
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Obamas Leave for Hawaii
 Obamas Leave for Hawaii 

Obamas Leave for Hawaii

Trip is for family time, to see aging grandmother, Dem says

(Newser) - Barack Obama departed for Hawaii today to kick off a week-long vacation with his family, Reuters reports. He’ll take part in a welcoming rally and fundraiser there, but will otherwise rest from campaign rigors. John McCain attacked his rival’s “beach vacation” in light of the hardships facing...

Why the Rift Isn't Healing
 Why the Rift Isn't Healing

Why the Rift Isn't Healing

Issues remain over Hill's campaign debt, role at convention

(Newser) - A little more than a month after the joint rally in Unity, NH, the Obama-Clinton relationship is still chilly, writes Howard Fineman, who faults both sides for letting their continuing squabble turn what should be a slam-dunk election year for the Democrats into a squeaker. For someone who’s running...

Obama Campaign Insular, Arrogant, Hill Dems Complain

Lawmakers cite lack of coordination with presidential candidate

(Newser) - Some Congressional Democrats say they're not feeling the love from Barack Obama's campaign, Politico reports, with the candidate inattentive to broader election strategy and his camp uncommunicative on the day-to-day message blitz. "They think they know what’s right and everyone else is wrong on everything,” one senior...

Economists 'Endorsing' Mac Plan Didn't See Fine Print

Of 300 signed on to support jobs plan, many tepid, or worse, on his overall agenda

(Newser) - On Monday, John McCain's campaign released a pledge of support for the candidate’s “Jobs for America” plan signed by 300 economists. But, Politico found in interviews with a sample of the signatories, many didn’t actually support many of the policy prescriptions in the Republican's plan—and one...

Obama Backers Cool to Clinton Debt Relief

Hillary campaign reports 'paltry sum' of less than $100K donated so far

(Newser) - Supporters of Barack Obama have yet to ante up any substantial sums to help retire the record-breaking debt Hillary Clinton accrued during her failed campaign, the New York Times reports. Many Obama backers scoff at the idea of writing a check for an opponent so eager to disparage their man,...

Obama Yet to Win Clinton's Big Donors
 Obama Yet to Win
 Clinton's Big Donors 

Obama Yet to Win Clinton's Big Donors

'Hillraisers' slow to line up behind Dems' candidate—and McCain's in pursuit, too

(Newser) - Big-money supporters of Hillary Clinton angry over her treatment during the Democratic primaries are slow to back presumptive nominee Barack Obama, the Wall Street Journal reports. A recent poll shows only 54% of Clinton voters plan to support Obama; recent analysis of donors who gave $1,000 or more to...

Mac Rests Up on Weekends
 Mac Rests Up on Weekends 

Mac Rests Up on Weekends

Some call it an error; others think it's best not to run candidate ragged

(Newser) - John McCain has held only one public weekend event since becoming the presumptive nominee in February, Politico reports. The downtime—used to rest, meet privately with donors, and bone up on policy—is frustrating to those who think the Republican hasn't done enough to take advantage of his early victory....

McCain Blasts Obama for Declining Funds

But Dem blames Mac for having to opt out of public financing

(Newser) - Following fast on Barack Obama’s decision to abandon public financing, a McCain rep said the Dem has failed “the true test of a candidate”—whether he'll stick to his word, Time reports. But Politico notes that an Obama rep blamed McCain: “Our campaign counsels met, and...

Obama Willing to Help Bail Clinton Out of $20M Debt

Peace offering from victorious Dem could help come November, too

(Newser) - Barack Obama might ask his supporters to help Hillary Clinton pay off her campaign debt, Bloomberg reports. Clinton has accrued more than $20 million, $11.4 million of which she personally contributed. Under a campaign-finance law (co-sponsored by John McCain) she has until August's Democratic convention to raise money to...

In '08, Drudge Coming More Out of Left Field
In '08, Drudge Coming More Out of Left Field

In '08, Drudge Coming More Out of Left Field

Tone-setting blogger stuns GOP by taking a shine to Obama

(Newser) - The powerhouse news-aggregating Drudge Report is surprising its loyal fan base by straying from typically conservative output, Politico observes. Editor Matt Drudge had gained the affection of Republicans and ire of Democrats through previous election cycles, but this time the reclusive blogger has displayed a certain fondness for Barack Obama,...

GOP in Shock Over McCain's Campaign
GOP in Shock Over McCain's Campaign

GOP in Shock Over McCain's Campaign

Doubters point to resignations, poorly organized team

(Newser) - GOP leaders fear that John McCain's campaign has hit the skids, the New York Times reports. A flurry of staff resignations, a hobbled national crew, and doubts about McCain's ability to capitalize on Democrats' troubles all add to the mix. Not to mention that McCain's drive is nowhere near the...

McCain's Media Chief Steps Down
Media Chief
Steps Down

McCain's Media Chief Steps Down

McKinnon doesn't want to work against Obama

(Newser) - John McCain's top media adviser is keeping his promise and stepping down from his role in the senator's campaign, the Washington Post reports. Mark McKinnon said last year that he had no desire to work against Barack Obama if he became the Democratic nominee. Insiders say the departure of the...

McCain Loses 5th Adviser Over Lobbying Ties

Co-chair's company banked nearly $15M from Saudi deals

(Newser) - A high-ranking John McCain adviser has dropped out over his lobbying ties, Politico reports. Former Rep. Thomas Loeffler, McCain's national co-chair, is the fifth lobbying-connected resignation from the camp this week—and proof that McCain is serious about his lobbying shakeout. But not all in the GOP are thrilled. “...

McCain Pitches Old Geezer Jokes on SNL

Candidate, 71, not too ancient to chase youth vote

(Newser) - Although renowned for his fiery temper, John McCain turned up on Saturday Night Live last night to poke a little fun at his age. "What should we be looking for in our next president?" he asked. "Certainly, someone who is very, very, very old.” If elected McCain,...

Obama Gears Up for GOP Smears
 Obama Gears Up
 for GOP Smears 

Obama Gears Up for GOP Smears

Camp McCain is seeking ways to attack without seeming racist

(Newser) - John McCain is prepping for a smear campaign this summer while camp Obama, ever cool and controlled, awaits the first strike. "It's going to be Swift Boat times five on both sides," said one McCain adviser who expects Obama to return fire. McCain's challenge is to hit above...

Obama, Clinton Spar on Iran, Gas

Dems hit competing morning talk shows

(Newser) - Obama likened Hillary's stance on Iran to George Bush's "cowboy diplomacy" on Meet the Press today, while Clinton took to ABC to defend the gas tax and told voters mired in the Jeremiah Wright controversy "We should move on." Tim Russert ignored her advice, however, and devoted...

Campaign Fatigue Grips Dems
 Campaign Fatigue Grips Dems 

Campaign Fatigue Grips Dems

On trail with no end in sight, both camps are exhausted

(Newser) - Barack Obama likes to joke that since his campaign started, "babies have been born and are now walking and talking," but he's hardly exaggerating. The last 15 months have seen staffers from both his and Hillary Clinton's camps get married, become parents, and grow increasingly exhausted as the...

Wright Received Death Threats
Wright Received Death Threats

Wright Received Death Threats

Controversial pastor returns to public eye as critical primary looms for Obama

(Newser) - Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose controversial rants scuttled Barack Obama's "post-racial" campaign, reemerged in the headlines yesterday just ahead of the Dems' primary showdown on May 6. Asked by PBS' Bill Moyers if he’d received death threats, Wright says: “Yes, and bomb threats at the church. People (are)...

Anchorage Mayor to Run for Ted Stevens' Senate Seat

40-year veteran faces corruption probe

(Newser) - The Democratic mayor of Anchorage will throw his hat in the ring today for the Alaska Senate seat Ted Stevens has held for 4 decades, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Stevens, one of the Senate's most notorious pork producers, has been reelected easily 7 times, but is now under federal...

Lieberman Campaign, Not Opponents, Crashed Site

Site was 'overutilized and misconfigured'

(Newser) - The FBI found accusations by Joe Lieberman’s campaign that challenger Ned Lamont’s supporters crashed the Connecticut Senator’s Web site on primary eve in 2006 to be unfounded, reports the Stamford Advocate after obtaining federal documents. Instead, it was probably Lieberman’s camp itself that brought down a...

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