumps McCain in shoring up conservative voters and raising money, but he's anathema to moderates and independents...

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