
Stories 81 - 94 | << Prev 

Chelsea to Voters: Monica's None of Your Business

Leave dad out of choice for mom, she adds

(Newser) - For the second time in a week Chelsea Clinton has been asked a question about the sex scandal involving White House intern Monica Lewinsky that cast a shadow over her father's presidency. When it happened at North Carolina State University yesterday, just as it did at Butler University last week,...

Vendors to Clinton: Don't Be a Deadbeat

Many irked as campaign delays bills to keep pace in race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign is earning a deadbeat reputation among some campaign vendors, reports Politico. To keep pace with Obama and maintain reserves for future media buys and events, it has put off paying hundreds of bills, leaving many—mostly small and local—businesses grousing. Clinton ended February with $16...

Obama Quietly Courts Edwards
Obama Quietly Courts Edwards

Obama Quietly Courts Edwards

Meets with Edwards, seeks endorsement

(Newser) - Democratic contender Barack Obama secretly visited former campaign rival John Edwards yesterday, seeking his endorsement, according to the Chicago Tribune. The media usually travels everywhere with Obama, but he managed to shake his entourage in Chicago on a day when his campaign said all events were canceled because of bad...

Clinton's Black Allies Defecting
Clinton's Black Allies Defecting

Clinton's Black Allies Defecting

John Lewis may switch vote; another House member already has

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is starting to lose the support of prominent black leaders—and superdelegates— who previously backed her. Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat who carries great influence in Congress, says he's now tilting toward Barack Obama. Another Georgia Democrat, David Scott, already switched, the AP reports. “Something is...

New Kid Works Old Clinton Mojo
New Kid Works Old Clinton Mojo

New Kid Works Old Clinton Mojo

Former first daughter works overtime to strengthen women, youth vote

(Newser) - Chelsea Clinton is the hottest ticket on her mom's campaign, but it's taken her a while to come into her own. Just last December, the media-shy Stanford grad waved meekly beside Hillary at an Iowa rally. And while she's still not giving interviews, the former first daughter isn't shy about...

Romney Vows to Chip Away at McCain's Lead

He pledges to fight after Super Tuesday for 'heart' of GOP

(Newser) - Mitt Romney vowed today to stay in the presidential race despite national polls that predict his fall by the wayside. Even a loss on Super Tuesday won't stop him, he said today on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos. He also accused John McCain's camp of having "stretched, twisted,...

Clinton Opens Up as Obama Clams Up
Clinton Opens Up as Obama Clams Up

Clinton Opens Up as Obama Clams Up

Falling behind, candidate adopts new playbook

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is loosening up, taking questions, and (gasp!) showing emotion as her campaign falls behind in New Hampshire, the New York Times reports. Barack Obama, meanwhile, has become a classic cautious frontrunner. Never a freewheeling, off-the-cuff McCain type anyway, the Illinois senator has now stopped taking questions at...

Bhutto Killing: US Hopefuls React, Adjust

Clinton, McCain, Biden play up foreign policy experience

(Newser) - On the campaign trail today, would-be presidents reacted to the murder of Benazir Bhutto by shifting tone and focusing on their foreign policy bona fides. In Iowa, Hillary Clinton talked about her friendship with Bhutto, which spanned the dozen years since she stood on line with Chelsea to meet the...

Campaign for Young Voters: Vote 4 Me! Pls?

Candidates employ new technology to reach youth

(Newser) - New technology has given presidential hopefuls a host of new ways to transmit the "Vote For Me" message, McClatchy reports. Campaigners are using social networking sites, YouTube videos, instant messaging, and even text messaging in a bid to gain an edge with young voters. But their target audience seems...

Campaign Ad Spending Sticks With Local TV, Ignores Web

70% of $3B spend will still go to television

(Newser) - This cycle's presidential candidates may have embraced grassroots web campaigns, but they have yet to spend significant sums on web advertising, the Wall Street Journal reports. Instead, they are sticking to local network television ads, which will account for 70% of an estimated $3 billion in advertising dollars. Evan Tracey,...

Clinton Official Slams Obama's Drug Past, Then Backpedals

Obama's people rip 'desperate' low blow

(Newser) - Clinton campaign officials are rushing to distance themselves from comments that Obama Barack's teenage drug use could be a big problem for the Dems, AP reports. Top adviser Bill Shaheen has apologized for remarks to the Washington Post that much of Obama's past was unknown and "there are so...

Revisiting Hillary-Rudy, Round 1
Revisiting Hillary-Rudy, Round 1

Revisiting Hillary-Rudy, Round 1

Clinton faced uphill '00 NY race—until Giuliani showed true colors

(Newser) - Before Rudy Giuliani withdrew from the 2000 US Senate race in New York, Hillary Clinton had become the “arms-folded sighing mother of a forever misbehaving teenager,” the New York Times writes, neutralizing her opponent’s skills and drawing out his temper. And, Salon writes, Rudy’s attempts to...

Obama, Edwards Take Aim
Obama, Edwards Take Aim

Obama, Edwards Take Aim

Hillary counters accusation of a 'poll-driven' campaign

(Newser) - Obama accused Hillary of dodging questions and running a "poll-driven" campaign before a crowd of thousands at an Iowa fundraising dinner yesterday, the New York Times reports. “Not answering questions because we’re afraid our answers won’t be popular just won’t do it,” Obama said....

Hillary Threats Killed Negative Story

Access to Bill denied if GQ piece ran

(Newser) - GQ magazine spiked a negative story about White House hopeful Hillary Clinton after her campaign offered editors a stark choice: kill the piece or lose access to Bill Clinton for a cover story. The offending article explored tensions and infighting at the heart of the Clinton campaign. Despite protests from...

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