
Read the latest news stories and cases of cyberbullying on

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2 Teens Charged in Case of Girl Who Hanged Herself

Rehtaeh Parsons committed suicide after photo of alleged assault was circulated

(Newser) - It took nearly two years, but charges have been filed in Canada in the high-profile case of a teenage girl who hanged herself after an alleged sexual assault and subsequent cyberbullying. Police in Nova Scotia arrested two 18-year-old males on child pornography charges, reports CNN . The family of Rehtaeh Parsons...

Teens Charged in Sex Assault After Girl's Suicide

Photos of alleged attack posted online

(Newser) - A 15-year-old California girl committed suicide in September, just days after she was allegedly sexually assaulted. Now, three 16-year-old boys have been arrested in the case, NBC Bay Area reports. Photos of the alleged attack were posted on the Internet; before her suicide, Audrie Pott wrote on Facebook that "...

Teen Rape Victim Killed Herself Over Bullying: Parents

Nova Scotia justice minister calls for case review

(Newser) - A 17-year-old Nova Scotia rape victim killed herself because she was relentlessly bullied about it, her parents say. "She would not be gone today if that didn’t happen—not just the rape," her mother tells the Globe and Mail . "What made it so much worse is...

9 Celebrities Who Were Bullied
 9 Celebrities Who Were Bullied 

9 Celebrities Who Were Bullied

Adele, baby boy mocked

(Newser) - Hopefully Adele wasn't wasting any time on Twitter after the birth of her son , because some "hateful trolls," as Mashable calls them, weren't exactly sending good wishes. Quite a few tweets mocked the singer's weight, including one from Joan Rivers: "Congratulations to Adele on...

Authorities Investigating Death of Bullied Teen

Amanda Todd found dead after telling bullying story on YouTube

(Newser) - Canadian authorities have opened a probe into the death of Amanda Todd, a 15-year-old who posted a YouTube video describing years of bullying, then apparently committed suicide little more than a month later. Amanda described in the video being pressured to show her breasts to a man online. He took...

Cyberbullying Less Common Than It Seems

17% of kids bullied in past year: study

(Newser) - Given the number of headlines we see about cyberbullying, you might think the problem is a rampant one, but a new study indicates its reach is a little more modest. Years of studies examining slightly different questions about the phenomenon have resulted in findings that "vary dramatically," says...

Bristol: Stop Bullying Me, Internet

Gay-marriage blog post prompts some over-the-top responses

(Newser) - Bristol Palin just learned the hard way that darkness can lurk in Internet comment threads. It seems Palin's post criticizing President Obama's gay-marriage stance upset more than a few people, and they let her know it in no uncertain terms. In a new blog post , spotted by the...

Teen Sues Facebook Tormentors for Libel

She turns to court after school, police, Facebook can't help

(Newser) - When a 14-year-old girl in Georgia discovered a phony—and degrading—Facebook page created in her name, she went to her school, the police, and even Facebook itself without much luck. The page stayed up, and its creators went unpunished. As a result, Alex Boston is now suing two classmates...

Internet Haters Tied to Model's Suicide

Claudia Boerner, 32, found dead after TV show appearance sparks attacks

(Newser) - Internet haters apparently helped drive a German model to suicide when they attacked her appearance. Claudia Boerner, 32, was found dead in her home after neighbors reported a strong smell of gas. Her death followed a flood of Internet and email attacks following a guest stint on a German cooking...

A &#39;Bullying Crisis&#39;? Come On
 A 'Bullying 
 Crisis'? Come On 

A 'Bullying Crisis'? Come On

Nick Gillespie: American children have it better than ever

(Newser) - With the documentary Bully coming out this weekend and stories of online bullying increasingly common, we must be in the midst of a "bullying crisis"—right? "I don't see it," Nick Gillespie writes in the Wall Street Journal . "I also suspect that our fears...

Dharun Ravi: 'I'm Very Sorry About Tyler'

Tyler Clementi's roommate gives his side of the story

(Newser) - Dharun Ravi says he did something a lot of college kids do: He unthinkingly pranked an awkward, less-cool roommate. But that prank was spying on a homosexual hookup via webcam, that roommate was Tyler Clementi, and Ravi has a hate-crime conviction to show for what he says was a moment...

Facebook Kills 'Most Beautiful Teen' Page

Photos triggered the usual nasty comments

(Newser) - Amid an outcry from parents, Facebook has quickly killed a page seeking the world's "Most Beautiful Teen." The page hosted a contest that sought teenagers' photos and had amassed a collection of sometimes suggestive photos, ABC News reports. The pictures garnered comments like "her nose is...

Cops Weigh Charges in Bullying Suicide

3 eyed for possible hate crime, harassment charges in Jamey Rodemeyer's death

(Newser) - Police are weighing criminal charges against three alleged teenage bullies who taunted a 14-year-old gay student for almost a year before he committed suicide , according to authorities. Jamey Rodemeyer killed himself earlier this week after blogging repeatedly about the bullying. No bullying laws exist in New York state, so the...

Hoax Sics SWAT Team on Home of Cyberbully Critic

Caller claimed he was holding hostage in Parry Aftab's home

(Newser) - Authorities are seeking a hoaxster who sent 30 police officers and a SWAT crew to the home of a prominent Internet safety advocate and critic of cyber-bullying. The man called 911 to say he had killed four people and was holding another hostage inside the New Jersey home of Parry...

Ex-Rutgers Student Accepts Deal in Suicide Case

Molly Wei gets community service over Tyler Clementi death

(Newser) - Molly Wei admitted her role in the cyberbullying case that led fellow Rutgers student Tyler Clementi to kill himself and agreed to cooperate with authorities. She will likely avoid jail as a result, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer . Wei must complete 300 hours of community service, attend counseling on cyberbullying, and...

Tyler Clementi&#39;s Roommate Charged
Tyler Clementi's Roommate Charged 

Tyler Clementi's Roommate Charged

Dharun Ravi allegedly sent fake tweets, tried to delete another

(Newser) - Dharun Ravi may have dropped out of Rutgers, but what happened there continues to follow him. Ravi was indicted today on a slew of charges stemming from his alleged use of a webcam to spy on a same-sex encounter involving roommate Tyler Clementi, who committed suicide shortly afterward. He faces...

Teens Arrested Over Facebook Prank
Teens Arrested
Over Facebook Prank

Teens Arrested Over Facebook Prank

Setting up fake profile was serious crime, police say

(Newser) - Two teenage girls in Florida are facing serious criminal charges for a Facebook prank they played on a classmate. The girls, aged 15 and 16, created a fake Facebook profile in the name of another student—a girl they were no longer friends with—and added photos doctored to make...

At Posh CT Boarding School, a Facebook Scandal

200-page private thread poked at classmates

(Newser) - It counts JFK, Michael Douglas, and Ivanka Trump among its alums, but the elite Choate boarding school's golden reputation has lost its sheen, thanks to a Facebook scandal that seems fit for an episode Gossip Girl—and is emerging as the latest Internet privacy/cyberbullying debacle. Officials of the Connecticut school...

Bullying: Nine Myths About Bullies
 9 Myths About Bullying 

9 Myths About Bullying

It's not always easy to spot—and sometimes parents are to blame

(Newser) - Bullying has become a cause célèbre (though some insist it’s not a crime ). In Newsweek , bullying expert Rachel Simmons breaks down nine common myths about the practice:
  • It’s easy to spot: The truth is, “kids are adept at stealth nastiness” and “bullies are

Facebook Cracking Down on Abuse 'Trolls'

Vicious online slams from strangers latest concern

(Newser) - Vicious "trolls" who heap abuse on total strangers on the Internet for fun are being targeted in a Facebook crackdown. Tribute pages honoring the dead, such as soldiers in Afghanistan, have become a recent favorite of the ugly trolls, reports the Telegraph . Facebook users can manually delete abusive messages,...

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