Republican candidate

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Republicans Excited by 2010 Recruits

Party boasts diverse crop of candidates, but primaries loom

(Newser) - Republicans have reeled in a diverse and promising assortment of candidates for 2010, lured by the prospect of a “wave” election that will sweep them into power. “We’ve got candidates popping up all over the place,” Mitch McConnell tells the Washington Post , “and candidates that...

Why Palin Can Win GOP Nomination
 Why Palin Can Win 
 GOP Nomination 
Nate Silver

Why Palin Can Win GOP Nomination

Her "brand" is mighty, and she'll get a lift in 2010 elections

(Newser) - Nate Silver thinks Sarah Palin will run for president in 2012 and warns that it's foolish to dismiss her chances of getting the GOP nomination "given the makeup and mood of the Republican primary electorate. " He lays out specifics at :
  • Enthusiasm: Her "brand" will motivate

GOP 2nd Wind Doesn't Mean Smooth Sailing

Party back from last year's beating but upheaval still likely

(Newser) - The victories in Virginia and New Jersey look set to revitalize the Republican Party ahead of next year's elections, writes Adam Nagourney. The party now has the chance to re-energize its base and prepare for a proper comeback from last year's defeat, although the Democratic win in New York's 23rd...

Unbowed by Loss, McCain Fights for Moderate GOP
Unbowed by Loss, McCain Fights for Moderate GOP

Unbowed by Loss, McCain Fights for Moderate GOP

Senator fills leadership void with donations, endorsements, advice

(Newser) - Less than a year ago John McCain still hoped to be president, but the Arizona senator has a new mission now: reshaping the Republican Party around his own brand of moderate, pragmatic conservatism. While previous unsuccessful candidates for the top job have withdrawn after defeat, McCain is offering endorsements to...

In 2010, GOP Set to Shake White-Guy Image

Party has wealth of female and minority candidates on deck

(Newser) - The ongoing shake-up in the Republican Party may see a much more diverse set of GOP candidates up for election in 2010, Politico reports. Viable female and ethnic minority Republicans candidates will be seeking governor's jobs or Senate seats in states across the country, including California and Texas. The candidates,...

Petraeus 2012? GOP Mulls New Candidates

Republicans take hope in Obama's lowered poll numbers

(Newser) - With President Obama’s poll numbers sinking, Republicans are feeling more confident about 2012—and eying a new crop of potential candidates, Politico reports. Among them: MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, a former GOP congressman who’s slammed Obama but is also ready to criticize his own party, and Gen. David...

GOP Candidates Hold Own Town Halls

Republicans jump on Democrats' reluctance to host ugly meetings

(Newser) - Republican candidates across the country are staging their own health care town halls in a bid to upstage Democratic incumbents, Politico reports. With many Democrats declining to host the rowdy events, GOP challengers have seized on town halls as easy tickets to voter connection and press coverage. “By the...

Rudy Weighs NY Governor Race
 Rudy Weighs NY Governor Race 

Rudy Weighs NY Governor Race

(Newser) - Less than two years after crashing and burning in the race for the White House, Rudy Giuliani is weighing another return to politics—as governor of New York. Last week Giuliani asked the state's GOP chairman to step aside, and the New York Times reports that he has discussed a...

Steele: Palin Run in 2012 'Off the Table'

Alaska gov. needs time to sort out the current 'financial mess'

(Newser) - A Sarah Palin presidential run in the next election is “off the table,” Michael Steele tells Fox News. "Not having talked to the governor, I take 2012 off the table right now simply because (of) everything she's going through personally,” said the Republican party chief. Palin's...

Palin Will Step Down
 Palin Will Step Down 

Palin Will Step Down

Alaska Gov. keeps her options open for 2012 presidential run

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will resign as Alaska governor July 26 rather than seek re-election next year, she said today. Giving up the governorship opens up Palin’s schedule to devote herself for a possible bid for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, KTUU-TV reports. Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will become governor.

Miss. Gov Tests Waters for 2012

Connections, experience serve Haley Barbour well

(Newser) - Another face to watch for 2012: Haley Barbour. The Mississippi governor is traveling the country this week, appearing at Republican fundraisers and conferences in what many see as a warm-up for a 2012 run, CQ Politics reports. A Republican consultant says Barbour, 61, has a good shot in a year...

How Palin Can Get the 2012 Nod

 How Palin Can 
 Get the 2012 Nod 

How Palin Can Get the 2012 Nod

Leave Alaska, grab a good staff, and be yourself

(Newser) - Don’t write off Sarah Palin as the 2012 Republican nominee: Roger Simon says she’s got what it takes to get there, with a little fine-tuning. He offers her seven steps in Politico:
  • Leave Alaska behind. Don’t run for governor in 2010; instead, hang out in the Lower

Fox's Van Susteren Nabs First Post-Election Palin Chat

Host has bashed sniping at Alaska governor by unnamed McCain sources

(Newser) - Fox News host Greta Van Susteren beat out a slew of prominent journalists for the first post-election interview with Sarah Palin, the Los Angeles Times reports. Van Susteren has defended the Alaska governor against a recent storm of criticism from unnamed McCain aides, and will allow the former candidate to...

McCain Ally Blasts Palin's Readiness

'I devoutly hope' she's never tested, ex-State chief Eagleburger says

(Newser) - Lawrence Eagleburger, one of five former secretaries of state whose endorsement John McCain often touts, sharply criticized Sarah Palin yesterday, saying she is not ready to handle the presidency if needed and would at best be an “adequate” commander in chief, the Huffington Post reports. Asked if Palin would...

Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP
 Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP 

Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP

Republicans try to distance themselves from McCain's campaign strategy

(Newser) - Republicans inside John McCain’s campaign and out are pointing fingers at one another, striking a surprisingly past-tense tone about their efforts, Politico reports. The recriminations go to the top: senior Bush advisers criticized McCain for a poorly run campaign on the heels of an interview in which the candidate...

Pundits' 7 Worst Campaign Blunders

Missed calls, poor predictions

(Newser) - Pundits make mistakes. And Salon has tallied the biggest whoppers of the presidential campaign:
  1. The “Palin bounce”—It fizzled and the Alaska governor has the highest negative approval ratings of a VP candidate in history.
  2. “Sergeant” Schmidt will right the USS McCain—Steve Schmidt’s strategy of

Obama Welcomes Mac Attacks as Signs of 'Flailing'
Obama Welcomes Mac Attacks as Signs of 'Flailing'

Obama Welcomes Mac Attacks as Signs of 'Flailing'

Drawing negative attention is gamble, but team thinks it can paint broader picture

(Newser) - You wouldn’t expect a political campaign to circulate its opponent’s attack on its candidate—yet that’s exactly what Barack Obama’s media-relations team is doing, observes Andrew Romano for Newsweek. An email linking to stories on John McCain’s latest jabs is part of the “rapid...

GOP Intellectuals Jump Mac's Ship, Leaving Wingnuts

Columnist's schadenfreude turns to dread over the new face of the party

(Newser) - It’s been a fun time for liberals, writes Rosa Brooks in the LA Times. Though initially worried about the boost Sarah Palin gave to John McCain’s polling numbers, Dems were then treated to the defections of some of the GOP’s brightest thinkers. Columnists David Brooks, Charles Krauthammer,...

Once a Shoo-In, Dole Faces the Race of Her Life

NC senator falls back amid GOP doldrums, Democratic onslaught

(Newser) - In 2002, Elizabeth Dole easily claimed the rock-solid Republican seat in North Carolina once held by Jesse Helms. But in 2008, Dole's seat has become a prime target for a Democratic pick up, reports the New York Times, and the party's senatorial fund has spent more there than in any...

Out-of-Touch Dems Distort Myth of Crazed Mobs
Out-of-Touch Dems Distort
Myth of Crazed Mobs

Out-of-Touch Dems Distort Myth of Crazed Mobs

(Newser) - It's been hard to miss the spate of reports about ugly anti-Obama incidents at McCain/Palin events—a crowd member calling him a “terrorist,” for instance. The media is now playing a game of "find a freak" at GOP rallies and grossly distorting the notion of genuine harm...

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